Friday, May 31, 2019
Robert Oppenheimer :: essays research papers
Robert Oppenheimer To build a give out capable of destroying entire cities at at one time they needed a person with a smart, fast and creative brain. That person was Robert Oppenheimer. Robert Oppenheimer was the brilliant scientist behind the development of the atomic bomb. While atomic bombs kill practically of people, the atomic bomb won the war against the Japanese (World War 2). This helped because we would not have stood a chance attacking the main island on foot. While Roberts name has become synonymous with the atomic bomb there is more to the story than that. J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904. After graduating from Harvard and analyze under Ernest Rutherford at Cambridge University, Oppenheimer received his Ph.D. in Germany in 1925. In 1929, he returned to the United States to teach at the University of California Berkeley and at Cal Tech. Upon hearing of discovery o f fission in 1939, Oppenheimer immediately grasped thepossibility of atomic bombs. In 1941, he was brought into the atomic bomb project and was asked to calculate the critical mass of uranium-235, the amount needed to digest a chain reaction.The next year he assembled a group of some of the best theoretical physicists in the country todiscuss the design of the essential bomb. General Wesley Groves, the army officer in charge of theManhattan Project, named Oppenheimer the scientific director of the program, and together they decided on Los Alamos, New Mexico, as the site for the nuclear weapons laboratory. Groves Mackenzie2 give tongue to of Oppenheimer, "Hes a genius. A real genius...Why, Oppenheimer knows about everything. He can talk to you about anything you bring up. Well not exactly. I guess there be a few things he doesnt know about. He doesnt know anything about sports (necularpages). The staff grew from 30 scientists to 5,000, all trying to fi nish work on the bomb before theGermans did. On the day of the test, Oppenheimer fully realized the enormity of what he had just accomplished. As he stood watching the mushroom cloud, he recalled later, a joint from the Baghavad Gita, the Hindu scripture, floated through his mind, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." This responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, and when he met with President Harry Truman in 1946, he exclaimed, "Mr. President, I have blood on my hands." (necularpages) He set up a research station for the Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Social Conflict and Inequality Essay -- Philosophy Economics Inequalit
cordial Conflict and InequalityThe social conflict paradigm is a possibility ground on orderliness being a complex system characterized by inequality and conflict that generate social change. Personal life experiences dictate me to study this theory is true. Discussion of the theory in question and how it pertains to myself will be c overed in the paper. Social conflict can be seen all over the world we live in in sports, politics and normal social engagements. The main point I have experienced with this theory would be the event that I dont come from a rich, powerful, and prestigious family, which in turn limits my chances of being successful. Karl Marx studied social conflict His entire life and precious to reduce social inequality. The social conflict theory can be described as favoritism. Society tends to show favoritism to the prestigious members of that particular society. Social inequality is shown throughout the world from situations of race, ethnicity, gender, and age. These factors may dictate wealth, schooling, power, and prestige. The social conflict paradigm views the patterns that benefit some people more than it would others, due to their social standings. Karl Marx was a sociologist who embraced the social conflict paradigm. Marx made his main goal to not just understand society but to reduce social inequality. Karl Marx devoted his life to explaining a contradiction in society. That contradiction was How in a society so rich, so many could be poor. Marx makes a good point here If the States is supposed to be a rich country and a free country where the streets are paved with gold and opportunity is knocking around each corner, then why is it that there are so Many poor people in America? The answer is social conflict. America does not grant the same opportunities to people from a poor family as they do with people who come from a rich and prestigious family. Two people with the same schoolman backgrounds and qualifications may apply for a job however, one comes from a poor family and the other from a well-known rich family. Through the social conflict that exists in the world the soulfulness from the rich family has a much grater chance of receiving the job than does the person from the poor family. The same can be said of a person of color and a white person. The typical African-American family earns about 54% of the income of the average white ... ...he fact that I want to prove the Marxist or social conflict theory wrong and become prestigious myself and not just settle for a working class position. The social conflict theory is seen everywhere everyday. The struggle to achieve despite the hand youre dealt at birth is part of everyday life. Sports teams draft second generation players because of their family backgrounds as unlike to another player with the same ability. Politicians are voted into office due largely in part to their economic stature. A poor person wouldnt get on an election would they? Not w ithout the deception of the public leading them to believe they were a rich individual. There is no escaping social conflict it is everywhere and will hold to be a part of society forever. Maybe one day Karl Marxs dream will come true to have society be on an equal playing field but do not look for that to happen in our lifetimes. Discrimination is a big part of society today and discrimination and favoritism is what social conflict is all about. Discriminating against a person because of their background as opposed to a person with a wealthier background happens all the time and social conflict is the reason for it.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Traits Of Adolf Hitler :: essays research papers
"He Failed as a student in classical secondary shallows, a blank space that contributed to his desire to become an artist. He went to Vienna in 1903. His years there were characterized by melancholy, aimlessness, and racial hatred,"stated by Alan Bullock (Allen Bullock 1962, 97). This does not lowering like the life of a the future leader of Germany. But what Adolf Hitler lost in scholastics he made up for it and then some in lead skills. Hitler, having great leadership skills, showed that leadership skills can be more important than brain power.A good education was something that Adolf Hitler did not have. He dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, spending only 10 years in school. Sadly, he didnt even get into a art academy, even though it was his goal in life to become an artist. Arthur Schlesinger says that "However in his last year of school he failed German and Mathematics, and only succeeded in Gym and Drawing. He drooped out of school at the age of 16, s pending a total of 10 years in school,"(Arthur M. Schlesinger 1985, 14) Even though he didnt have a normal summation of education, he still became the leader of Germany. Adolf Hitler, nevertheless, was a great speechmaker and when he spoke, everybody listened. He sometimes spoke several times a day, moving from townspeople to town seemingly tireless. Ken McVay had this to say about this subject, "He was a tireless speaker and before he came to power would sometimes give as many as three or four speeches on the same day, often in different cites. Even his opponents concede that he is the greatest orator that Germany has ever known,"sic(Ken McVay 1995, (Internet)). Though he didnt have a good education his orator skill, which is a leadership skill, helped him achieve his goal.Along with being a tireless orator, Hitler in any case possessed the quality to make everybody listen to him, a quality that most, not including Mr. Marcero, saline high school teachers could use. He would get the audience by presentment them what they wanted to hear, then he would manipulate the people to arose their emotions. "His power and Fascination in speaking lay almost wholly in his ability to intellect what the given audience wanted to hear and then to manipulate his theme in such a way that he would arouse the emotions of the crowd,"(Strasser 1993, (Internet)).
The Reluctance of Hamlet toward Killing Essay -- William Shakespeare H
The Reluctance of juncture toward Killing in William Shakespeares critical pointThe reluctant character Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, has turn over one of the most cited characters in history. Throughout Shakespeares play Hamlet knows what he must do, but avoids it in his mind. The problem is why does hamlet delay in avenging his fathers destruction? Hamlet is afraid. He is afraid of failure. Hamlet tries to play off his fear by blaming outside circumstances, like doubting the existence of the ghost when he knows in his heart it is true, and not having the right opportunity to exact revenge. What it all boils down to is a belief in himself, or pretermit of, that is a lack of self confidence. Hamlets excuse of doubting the ghost is displayed in his actions when they meet. Be thou a spirit of health or a goblin damned,/ bring with the mannerism from heaven of blasts from hell,/ be thy intents wicked or charitable,/ thou comst in such a questionable shape/ that I will spea k to thee. Ill call thee Hamlet,/ King, Father, Royal Dane (Act 1, Sc. 4, ln. 44-50)(51) Hamlets spoken language here clearly illustrate how Hamlet acts confused but honestly knows the ghost is true. Hamlet wants to doubt the existence of the ghost when he tells Horatio and the others, Never energize known what you have seen tonight.(Act 1, Sc. 5, ln. 160)(65) The mere fact that Hamlet hesitates to reveal that he has seen the ghost at all and swears Horatio and the other sentinels to secrecy, shows his want to keep the proof of his fathers death secret. When hamlet says, If his occulted guilt/ do not itself unkennel in one speech,/ it is a damned ghost that we have seen,/ and my imaginations are as foul/ as Vulcans stithy. (Act 3, Sc. 2, ln. 85-89)(141) Hamlet h... ...even though his heart believes. He hesitates because he is afraid of failure failure to his father, mother, and to himself. And furthermore, the tragedy of Hamlet would not have been much of a tragedy had H amlet not procrastinated. If he had killed Claudiuds the night of the play, Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude and Laertes would not have died. Some critics may say Hamlet did not delay. Some critics may take on the question, What is delay? clutches is to put off to a future time. Hamlet definitely puts off the killing of Claudius until the end of the play. Even if he has valid reasons to delay, he delays non the less. So critics who ask the question of whether he delays or not are completely wrong because there is no doubt in whether he delays or not, because he does. whole kit CitedShakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. T. J. B. Spencer. New York Penguin, 1996.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Autism in the Media Essay -- Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument
Autism in the Media Weepinbell, w-e-e-p-i-n-b-e-l-l Tentacool, t-e-n-t-a-c-o-o-l Geodude . . . , yelled Connor. We were playing his favorite game - identify and spell the names of all 156 Pokmon characters. Connor is a three-year-old boy I worked with as part of the SonRise therapy that his m separate organized after he was diagnosed with autism. During my thrice-weekly Connor-directed playtime visits, I entered his world instead of making him enter mine and encouraged affectionateness contact to strengthen Connors connection with others. I begin this critique of autism depiction in mass media relating my relationship with Connor because he informs my understanding of autism and colors my critique of media representations. For populate who do not know autistic individuals personally, however, perceptions of autism have been shaped, by and large, by character depictions in a series of feature films over the last xv years, most notably Rain Man (1988), House of Car ds (1993), and Molly (1999). I here examine these three films, each with an autistic main character, to approximate the image of autism presented to the public and to discuss how that image has changed in the last fifteen years. However, before an analysis of the films, I will briefly overview autism as it is currently diagnosed and treated. Autism is the articulate given to a set of behaviors summarized by the International Classification of Disease ICD-10 Handbook as1 1. Impairment in reciprocal social interaction. 2. Impairment in vocal and non-verbal communication and in imaginative activity. 3. Markedly restricted variety in activities and interests. Generally, autistic children are first identified by ... ...ons of autism over the last fifteen years reflect popular notions and hopes for cures to psychological disorders. Because mass media representations of autism reach a thousand fold the number of individuals who ready Psychology Review Today and other a cademic journals, films are an important source of information and a possible forum for advocacy and should be used as such. Bibliography 1. Frith, U. 1989. Autism Explaining the Enigma. Cambridge Basil Blackwell. 2. Hobson, P. 1993. Autism and the Development of Mind. Hillsdale Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 3. Mesibov, G., Lynn, A. and Klinger, L. 1997. Autism agreement the Disorder. New York Plenum Press 4. Grandin, T. 1995. An Inside View of Autism. http// Feature Films Rain Man (1989) Molly (1999) House of Cards (1993)
Autism in the Media Essay -- Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument
Autism in the Media Weepinbell, w-e-e-p-i-n-b-e-l-l Tentacool, t-e-n-t-a-c-o-o-l Geodude . . . , yelled Connor. We were playing his favorite game - identify and spell the names of all 156 Pokmon characters. Connor is a three-year-old boy I worked with as class of the SonRise therapy that his mother organized after he was diagnosed with autism. During my thrice-weekly Connor-directed playtime visits, I entered his world instead of making him enter mine and encouraged eye contact to substantiate Connors connection with others. I begin this critique of autism depiction in mass media relating my relationship with Connor because he informs my understanding of autism and colors my critique of media representations. For people who do non know autistic individuals personally, however, perceptions of autism have been shaped, by and large, by character depictions in a series of feature films over the last fifteen years, most notably Rain Man (1988), House of Cards (1993), and Molly (1999). I here examine these three films, each with an autistic main character, to evaluate the image of autism presented to the open and to discuss how that image has changed in the last fifteen years. However, before an analysis of the films, I will briefly overview autism as it is currently diagnosed and treated. Autism is the label given to a set of behaviors summarized by the International Classification of Disease ICD-10 Handbook as1 1. Impairment in reciprocal social interaction. 2. Impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication and in imaginative activity. 3. Markedly restricted variety in activities and interests. Generally, autistic children be first identified by ... ...ons of autism over the last fifteen years beam popular notions and hopes for cures to psychological disorders. Because mass media representations of autism reach a thousand fold the number of individuals who ready Psychology Review Today and other academic journals, films are an important source of information and a possible forum for advocacy and should be used as such. Bibliography 1. Frith, U. 1989. Autism Explaining the Enigma. Cambridge Basil Blackwell. 2. Hobson, P. 1993. Autism and the Development of Mind. Hillsdale Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 3. Mesibov, G., Lynn, A. and Klinger, L. 1997. Autism Understanding the Disorder. New York Plenum crushed leather 4. Grandin, T. 1995. An Inside View of Autism. http// Feature Films Rain Man (1989) Molly (1999) House of Cards (1993)
Monday, May 27, 2019
Causes and Effects Essay the Effects of Noise Pollution
Generally, Sound is very much important to our daily live, but noise is not. Noise is used as an pettish sound. Most of us every time hear the sounds in everyday life, likewise the traffic, the television, , Loud music, people talking on their phone and even pets atomic number 18 also shouting in the middle of the night.The whole things of these have come to a part of the culture and hardly annoy us. Moreover, noise is made by big trucks, household gadgets, vehicles, motorbikes on the road, crummy speakers and jet planes and helicopters flying over cites, etc.Health effects of noise contain stress and reaction also in tickerbreaking cases fright. The physiological appearances are headaches, feeling of fatigue, nervousness and irritability, and losses work effectiveness. Noise raises the risks of occurrence of sicknesses such as heart failure, profligate pressure, headache, etc.For instance, the siren of police, fire fighters or ambulance in your urban all night daily leave peop le (specially old people) anxiety and stresses in the morning. Stress, Blood pressure levels, and cardio-vascular disease connected heart problems are on the rise.Studies propose that high strength noise causes high blood pressure and increases heart beat rate as it disturbs the standard blood flow. Carrying them to a controllable level rest on our thoughtful noise pollution and how we challenge it. These in opportunity can cause further simplistic and continuing health issues later in life.Any annoying sound that our ears have not been assembled to filter can affect problems within the body. Our ears can take in a definite variety of sounds without accomplishment injured. Man made noises such as horns, jackhammers, airplanes, machinery, and even automobiles can be moreover loud for our hearing variety.Continuous experiences to loud levels of noise can simply consequence in the injury of our ear drums and loss of hearing. Noise also decreases our understanding to sounds that our ea rs pick up automatically to mystify our bodys beat.As you know that there do not occur several solutions to decrease sound pollution. On an individual level, everyone can help fall the noise in their homes by pull down the volume of the music system, radio and the television. Some people listen to music lacking headphones is similarly a good step forward. Exclusion of public loudspeakers is additional way in which the pollution can be disputed.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Reward Management
Since the Industrial Revolution the approach of HR changed from a pure fiscal approach to a core function at heart the line of work1. Human Resource could be beted nowadays as the most precious resource a attach to holds as it constitutes the link amongst the people and the unions strategy and goals. HR fulfills this role through with(predicate) 4 main activities staffing, reinforce focal point, employee develop ment and employee maintenance.This paper leave accent on return counselling and the challenges the company faces in finding the best centering to implement a reward management strategy that suits it. Different theories and practices exist however the company has to consider the postulate and desires of its own people and environmental context in rate to find the system that best suits the company. Theories and approaches One way to illustrate the link between different HRM activities is the Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna model. According to this model, HRM has 4 k ey activities Selection, Performance, increment and honors.Even though this model is said to leaves out the notion of managements strategic choice, it shows the coherence of sluttish HRM policies and the importance of matching internal HRM policies and practices to the organizations external business strategy2. Source John Bratton, Jeffrey Gold (2000), Human resource management theory and practice, countenance edition 1 See appendix I source Jean Moisset, Pierre Toussaint, Jean Plante(2003), La gestion des ressources humaines pour la russite scolaire, presse de luniversit du Qubec 2 John Bratton, Jeffrey Gold (2000), Human resource management theory and practice, Second edition Thereby, it can be said that reward management is actually closely linked to employee retention, training and development and strategic HRM.And without a clever practice of these activities, a reward management cannot be successful. Reward management was born(p) be go managers had to motivate their e mployees in gear up to reach companys objectives. A great deal of the ideology of work is directed at getting men to take work seriously when they know that it is a joke3 . Motivating the staff became a concern as soon as a positive relation between need and naughty performance was demonstrated.Motivation is not only used to achieve a certain amount of output demand to align with companys goals, but as well as put in the work of the employees an humane and selfsatisfying aspect. Throughout the last centuries, many studies fuck off been made. Some studies cerebrate on what people value as a decent reward, thereby how to reward (content theories) and others focused on the effect of a certain reward system, wherefore implementing this system (process theories). Among content theorist Taylor can be menti angiotensin-converting enzymed. For him, people were rational and only driven by financial rewards.Then, the Hawthorne studies showed social needs were as measurable as economi c needs. Abraham Maslow developed a pyramid expressing a hierarchy of needs physiologicalsafetybelongingnessesteemself-actualization. Each person stands at a certain level and testament need specific motivators. Some other content theories atomic number 18 motivation factors of Herzberg or Mc Gregors theory. From the simple theme of economic motivator, theories see moved towards the idea of needs. Secondly, process theories of motivation explain why a reward system has to be implemented.A first theory, the organizational justice, gives that employees need to perceive the organization as fair. either through the fairness of the rewards which atomic number 18 distributed (distributive justice) or through the procedures used to allocate rewards (procedural). The equity theory relies on the idea that individual assess fairness through the comparison with others who are in similar situations. Some also say that employees behavior depends on what they expect to occur. This is the e xpectancy theory. Employees ask themselves three questions in order to decide how to be possess Whats in for me?How hard I have to work to get it? What are the real chances of getting the reward if I do what my boss lacks? And finally, the goal- 3 Thompson, A. & Ryan, A. J. (2010) Employee reward in Beardwell, J. & T. Claydon, Human resource management A Contemporary Approach, Harlow Prentice Hall, 6th edition, pp. 490-530. 3 setting theory stipulates employees want to work towards dispute, yet not impossible, goals. Process theories underline that behavior is affected by individual differences, experiences and features of the organization.Employees evaluate the rewards obtainable for behaving in a certain modality and act consequently. However, people do not always behave consciously and when they behave in a certain way, they may not be aware of the behavioral options. Practically, there are two steps in the development of a reward management strategy. First, there is evaluat ion of capacities, position and potentiality of the individual. Then, focus is set on the remuneration. This can be monetary or not. Employees surveys are used to develop HR policies and practices.Through those surveys, it has been found that pay is only one of a number of factors that motivates staff, and may not always be the most important one. 4 The monetary reward system is simply define as the salary increase which can be calculated by different available systems (payment by result, performance related pay, financial participation) whereas the non-monetary type refers to the motivation and gratification of the employee. This is make through a psychological contract based on the concept of mutual understanding of obligations and promises made between histrion and employer.There are two different types of psychological contracts transactional, based on the monetary aspect and relational, rather based on people. This shows the importance of the environment in which people work . A good reward management system is able to attract, maintain and motivate people to work for the company5. 4 Armstrong M. , Thompson P. , Brown D. and Cotton C. (2006), Reward Management, Symposium Report, ereward and lease Institute of Personnel and Development, February 5 Henry L. Tosi and Massimo Pilati (2008),People management in Compertamento organizzativo, Egea basepay contingency pay (for performnace, competences or contribution) variable pay (cashbonus) share ownership benefits non finanlcial rewards financial reward arising form the wprk itself and environment recognition and responsability meaningfull work autonomy opportunity to use and develop skills carreer opportinities quality of working life work life eternal sleep COMPONENTS OF TOTAL REWARD Source Michael Amstrong, Helen Murlis, Reward management a handbook of remuneration strategy and practice, Hay Group, 5th editionThe main problem of reward management is that both the evaluation and remuneration process are dependent from market forces (comparisons, competition, unions, types of regime) and from internal management forces. The variation of the pay system can therefore cause a state of compression or dispersion of the employees which is translated in homogeneous or diversified payments within the company. These systems have both benefits and costs. As we have seen, reward management systems can be characterized by different approaches and theories.However, there is a trend towards transparency and homogenization and some key factors are repeated equilibrate between pay and benefits, work life balance, individual growth and development, and positive workplace. These can now be observed in some important companies ofttimes(prenominal) as Yorshire Water, Severen Trent Water and Das Legal Expases. Nevertheless, the theories and approaches are not always used in practice. This was due to a gap between evidence and practice, know as the knowing-doing gap. It has been shown that although theoretical reward strategies exist, business do not have enough time to implement them6 .Reward fiber In our specific case we can observe how Yorkshire Water, Severn Trent Water, Yahoo Europe, DAS Legal Expenses, Carlson Wagonlit and Isotron, who were not using the 6 Jean Moisset, Pierre Toussaint, Jean Plante(2003), La gestion des ressources humaines pour la russite scolaire, presse de luniversit du Qubec 5 appropriate reward system, changed their systems. They tried to adapt to their employees and give them the right motivational factor to work for the company. In each company there are some elements that were not taken into consideration.So, for an effective strategy the enterprises should analyze their environment and take into consideration all the players that can influence or that can be an obstacle to implement the right payment. Some of these can be unions, external factors, employee conditions, health and security, motivation, competences and retiring. Only aft er a broad imaginativeness of needs and conditions, companies can set up the right payment system. Ideally, it should also be flexible so that it can be modified accord to the business development and environmental changes7.Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is listed as one of the worse companies to work for. As we can see from different sources8, it has a very poor view of its employees and they have several problems when it comes to rewarding them. Their reward system doesnt take into consideration the motives and needs of its people. There is no link between performance and compensation. The company doesnt apply the attract, maintain and motivate people to work for the company9 policy. We also note discrimination, favoritism, no respect for the individuals and their private life in Wal-Marts work conditions.The key factors of reward management balance between pay and benefits, work life balance, individual growth and development, and positive workplace are hit in Wal-Mart. All of these observ ations have a direct impact on the company. Previous employees organized a protest against the expansion of the company in current York, and attest of the bad work conditions in shops. Due also to a high turnover people dont want to work under these conditions and the lack of communication leads to short term relationship between the shop managers and employees.Wal-Mart employees are not integrated in the company, they dont find oneself analogous they belong to it and it hinders goal achievement. From a theoretical perspective, Wal-Marts reward system doesnt match neither Taylor theory (the pay is not high enough), nor Hawthornes, (it doesnt take into consideration the 7 Gilman, M. W. (2009) Reward management, in Redman, T. Wilkinson, A. , Contemporary Human Resource Management. London Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, pp. 170-172 8 See accessory II Glassdoor , Wal-Mart salaries, , (30 November 2011) and Aling, channel of NYJWJ, Walmart workers speak out about busive th working condi tions, , (19 February 2011) 9 Henry L. Tosi and Massimo Pilati (2008),People management in Compertamento organizzativo, Egea 6 social needs of the employees), nor Maslows pyramid, (basic needs, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization are missing), nor Herzbergs, (there is no the motivational aspect). To redesign this reward system, we propose one that is based on payment by result, where employees are rewarded according to worked hours.Workers go away thereby perceive the company as fair, and Wal-Mart pass on keep its policy of as low wages as possible, both sides will be satisfied. As monetary reward is not really the most important kind, non-monetary compensations should also be used. There should be an emphasis workforces needs by implementing a decent health care plan. Paying attention to their physiological needs, social esteem, self-fulfillment, possibility of growth, will answer their expectation and fasten them do their best and work at their highest potentia l (the expectancy theory).Thus, the strategic goals of the company would be more easily reached. Instating a corporate culture would be another recommendation it will create a togetherness spirit and will ensure that the employees work in line with the companys vision. The firm is also encouraged to ask for feedback from its staff, so it will identify the most important problems and try solving them. Moreover, applying the goal-setting theory could increase employees motivation. Wal-Mart can determine some challenging goals with reward given up on achievement, employee of the month or special prizes for instance.As far as the equal treatment of the employees in terms of reward is concerned, there has to be a difference of pay between different types of employees according to differences in terms of work and responsibilities. Those with more responsibilities could be given extra perks for manakin. By doing so, Wal-Mart will have a better workplace environment, reduce the negative i mpacts that we stated above, and enhance the commitment of its employees to the firm. Conclusion In the fast-moving and changing globalized context nowadays, companies face furious competition and pressures.Reaching strategic goals becomes increasingly challenging. In order to do so, a company needs its people, from top managers to employees to be engaged 7 and productive10. Reward management motivates staff with financial compensations and benefits but in certain contexts, these reveal to be insufficient to retain talent. Workforce also takes into account the learning and development opportunities and the work environment. Although a good reward management enhances business performance, the Wal-Mart case illustrates that, some companies present a complete lack of reward management and have to cope with negative consequences.Reward ManagementManagement and OrganizationAbstract As an organization it is very important for the human resources to control employees, motivate them and en sure productivity. Business owners are searching ways to reduce the costs and maximize quality so it is very important to get the most out of every employee. One way to do this is reward systems. In this paper we are going to analyze the reward system parameters and discuss about evaluation criteria.Introduction According to Burack an incentive or reward may be used to motivate an individual or group. A reward can be anything that attracts the employee and make them work in joy. ncentive programs are mostly monetary but it may also include non-monetary rewards such as recognition, training, development and increased job responsibility. The French says that paying can be two ways1. Fixed Salary2. Reward linked to performance. Payment is happening one period to another depending on quantity or quality of work. The worker are paid according to work completed or items produced. The most important thing about rewarding system is to seperate the salary from reward. So rewarding system is needed to pay off employees their performance, and also they will enchance employee motivation in order to make the firm reach its goals. Also rewards modify consistency of services and reduces absences of the employee. Rewards make the firm a great and attractive place to work, making employees happier and well-trained. Having such employees will also attract customers, can you theorize of a better advertisement?The Key Features Reward plans include monetary and non monetary elements. This will be betterto match the needs of the organization and employees. The goals that the reward system is serving to has to be identified. Planning the incentive to be accurate and on time will be the basis of very succesful rewarding in order to make better workplace and organization. As a manager the plans have to setted by communicating the employees and deciding what is the most appropiate reward. Providing monitoring systems such as feedback will lead to succesful and accurate incentive. Rat her than the quantity, the quality of the work should be more important for the manager.Designing Reward and Recognition A very good example for recognition may be the employee of the month frame at businesses. It is a psychological reward that seperates the employee from its peers by the work he/she has done. Also as we have said before rewards can be tangible. It is very important for the firm to do effective rewarding system so that none of the employees will feel bad or useless for the organization. There are some essential factors for the rewarding system The rewards must be observable for all of the employees. So that everyone will be sure that the rewarding system is made fairly.The reward system needs to have realistic standarts that make the employees satisfied. The rewarding plan has to be conk and standartized to make sure that all the members can calculate the reward they will get for a certain effort. The standards of the reward plan has to be set high but realistic, s pecific, satisfying and effective. Standard is a plan that should not be changed is no necessary situations because it is a contract between firm and the employee. The rewards should be given oftenly to encourage high performance.Types of Rewards1. Monetary Rewards Monetary reward is the large raise or bonus payment that company is willing to give to the employee in order to motivate the job performance and meeting certain objectives. These bonus payments may be quick-motivators for the company. Good payments, incentives will make employees challange themselves but setting too much requirements will make the reward ignored. Also profit sharing will lead the employees to contribute more to achieve the profit goals of the company. Stock optionsbecome frequent in these recent years, this gives employees the right to buy limited number for a fixed price. This option is a long-term motivator for the organization. Some benefit encase may be given to employee such as insurance, good reti rement, company gifts, meals, entertainment, flexible working hours, housing etc.2. Non-Monetary Rewards Reputation and recognition is very important for a person to feel important and valued. The company should make it clear for the employees that good performance will be recognized. Some examples may be writing employee convey note, bigger desk, gift cards, personalized coffee mugs, games room, gym, child care, impressive job title, own visiting cards, own secretary etc. Also some informal incentives may be leaving early or coming late etc. Individuals are interested in getting others attention and increasing reputation.Conclusion As Herzberg and Maslow states The physiological and psychological needs and desires of employees must be met and maintained to keep them motivated. So it is important to satisfy the employees in order to keep getting tasks done and achieving goals. Both internal and external motivators need to be used to keep the employee happy and good performing.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 10~11
CHAPTER TENSafety system Demodocus drifted silently down separate(prenominal) the tail of the breath-h sr., moreoer the quiet hissing of his own breath in his ears. Breath-holders were c totallyed such because they hung there in the pissing for up to forty minutes, heads down like a singer, b bely holding their breath. Not swimming or sing or doing much of anything else. Just bring uping there, some quantifys three or iv of them, tails oxygenateing divulge like the points of a compass. As if some whizz had however dropped a handful of sleeping whales and forgotten to pick them up. Except they werent sleeping. Whales didnt really sleep, as distantaway as they knew. intumesce, the theory was that they slept with however half of their brain at a time, age the some other half excessivelyk care of non drowning. For an air- come ab egressr, sleeping in the water and not drowning is a big problem. (Go ahead, try it. Well wait.)Falling asleep would be so easy with the r ebreather, Clay mentation. It was very quiet, which was why Clay was using it. alternatively of using a tankful of air that was exhaled through a regulator into the water as bubbles, the rebreather sent the steeprs exhalation prickle through a scrub brush that took out the carbon dioxide, erstwhile(prenominal) some sensors and a tank that added some oxygen, and then back to the diver to be rebreathed. No bubbles, which do the rebreather perfect for examine whales (and for sneaking up on enemy ships, which is why the navy had developed it in the first place). Humpbacks apply bubble blowing as a means of communication, specially the males, who threatened one another with bubble displays. Consequently it was nearly impossible to rile close to a whale with scuba gear, especially a noneffervescent animal like a singer or a breath-holder. By blowing bubbles the diver was babbling away in whalespeak, without the slightest idea of what he was saying. In the past Clay had dropped on breath-holders with scuba gear, only to watch the animals swim off to begin with he got within fifty feet of them. He imagined the whales saying, Hey, its the skinny, retarded kid gabble of the town nonsense again. Lets secure out of here. exactly this season theyd gotten the rebreather, and Clay was getting his first ever decent footage of a breath-holder. As he drifted by the tail, he checked his gauges, looked up to plan Amy snorkeling at the surface, silhouetted in a sunbeam, a small tank strapped on her back ready to come to his return should something go wrong. The one big drawback to the rebreather (rather than a fairly simple hose on a tank as in a scuba setup) was that it was a very complex machine, and, should it break, there was a good chance it would kill the diver. (Clays experience had taught him that the one thing you could depend on was that something would break.)Around him, except for the whale, was a field of clear blue below, nothing but blue. Even with great visibility he couldnt bump into the bottom, some tail fin speed of light feet down.Just past the tail he was at a hundred feet. The navy had tested the rebreather to more than a thousand feet (and since he could theoretically stay down for 16 hours if he consumeed to, decompression wasnt a problem), but Clay was still wary of termination too deep. The rebreather wasnt set to mix gases for a deep dive, so there was still the danger of nitrogen narcosis a sort of intoxication caused by pressurized nitrogen in the bloodstream. Clay had been narced a couple of times, once while under arctic ice filming beluga whales, and if he hadnt been tethered to the opening in the ice with a nylon line, he would accept drowned.Just a few more feet and hed be able to sex the breath-holder, something that they hadnt done more than a few times forward, and then it was by crossbow and DNA. The school principal so far was, are breath-holders all male like singers, and if so, does the b reath-holding behavior have something to do with the singing behavior? Clay and Quinn had first come together over the question of sexing singers, some seventeen years in the lead, when DNA testing was so rare as to be nearly nonexistent. Can you get under the tail? Nate had asked. land photos of the genitals?Kinky, Clay had said. Sure, Ill give it a try.Of course, except for a few occasions when he was able to hold his breath long enough to get under an animal, about a third of the time, Clay had failed at producing whale porn. Now, with this rebreatherAs he drifted below the tail, so close instantly that even the fisheye lens could take in only a third of the flukes, Clay noticed some unusual markings on the tail. He looked up from the display just as the whale began to move, but it was too late. The whale twitched, and the massive tail came down on Clays head, driving him some twenty feet deeper in an instant. The wash from the flukes tumbled him half-witted three times befo re he settled in a slow drift to the bottom, unconscious.As he watched the pseudo-Hawaiian try to kick down to the singing whale for the eighth time, Nathan Quinn conceit, This is a rite of passage. Similar things were done to me when I was a grad student. Didnt Dr. Ryder send me out to get close-up blowhole pictures of a white-haired whale who had a hideous head cold? Wasnt I hit by a basketball-size gob of whale snot nearly every time the whale surfaced? And wasnt I, ultimately, grateful for the opportunity to get out in the field and do some real look for? Of course I was. Therefore, I am being neither cruel nor unprofessional by sending this young man down again and again to perform a hand business concern on the singer.The radio chirped, signaling a call from the Always Confused. Nate keyed the mike button on the mobile phone/ devil-way radio they used to communicate between the two sauceboats. Go ahead, Clay.Nate, its Clair. Clay went down about fifteen minutes past, but Amy just dove subsequently him with the rescue tank. I dont get it on what to do. Theyre too deep. I sack upt see them. The whale took off, and I cant see them.Where are you, Clair?Straight out, about two miles off the dump.Nate grabbed the binoculars and scanned the island, found the dump, looked out from there. He could make up out two or three boats in the area. Six or eight minutes away at full throttle. documentation looking, Clair. Get ready to drop a look tank if you have one set up, in case they need to decompress. Ill be there as soon as I get the kid out of the water.Whats he doing in the water?Just a bad decision on my part. bread and butter me apprised, Clair. Try to follow Amys bubbles if you can find them. Youll want to be as close to them as you can when they come up.Nate started the engine just as Kona stony-broke the surface, spitting out the snorkel and taking in a great gasp of air. Kona shook his head, signifying that he hadnt accomplished the mission. Too deep, gaffer.Come, come, come. To the side. Nate waved him to the boat. Quinn brought the boat broadside to Kona, then reached over with both hands. Come on. Kona took his hands, and Quinn jerked the surfer over the gunwale. Kona landed in a heap in the bottom of the boat.Boss Hang on, Clays in trouble.But, boss Quinn buried the throttle, yanked the boat around, and cringed at the bunny-in-a-blender screech as the hydrophone cord jailed around the prop, sheared the prop pin, and chopped itself into a whole package of expensive, rainproof licorice sticks.Fuck Nate snatched off his baseball cap and whipped it onto the console.The hydrophone sank peacefully to the bottom, bopping the singer on the back as it went. Nate killed the engine and grabbed the radio. Clair, are they up yet? Im not outlet to be able to get there.Amy felt as if someone were driving huge ice picks into her eardrums. She pinched her nostrils closed and blew to equalize the pressure, even as she kicked to go deeper, but she was moving too fast to get equalized.She was down fifty feet now. Clay was a hundred feet below her, the pressure would triple before she got there. She felt as if she were swimming through thick, blue honey. Shed seen the whale tail hit Clay and toss him back, but the good news was that she hadnt seen a asperse of bubbles come up. There was a chance that the regulator had stayed in Clays mouth and he was still breathing. Of course, it could also mean that he was dead or that his cervix uteri had snapped and he was paralyzed. Whatever his condition, he certainly wasnt moving voluntarily, just sinking slowly, relentlessly toward the bottom.Amy fought the pressure, the resistance of the water, and did math problems as she kicked deeper. The rescue tank held only a thousand pounds of air, a third of the capacity of a normal tank. She guessed that shed be at around a hundred and seventy-five to two hundred feet before she caught Clay. That would give her just enoug h air to get him to the surface without s brightenping to decompress. Even if Clay was unhurt, there was a good chance he was going to get decompression sickness, the bends, and if he lived through that, hed spend three or four days in the hyperbaric decompression chamber in Honolulu.Ah, the big oaf is probably dead anyway, she thought, trying to cheer herself up.Although Clay Demodocus had lived a life spiced with adventures, he was not an adventurer. Like Nate, he did not seek danger, risk, or fulfillment by testing his mettle against nature. He sought calm weather, gentle seas, comfortable accommodations, kind and loyal people, and safety, and it was only for the work that he compromised any of those goals. The in the end to go, the least compromised, was safety. The loss of his father, a hard-helmet sponge diver, had taught him that. The old man was just touching bottom at eight hundred feet when a drunken ditch hand dragged his ass across the engine start button, causing th e prop to cut his fathers air line. The pressure immediately drove Papa Demodocuss entire ashes into the bronze helmet, leaving only his weighted shoes poseing, and it was in his great helmet that he was lowered into the grave. Little Clay (Cleandros in those days in Greece) was only five at the time, and that last vision of his father haunted him for years. He never did see a Marvin the Martian cartoon that great goofy helmet trunk riding cartoon shoes when he did not have to fight a tear and sniffle for Papa.As Clay drifted down into the briny blue, he saw a bright light and a dark shape waiting there on the other side. Out of the light came a suddenly but familiar figure. The face was still dark, but Clay knew the voice, even later so many years. Welcome, Earth Being, said the vacuum-packed Greek.Papa, said Clay.Clair dragged the heavy tank out of the Always Confuseds bait well and tried to attach the regulator in order to hang it off a line for Amy and Clay to breathe from so they could decompress before coming up. Clay had shown her how to do this a dozen times, but she had never paid attention. It was his job to position the technothingies together. She didnt need to know this stuff. It wasnt as if she was ever going to go diving without him. Shed permit him drone on about safety this and life-threatening that while she applied her attention to set on sunscreen or braiding her hair so it wouldnt tangle in the equipment. Now she was blinking back tears and cursing herself for not having listened. When she thought she finally might have the regulator screwed on correctly, she grabbed it and dragged the tank to the side of the boat. The regulator came off in her hands.Goddamn it She snatched the radio and keyed the mike. Nate, I need some help here.Go ahead, sistah, came back. He be in the briny blue, fixing the propeller.Kona, do you know how a regulator goes on a scuba tank?Yah mon, you got to keep the bowl above the water or your herb get nettled and wont take the fire.Clair took a deep breath and fought back a sob. See if you can endow Nate on.Back on the always Baffled, Nate was in the water with snorkel and fins fighting the weight of half a dozen wrenches and sockets hed put in the pockets of his cargo shorts. He almost had the propeller off the boat. With luck he could install the shear pin and be up and running in a couple of minutes. It wasnt a complex procedure. It had just been made a lot trickier when Nate found that he couldnt reach the prop to work on it from indoors the boat. Then, suddenly, his air supply was cut off.He kicked up, spit the snorkel out of his mouth, and found himself staring Kona right in the face. The fake Hawaiian hung over the back of the boat, his thumb covering the end of Nates snorkel, his other hand holding the radio, which hed let slip halfway underwater.Call for you, boss.Nate gasped and snatched the receiver out of Konas hand held it up out of the water. What in the hell are you doing? Thats not waterproof. He tried to sling the water out of the cell phone and keyed the mike. Clair Can you hear me? No sound, not even static.But its yellow, said Kona, as if that explained everything.I can see its yellow. What did Clair say? Is Clay all right?She wanted to know how to put the regulator on the tank. You have to keep the bowl above the water, I tell her.Its not a bong, you idiot. Its a real scuba tank. Help me out.Nate hand up his fins, then stepped on the trim planes on the stern and pulled himself into the boat. At the console he saturnine on the marine radio and started calling. Clair, you listening? This is the Constantly Baffled calling the Always Confused. Clair, are you there?Constantly Baffled, cut in a stern, official-sounding male voice, this is the Department of Conservation and Resources Enforcement. ar you displaying your permit personal identification number?Conservation, we have an emergency situation, a diver in trouble off our other boat. Im dead in the water with a broken shear pin. The other boat is roughly two miles off the dump.Constantly Baffled, why are you not displaying your permit flag?Because I forgot to put the damn thing up. We have two divers in the water, both possibly in trouble, and the woman on board is unable to put together a hang tank. Nate looked around. He could see the whale cops boat about a thousand yards to the west toward Lanai. They were alongside another boat. Nate could see the familiar figure of the Count standing in the bow, looming there like doom in an Easter bonnet. BastardConstantly Baffled, hold there, we are coming to you.Dont come to me. Im not going anywhere. Go to the other boat. Repeat, they have an emergency situation and are not responding to marine radio.The Conservation Enforcement boat lifted up in the water under the power of two 125-horse Honda outboards and beelined toward them.FuckNate dropped the mike and started to shake, a shiver born not of temperature, as it was eighty degrees on the channel, but out of frustration and fear. What had happened to Clay to prompt Amy to go to his rescue? Maybe she had misjudged the situation and gone down needlessly. She didnt have much experience in the water, or at least he didnt think she had. But if things were okay, then why werent they up?Kona, did Clair say whether she could see Amy and Clay?No, boss, she just wanted to know about the regulator. Kona sat down in the bottom of the boat and hung his head between his knees. Im sorry, boss. I thought if it was yellow, it could go in the water. I didnt know. It slipped.Nate wanted to tell the kid it was all right, but he didnt like manufacturing to people. Clay put you on the research permit, right, Kona? You remember signing a paper with a lot of names on it?No, mon. That five-oh coming up now?Yeah, whale cops. And if Clay didnt put you on the permit, youre going to be going home with them.CHAPTER ELEVENThe Mermaidand the MartianThe depth gauge rea d two hundred feet by the time Amy finally snagged the top of Clays rebreather and pulled herself down to where she was looking into his mask. If it werent for a small trail of blood streaming from his scalp, making him look like he was leaking black motor oil into the blue, he might have been sleeping, and she smiled in spite of herself. The sea dog survives. Somehow maybe through years of instruct his reflexes to keep his mouth shut Clay had bitten down on the mouthpiece of the rebreather. He was breathing steadily. She could hear the hiss of the apparatus.She wasnt sure that Clays mouthpiece would stay in all the way to the surface, and, if it came out, the photographer would surely drown, even if she replaced it quickly. Unlike a normal scuba regulator, which was frightfully easy to purge, you couldnt let water get into a rebreather or it could foul the carbon-dioxide scrubbers and render the device useless. And shed need both her hands for the swim up. One to hold on to Clay and one to vent air from his buoyancy-control vest, which would fill with air as they rose, causing them both to shoot to the surface and get the bends. (Amy wasnt habiliment a BC vest or a wet suit she wasnt supposed to have needed them.) After wasting a precious thirty seconds of air to consider the problem, she took off her bikini top and wrapped it around Clays head to secure his mouthpiece. Then she hooked her hand into his buoyancy vest and started the slow kick to the surface.At a hundred and fifty feet she made the mistake of looking up. The surface might have been a mile away. Then she checked her watch and pulled up Clays arm so she could see the dive computer on his wrist. Already the liquid-crystal readout was blinking, telling her that Clay needed two decompression stops on the way up. One at fifty feet and one at twenty, from ten to fifteen minutes each. With his rebreather hed have plenty of air. Amy wasnt wearing a dive computer, but by ball-parking it from her pressure gauge, she figured she had between five and ten minutes of air left. She was about half an hour short.Well, this is going to be awkward, she thought.The whale cops wore light blue uniform shirts with shorts and aviator-style mirrored sunglasses that looked as if theyd been surgically set into their faces. They were both in their thirties and had spent some time in the gym, although one was heavier and had rolled up his short sleeves to let his grapefruit biceps breathe. The other was thin and wiry. They brought their boat alongside Nates and threw over a bumper to keep the boats from rubbing together in the waves.Howzit, bruddahs Kona said. Not now, Nate whispered.I need to see your permit, said the heavier cop.Nate had pulled a fictile envelope out from under the console as they approached. They went through this several times a year. He handed it over to the cop, who took out the document and unfolded it.Ill need both of your IDs.Come on, Nate said, handing over his dr ivers license. You guys know me. Look, weve sheared a pin and theres a diver emergency on our other boat.You want us to call the Coast Guard?No, I want you to take us over there.Thats not what we do, Dr. Quinn, said the thin cop, looking up from the permit. The Coast Guard is equipped for emergencies. We are not.Dis haole, lolo pela, him, said Kona. (Meaning, hes just a dumb white guy.)Dont talk that shit to me, said the heavier cop. You want to speak Hawaiian, Ill talk to you in Hawaiian, but dont talk that pidgin shit to me. Now, wheres your ID?Back at my cabin.Dr. Quinn, your people need to have ID at all times on a research vessel, you know that.Hes new.Whats your name, kid?Pelekekona Keohokalole, said Kona.The cop took off his sunglasses for the first time ever, Nate thought. He looked at Kona.Youre not on the permit.Try Preston Applebaum, said Kona.Are you trying to fuck with me?He is, said Nate. Just take him in, and on the way take me to our other boat.I think well tow bo th of you in and deal with the permit issues when we get into harbor.Suddenly, amid the static of the marine radio on in the background, Clairs voice Nate, are you there? I lost Amys bubbles. I cant see her bubbles. I need help here Nate AnyoneNate looked at the whale cop, who looked at his partner, who looked away.Kona jumped up on the gunwale of the police boat and leaned into the wiry cops face. Can we do the territorial macho power trip after we get our divers out of the water, or do you have to kill two people to show us how big your fucking dicks are?Clair ran around the boat searching for Amys bubble trail, hoping she was just missing it, had lost it in the waves hoping that it was still there. She looked at the hang tank sitting in the floor of the boat, still unattached to the regulator, then ran back to the radios, keying both the marine radio and the cell-phone radio and trying not to scream.SOS here. Please, Im a couple of miles off the dump, I have divers down, in tr ouble.The harbormaster at Lahaina came back, said hed send someone, and then a dive boat who was out at the lava cathedrals at Lanai said they had to get their divers out of the water but could be there in thirty minutes. Then Nathan Quinn came back.Clair, this is Nate. Im on the way. How long ago did the bubbles stop?Clair checked her watch. Four, five minutes ago.Can you see them?No, nothing. Amy went deep, Nate. I watched her go down until she disappeared.Do you have hang tanks in the water?No, I cant get the damn regulators on. Clay always did it.Just tie off the tanks and tie the regulators to the tanks and get them over the side. Amy and Clay can hook them up if they get to them.How deep? I have three tanks.Ninety, sixty, and thirty. Just get them in the water, Clair. Well worry about exact depth when I get there. Just hang them so they can find them. Tie glow sticks on them if you have any. Should be there in five minutes. We can see you.Clair started tying the plastic line a round the necks of the heavy scuba tanks. Every few seconds she scanned the waves for signs of Amys bubbles, but there werent any. Nate had said If they get to them. She blinked away tears and concentrated on her knots. If? Well if Clay made it back when he made it back he could damn sure get himself a safer job. Her man wasnt going to drown hundreds of feet under the ocean, because from now on he was going to be taking pictures of weddings or bar mitzvahs or kids at JC Penneys or some goddamn thing on dry land.Across the channel, near the shore of Kahoolawe, the target island, Libby Quinn had been following the exchange between Clair and Nate over the marine radio. Without being asked, her partner, Margaret, said, We dont have any diving equipment on board. That deep, theres not much we could do.Clays immortal anyway, said Libby, trying to sound more blas than she felt. Hell come up yammering about what great footage he got.Call them, offer our help, the older woman said. If we deny our instincts as caretakers, we deny ourselves as women.Oh, fuck off, Margaret Im calling to offer our help because its the right thing to do.Meanwhile, on the ocean side of Kahoolawe, cliff Hyland was sitting in the makeshift lab belowdecks in the cabin cruiser, headphones on, watching an oscilloscope readout, when one of his grad students came into the cabin and grabbed him by the shoulder.Sounds like Nathan Quinns group is in trouble, said the girl, a sun-baked brunette wearing zinc-oxide war aggravatort on her nose and cheeks and a hat the size of a garbage-can lid.Hyland pulled up the headphones. What? Who? Fire? sinking feeling? What?Theyve lost two divers. That photographer guy Clay and that pale girl.Where are they?About two miles off the dump. Theyre not asking for help. I just thought you should know.Thats a ways. Start reeling in the array. We can be there in a half hour maybe.Just then Captain Tarwater came down the locomote into the cabin. Stay that order, gr ommet. Stay on mission. We have a survey to finish today and a charge to record.Those guys are friends of mine, Hyland said.Ive been monitoring the situation, Dr. Hyland. Our presence has not been requested, and, frankly, there is nothing this vessel could do to help. It sounds like theyve lost some divers. It happens.This isnt war, Tarwater. We dont just lose people.Stay on mission. Any setback in Quinns operation can only benefit this project.You asshole, Hyland said.Back in the channel, the Count stood in the bow of the big Zodiac and watched as the Conservation and Resources Enforcement boat towed away the Constantly Baffled. He turned to his three researchers, who were trying to look busy in back of the boat. Let that be a lesson to you all. The key to good science is making sure all the paperwork is in order. Now you can see why Im such a stickler for you people having your IDs with you every morning.Yeah, in case some other researcher rats us out to the Conservation and Re sources cops, one woman said.Science is a competitive sport, Ms. Wextler. If youre not willing to compete, youre welcome to take your undergrad degree and go guard seasick tourists on a whale-watching boat. Nathan Quinn has attacked the credibility of this organization in the past. Its only fair play that I point out when he is not workings within the rules of the sanctuary.The ocean breeze carried the junior researchers under-the-breath whispers of asshole away from the ears of Gilbert Box, over the channel to wash against the cliffs of Molokai.Nate wrapped his arms around Clair and held her as she sobbed. As the downtime passed the first half hour, Nate felt a ball of fear, dread, and nausea forming in his own stomach. Only by trying to stay busy looking for signs of Clay and Amy was he able to keep from being ill. When Amys downtime passed forty-five minutes, Clair started to sob. Clay might have been able to stay down that long with the re-breather, but with only the niggling rescue tank, there was no way Amy could still be breathing. Two divemasters from a nearby tour boat had already used up a full tank each searching. The problem was, in blue water it was a three-dimensional search. Rescue searches were usually done on the bottom, but not when it was six hundred feet down. With the currents in the channel well, the search was little more than a gesture anyway.Being a scientist, Nate liked true things, so after an hour he stopped telling Clair that everything was going to be all right. He didnt believe it, and grief was already descending on him like a flight of black arrows. In the past, when he had experienced loss or trauma or heartbreak, some survival mechanism had kicked in and allowed him to function for months before hed actually begin feeling the pain, but this time it was immediate and deep and devastating. His best friend was dead. The woman that he Well, he wasnt exactly sure what hed felt about Amy, but even when he looked past the sexu ality, the differences in their ages and positions, he liked her. He liked her a lot, and hed become used to her presence after only a few weeks.One of the divers came up near the boat and spit out his regulator. Theres nowhere to look. Its just blue to fucking infinity.Yeah, Nate said. I know.Clay saw blue-green breasts gently bobbing before his face and was convinced that he had, indeed, drowned. He felt himself being pulled upward and so closed his eye and surrendered.No, no, no, son, said Papa. Youre not in heaven. The tits are not blue in heaven. You are still alive.Papas face was very much smashed against the glass of his helmet, wearing the sort of expression he might have had if hed run full speed into a bulletproof window and someone had snapped a picture at maximum mash, yet Clay could see that his eyes were smiling.My little Cleandros, you know it is not time for you to join me?Clay nodded.And when it comes time for you to join me, it should be because you are old and tir ed and ready to go, not because the sea is wanting to crush you.Clay nodded again, then opened his eyes. This time there was a stabbing pain in his head, but he squinted through it to see Amys face through her dive mask. She held his regulator in his mouth and was gripping the back of his head to make him look at her. When she was sure that he was conscious and knew where he was, she gave him the okay signal and waited until he returned it. Amy then let go of Clays regulator, and they swam slowly upward, to surface four hundred yards from where theyd first submerged.Clay immediately looked around for the boat and found nothing where he expected it, the closest vessels being a group of boats too far away to be the Always Confused. He checked his dive computer. Hed been down for an hour and fifteen minutes. That couldnt be right.Thats them, Amy said. She looked down into the water. Oops. Let me get my top off of your face.Okay, Clay mumbled into the rebreather.Kona was in tears, waili ng like Bob Marley in a bear trap inconsolable. Clay gone. The Snowy Biscuit gone. And I was going to poke squid with her, too.You were not, said Nate.But the artificial Hawaiian didnt hear. There Kona shouted as he leaped onto the shoulders of the stocky whale cop to get a better view. Its the white wahine Praise to Jah Thanks be to His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie. Go there, Sheriff. A saving be needed.Handcuff this kid, said the cop.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Lonely Heart
alone(p) Hearts by Wendy Cope is a statement on the disconnectedness and closing dark of modern urban center manner story. By showing the reader five different spate all(prenominal) searching for love, all in the same atomic number 18a of North London, all of whom take aim different but very basic needs in a love interest, Cope is highlighting the fact that current societal means of brush ones mate have changed. In addition the use of the villanelle behavior of closed form poetry pull ins this the presentation of a Greek chorus. solitary Hears is a modern verse which with its individual bank clerks for each verse, followed by a final chorus, which appears to be spoken by all of the narrators, gives the presentation of a Greek chorus (Campbell 66). This pattern adds to the devastation of each speaker, almost as if they step out of the darkness, state their plea and retire to the shadows. By utilizing this style of narration Cope is highlighting the disconnectedness and seclusion of these urban dwellers, all of who reside in a relatively small area of a large city but are unable to fall in people without placing a personal ad.Using the closed form rapid tone and rhythm Cope is following the path of many English poets who use this style of poetry to tell serious stories as well as comic ones. Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems Lonely Hearts and Bloody Men focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and Rondeau Redouble which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man.But same(p) so many English poets Cope shows that she understands the darker side of love and loneliness in Spared a poem about 9/11. Loneliness and isolation in Metropolitan areas is not a new problem, indeed loneliness anyw here is itself not a modern problem but with the growing universe of discourses of social media and internet living, people are connecting less one on one.In a research study commissi oned by the BBC in 2008, 30% of Londoners classified themselves as cosmos lonely, in contrast to the more rural Northern Ireland where only 21% report feeling lonely. Researchers also identified large numbers of people living alone, unmarried people, recently relocated people and people privately renting modification, all of which they felt reard to the social isolation and loneliness respondents reported(Dorling, Vickers, and Thomas 2008).Studying Copes poem it is apparent there are cultural differences between the narrators a Jewish single mother, a gay vegetarian, and a biker, Cultural differences also contribute to inner city isolation and loneliness, be they religious, sexual orientation, lifestyle or ethnic. In a 2011 by the Vancouver Foundation, the highest ranked social issues among 275 charitable foundations and 100 friendship leaders, of a widely diverse selection of communities and cultures, was social isolation and disconnectedness.Repeating the study in 2012, but in stead of polling institutions individuals where polled and over again as in the UK study, 30% of respondents reported loneliness or difficulty making friends beyond the superficial hello (Takeuchi 2012). Two cities 4700 miles apart highlighted commonalities among lonely individuals people who had recently moved to the city, who lived alone and who rented their accommodation privately.But in both cities this group of people, while having few friends would see them more frequently and be more likely to use social spaces and social media to neglect time with them. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter has become a common way for people to connect with friends and family an often person have hundreds of friends on Facebook with people reconnecting with lost loves and finding new ones but is this modern version of a community or is it just another form of social isolation?Academic arguments have been made for both sides of the story, with social ne iirks being blamed for increasing disconnectedness and on the other side of the coin social networks are being credited with leading to more diverse and wider groups of friends (Hampton , Goulet , and et al). Social media has also become a common way for people not only feel for friends but love as well. Looking for love in the Twenty First century has progressed from the simple newspaper ad lonely hearts as found in Wendy Copes poem, but is it any more sophisticated?Love is still love, people are still reaching out to find a person with whom they have something in common and loneliness is still unchanged over the centuries. Love, attractiveness and loneliness and all three unite have often been the focus of poets over the years from the short and pointed work of Frances Cornford To a Fat Lady Seen From the Train who the narrator deems as unlovable found solely on her appearance O why do you walk through the fields in gloves Missing so much and so much?O fat white woman whom nobody loves, (Cornford 34) to Willia m Butler Yeats Loves Loneliness which deals with the fact that love does not guarantee an end to isolation and loneliness (Yeats). In the classic poem of Edgar Allen Poe The Raven, Poe deals with the loneliness of having loved and lost, the sense of desperation and a slow decline into what appears to be madness on the part of the narrator gives this poem a dark and gothic feel, combined with the appearance of the raven.The underlying theme of this poem is one of everlasting devotion, even though the narrator is alone, he has lost his beloved Lenore, he believes the Raven will leave his life as other friends have flown before(Poe), he will not give up the memories of Lenore and clings to the hope that he will be reunited with her in heaven, leading the reader to believe that Lenore is dead.The classic English poet W H Auden also deals with the bolshie of love and the loneliness of bereavement in one of his most famous poems Funeral Blues in which a lover demands Stop all the clocks , cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, insisting that the world stop and stand for a moment to recognize what is occurring, what a great loss she has suffered, He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song I thought that love would last forever I was wrong.To have loved so profoundly and to be bereaved leaves the narrator with a sense of loneliness so deep it is apparent that nothing will ever be the same again The stars are not wanted now put out every one For nothing now can ever come to any good. (Auden) These two poems bring us to the age old question is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? In the case of The Raven the narrators lost love drove him into despair and insanity and in the case of Funeral Blues the death of her loved one meant life could never be good or happy again.So in the case of Wendy Copes Lonely Hearts what would happen if th ey found their loves? Wendy Cope addresses loneliness in many of her poems but in Rondeau Redouble she tells us of what happens when the unwitting heroine continues in her futile search for love despite meeting a variety of wildly unsuitable men There are so many kinds of awful men -One cant avoid them all.She often said Shed never consider the same mistake again She always made a new mistake instead (Cope) Instead of a litany of lonely hearts searching for love, here the reader is witness to a parade of depressingly awful men, each with their own foibles and idiosyncrasies, making it seem as if being single and alone is in fact preferable. Perhaps in the end the Lonely Hearts should take some advice from modern American poet Lloyd C Taylor who in keeping with the changing world of literature and the growing world of social media is primarily a web published poet.One of his better known poems Looking for Love asks the question of all people looking for that elusive perfect relation ship, So, youre looking for real love and companionship Youre disappointed no one has taken your hand. and when it becomes apparent to Lonely Hearts worldwide that the perfect mate is not out there, that that one ideal relationship does not exist Taylor has the perfect suggestion for finding that undying love and devotion for which they search, an answer which will end thoughts of loneliness Stop going round and round on your merry-go-round, My advice, friend, go out and get a good dog (Taylor).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Douglas M. Stillwell Vice President, Human Resources Memorial wellness Center Stockton F wholes, Ohio 43210Dear Mr. StillwellPlease accept my finishing for the Assistant Administrator position that appe bed in this months ACHE Job Bank. Recently I served as an Administrator in Training for Marion home base Health Care Center (add where that is). As my attached resume describes, I growed with that organization from October 2005 to October 2006.I am prepared to assume the greater management challenges at a larger health care facility like yours. My experience during my association with Marion House Health Care Center, included planning, implementing and evaluating many of the facilitys programs and activities. I reported my observations and activities to my direct supervisor, the facility administrator.Two of my academic courses proved especially useful while I served as administrator in training. The HSA 571 checkup Informatics Masters course gave me the knowledge and skills neces sary to participate in planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating health care information systems for the facility. HSA 685 Special Topics Quality & Cost & Consumer Issues in Health Care Masters course helped me develop a better awareness of the concepts and emerging issues in quality, cost containment and the growth of consumerism in health care.Thank you for all your beat and consideration. Your listed position offers an ideal fit with my professional background and career goals. I would appreciate an opportunity to interview for the position. I will telephone at the end of the week to discuss this opportunity further.Sincerely,Tejesh Patel, MHSALetterI require already uploaded our family pictures on our new Website. Practically took the time segregating and scanning the images by foliate and by year. I was also thinking about your move to run as Governor while browsing the site. There are good things and swingeing things associated with its duties and responsibilities b ut I firmly feel in my heart that you can overcome all the bad things that come with the position especially during the campaign. I acquire reared you to be a brave man of honor. Run as you see fit and serve your country, your countrymen and our idol well.Always remember to practice accountability. Make it your individualized policy to keep a detailed statement of your expenditures. When your separate accounting software is ready I can guarantee you my full support in tracking and monitoring expenditures, people and results. You need to personally check the flow of your transactions, money and the results to avoid sabotage. Keep your antennae out for information to safeguard your integrity in carrying out public duties. It is of all time a good thing to be transparent and honest. Treat your friends and your opponents with tact and notice. Always perform deliberate acts of kindness.Loyalty is never paid. Loyalty is being given out of deep respect for you as a person, of your vis ion and hard works. Never rely on loyalty that does non last long. You do not aspire to win for fame. Your goal is to win to help people. Ask respected higher ups for counsel periodically and spend time alone to think before you make any decision.A council is good but you are to pray for guidance from the most High One alone. God shall lead you as to how to perform your duties and how to help your people. Your basic strategy is to aim to do good, serve with compassion and do your works with passion. Make sure everyone knows you did the work by maintaining press releases, emails to higher ups and newsletters from your office. People have the right to be informed of how things are being run and you have every right to admit the good works that you have done.We are not to be silent with politics attacks on good works. But you are to be silent on politics attacks and smear campaigns on personal issues. We want to let you know that we can be silent with all the anticipated negative cam paigns directed to us and to you. A man who damages the reputation of another man is a man that cannot be trusted. Remember my son to be careful not to do that in your political campaign no matter how tempting. Always be transparent and deal with the issues in an objective way. You are a man, be always a man. Friends come and go so choose well.Listen with your heart and not your ears. Choose the ones that will serve you with great dedication and loyalty. Real friendships are hard to find. Feel their honesty and seek for their commitment through good works. The most effective way to conquer the hearts of your people and conquer the respect of your opponents is by beating your opponents through good works.You are an open target to an open world. You are to protect yourself and your people as long as you can. You have your mission from God, you have work to do and well always be here to wait for you to come home when you fail and feel like life seems to spin around down to keep you co mpany. I will not ask any questions for any failure you may encounter. I am your mother who will always keep you in my heart and love you forever as my child. God speed my son. Do what you have to do for the love of God.Loving you always,Your mother
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
BJB Manufacturing Company Essay
Instructor namePart II BJB Manufacturing Company lineament Management Theory The organizational direction leads way to research and greenback that Dr. W. Edwards Demings 14 point plan for perplexity. Demings theory for management has significantly emendd the effectiveness and lives of many individuals through the focus of timberland and usefulness especially in the workforce of organizations around the world. His theory allows for organizations and its employees to plan better for the future and better their processes, services, products, and relationships. Demings philosophy also institutes cooperation and processes for continual improvement in systems and communication. His 14-points for management focused on understanding slaying and change management to increased quality. It represented solutions to problems encountered by companies. BJB Manufacturing Company use of this theory includes suppliers, management, employees, and customers input for go on process improvement.Sug gested Quality Theory for BJB Manufacturing CompanyDemings 4 points for management theory does provide steps that ensure great quality. His theory transforms the manner in which managers conduct his or her jobs from a production standpoint and helps leaders to stay focused on the methods of improving the production system. The point is to have them avoid nidus on one area of the process. Demings theory also stresses that manufacturing is a system and that the supplier and customer are an important part of the quality system. When on that point is consistent feedback from the customers, it helps with the improvement of the services and products. The theory recommends steady improvement of individuals within the system, and the communication that goes on between them.Demings 14 Points-Customer-Driven and Process-Driven Quality Requirements Demings 14 points for management are applicable in customer-driven and process-driven quality management. Customers are the stakeholders and BJB Manufacturing Company cannot live without them. It is important fororganizational management, employees, and supervisors to look at things through the customers viewpoint of quality and how the company employs quality management throughout the business. When understanding the customers viewpoint of quality that is provided, it allows the company to implement the actions that must be taken to improve the quality, service, and manufacturing, and further refine the path to success (Foster, 2007). Companies in the manufacturing industry need to ensure that the products go beyond the demand of the customers, the value, supply, quality, and satisfaction.BJB Manufacturing Company will come upon this goal by employing cross-functional levels of excellence throughout the organization. The organization will ensure that the materials being used to produce the products are of the highest quality while conducting quality pull strings checks prior to shipment. The organization must empower empl oyees to identify concerns of quality in production of the compact disc changers and work to eliminate the barrier of fear in the company in order to improve the quality. Once the fear is eliminated and the company has established effective communication between the management and employees, the company can improve the production and services and be on a good path toward increased productivity which will exceed customer expectations.Demings 14 points for management are key to ensure good quality. Part II of the quality management focuses on instituting a climate of leadership, providing employees with the tools they need in order to succeed, happy chance down barriers to production, and inspiring employees which can produce a transitional climate capable of success. Demings 14 points theory of management can apply to secondary and large organizations, the service industry, and manufacturing. They equally apply to any division within a company and to its suppliers (Demings 14 Point s, 2011).Part III BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Implementation Strategy BJB Manufacturing Companys quest to develop a systematic process to exceed customer needs and expectation requires an implementation strategy that the whole organization can engage in a continued improvement process. This strategy to influence customer satisfaction must woo quality management issues within the manufacturing process and determine an effective means to provide focus across all aspects of the business. This effort of deploying the quality management opening night requires application across every business sectors andfunctions of the organization.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Birth Control vs. Contraception
According to Kippley & Kippley (1996), birth control is defined as a procedure of one or more medications, devices or actions followed so as to intentionally reduce or thwart the possibility of a woman being pregnant or big birth. The term birth control is frequently used synonymously with such terms as contraception, family planning and fertility control. However, birth control includes abortion to prevent a birth, while family planning methods clearly do not consist of abortion.Methods that are meant to reduce or lessen the possibility of the fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon might be more particularly be called contraception. Contraception is different from abortion in that contraception prevents fertilization whereas abortion ends an already recognized pregnancy. Procedures of birth control that might prevent the implantation of an embryo if fertilization takes place are medically considered to be contraception but typified by several adversaries as abortifacients. Rid dle (1999) said that oral contraceptive tab is considered to be the most popular kind of birth control.There are various brands of the pill and they come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. One pill is taken every day. The graduation 21 pills have a combination of synthetic substance estrogen and progesterone hormones. The oral contraceptive pill stops ovulation, stopping the ovaries from releasing eggs. Moreover, the pill likewise thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. Then, the hormones in the pill prevent fertilization. The pill is 92-99. 7% effective as birth control. In addition, it does not protect against reproductive tract transmissions, including human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS.Meanwhile, Riddle (1999) too maintained that condoms are called barrier methods of birth control because they put up a block, or barrier, which keeps the sperm from reaching the egg. Only latex or polyurethan (because some people are allergic to latex) condoms are pro ven to help protect against STDs, including human immunodeficiency virus. HIV/AIDS Greener (2002) asserted that human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is considered as a retrovirus, which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a condition in humankind wherein the immune system starts to fail causing life-threatening timeserving infections.Infection with HIV happens by means of the transfer of semen, vaginal fluid, blood, Cowpers fluid or breast milk. Within these body fluids HIV is present as both leave office virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The three primary routes of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles and transmission from an infected catch to her baby at birth or by way of breast milk. Screening of blood products for HIV in the developed world has largely uprise rid of transmission by means of infected blood products or blood transfusions.HIV has been discovered at low concentrations in the urine, te ars, and saliva of infected humans however, the risk of transmission by these secretions is insignificant. At present, there is no vaccine or cure for HIV or AIDS. The only recognized means of legal profession is evading exposure to the virus. Nevertheless, an antiretroviral treatment, known as post-exposure prophylaxis is said to reduce or lessen the risk of infection if started instantly after exposure. Recent treatment for HIV infection includes highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART.This has been extremely beneficial to numerous HIV-infected individuals since its introduction in 1996, when the protease inhibitor-based HAART initially became available. Present HAART options are combinations (or cocktails) consisting of at least three drugs belonging to at least two types, or classes, of anti-retroviral agents. According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), HIV infection is now pandemic. In fact as of January 2006, UNAIDS and the World Health Organi zation (WHO) approximate that AIDS has killed over 25 million individuals ever since it was first identified on December 1, 1981.This makes the disease one of the most destructive pandemics in recorded history. In fact, in the year 2005, AIDS claimed a intercommunicate 2. 4 to 3. 3 million lives of which over 570,000 were children. References Greener, R. (2002). AIDS and macroeconomic impact, S, Forsyth (ed. ) State of The Art AIDS and Economics, IAEN, 49-55. Kippley, John, Sheila Kippley (1996). The Art of Natural Family Planning, 4th addition, Cincinnati, OH The oppose to Couple League, 108-111,148.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mhp Nursing Shared Governance Essay
What is overlap close Making Point of Service conclusion Making where round who perform the work participate in decision making affec canisterg their milieu A 30 year old decision making model meant to give equal enunciate to nurses A decentralized style of management that creates an environment of empowerment shared ratiocination Making A Journey Not a DestinationWeTOTheyWhy Shared Decision Making Essential to achieving the better patient outcomes by giving nurses control of their serve they know best Recognizes the power already record in a role and allows that power to be expressed legitimately Builds autonomy into the professionShared Decision Making The ProcessA dynamic process that is centered on 4 hypercritical principles of fully empowered organizations Partnership Accountability Equity OwnershipOperational Definitions Partnership nursing module and leadership work together at the unit and system level to move apply former and achieve the best outcomes Accountability staff and managers share ownership for the outcomes of our work and are answerable to our colleagues, the validation and the community we serveOperational Definitions Equity Integrating roles to achieve outcomes everyone contributes withinthe scope of their role as part of the team Ownership Everyone must realize that success is linked to how well they do their jobsShared Decision Making Our Model maestro Advancement Council Administrative Council resort FirstCrd ooinating theatrical role & Safety CouncilCouncil unitPatient inquiry & Evidence Based Nursing lend oneself CouncilGreat Place to Work pro maintain CouncilFamilyCommunityClinical ExcellenceCouncilsCoo facts of life CouncilrdinatingCouncilThink of yourself as a PatientAPN CouncilResearch CouncilFinancial StrengthCCHS Shared Decision Making Councils Quality & Safety Council Research & Evidence Based Nursing put on Council Education Council Professional Nurse Council Coordinating CouncilEducation Co uncil Collaborates with unit and system councils to notice educational needs, develop educational priorities with discriminate time lines and determine resources for all education impacting the Department of Patient Care Services Disseminates approved educational strategies to unit leaders and support staff Develops and maintains a chat network between unitand systems councilsResearch & Evidence Based Nursing Practice Council Promotes the spirit of inquiry in clinical nursing practice Evaluates the literature in order to use best practices to transform clinical practice at the point-of- doQuality & Safety Council Provides figurened, systematic and collaborative approaches to oversee and direct quality and safety relating to the nursing process, functions and services provided. The councils scope includes executing improvement and safety measures throughout the Department of Patient Care ServicesProfessional Nurse Council Works to enhance the superior image of nursing withi n CCHS and the community Supports the spirit of the professional advancement program Identifies and supports implementation of recruitment and retention strategiesCoordinating Council Provides overall coordination of the systems councils. Reviews the system strategic plan and adopts the plan for the Department of Patient Care Services and the nursing Shared Decision Making structure. Serves as the portal for other departments or disciplines requiring assistance with the Shared Decision Making structure of nursing. line of work resolution The Old Way Problem identified by staff and communicated to manager Manager may or may not have asked for feedback about solutions Manager made closing decision or had final authority for approving a solutionProblem Solving The advanced Way Staff identify issues and communicate them to the unit council Unit council formulates a response and communicates this to staff Staff provide feedback via the comment form.How Does The New Way Work U nit Council Collects Data Develops a proposed plan using evidenced based practice Develops a time line Presents Plan for Feedback (Open Comment) Revises Plan Based Upon Feedback Forewards plan to system council, as postulateHow Does The New Way Work Unit Council Implements Plan Evaluates Outcome Report Results to Unit Staff Seeks staff feedback, formally and informally on councils performanceHow Does It Work Problem Solving Methodology come in an Issue or a Problem Gather Data Design a Solution cause Feedback Finalize a Proposal Implement Evaluate ReportIncreased Incidence of Pressure SoresProblemUnit ProblemUnit CouncilProblem Solving Model Results Positive OutcomesSystem LevelPractice ResearchProblemCoordinatingOperationsEducationProblem Solving ModelResults Positive OutcomesNurse Managers Role Create a climate that is actively supportive and not however tolerant of shared decision making Facilitate a leaning environment for staff addition and comfort with sh ared decision making Support release time for staff to participate in shared decision making activitiesNurse Managers Role Share with staff your intimacy of leadership and help staff to minimize implementation barriers Commit to the New WayRole of Unit Based Council Chair Set meetings Develop the agenda Move council to consensus Ensure members participate (per charter) Facilitate separate assignments Ensure consensus for decision making Call emergency meetings, as needed Mentor Chair-electBenefits of Shared Decision Making Increased Staff Nurse Satisfaction (increased autonomy, increased control over practice, improved communication between nurses, physicians and administration) Improved Nursing Retention ($90,000 to replace an RN 2006 Advisory Board) Improved Patient Safety OutcomesBenefits of Shared Decision Making Improved collaboration and team Building Improved quality of wish well and clinical effectiveness Increased staff confidence, personal and professional growth Development of new acquaintance and skills Increased professionalism and accountabilityRequirements for success. Place the Patient First and focus on providing the best care possible Trust and respect is essential Communicate openly and honestly Embracechange and filter for improvement Staff and managers hold each other accountable. Organizational support of accountability in the performance appraisal processFinal ThoughtShared decision making is a journey, not an event. It is not achieved overnight, and there is no conclusion no point when it is fully in place. It only provides a basis for further growth.Tim Porter-OGrady
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Cultural and Linguistic Differences in African and Puerto Rican Studies Essay
Academic failure in the linked States is common among African-American and Hispanic. Cultural diversity and linguistic differences ar among the causes. In order to solve this, teachers mustiness(prenominal) be knowledgeable ab come forward the effect of farming on the behavior, learning styles, and preferred teaching styles of the students in a multicultural classroom and use the differences for growth and development of the students. In multicultural classrooms, teachers must be aware of the needs of their students inside or outside of class.A teacher should not make inappropriate assumptions or judgment as the students may get estranged from ane an new(prenominal) and to the teacher. Students who grew up in different learning system respond and treat teachers differently and to avoid cultural clash and miscommunication, the teacher should be open to the students. Langu years difference is also an important issue that should be addressed. Teachers must not assume all the time that a Latino-looking student knows Latino culture.Bringing up a Latino culture in class can also be embarrassing. It should not also be assumed that thither are culture hierarchies as written in many an early(a)(prenominal) textbooks such that Caucasian culture is somehow superior to other cultures (Fish 2008). African-American students, like the Latinos, call for a high record of faculty member failure due to teachers differential attitudes towards African-Americans and diverse cultural ineptness.Every seven seconds of a schooldays day, one African-American gets suspended while in every forty-nine seconds, one African-American student drops out of school. In order to develop the education of African-Americans, education chopines should improve the knowledge of teachers and administrators about the African-American culture, its cut across on behavior and learning styles of the students. It is important to avoid biases because it may affect the interaction of the teacher to wards the students.A teacher must be able to signalize cultural differences among students and treat it with respect intervene when a Black students culture or language is being ridiculed recognize their biases and experiences do not allow students to segregate by culture, develop students appreciation to other culture crave a single level of excellence to all students do not judge students based on previous mistakes and accept that there are also language differences among Blacks (Keller 2005). The educational conditions of Latinos, like African-Americans, should be addressed.The function of Latinos who finished secondary education is way behind the White population. In 2003, only 48. 7% of Mexicans, 51. 7% of Dominican-origin, 63. 3% Puerto Ricans, and 68. 7% of Cubans have finished high school among 25 years and older. Among White students, the pose of high school completion is 84%. The statistics results are attributed to the historical educational condition of the Latinos i n the linked States where there is a continuous struggle in preserving the Latino culture and the Spanish language in the face of Americanization.Their education has been attached to the word immigrant even though the majority of Latinos are born(p) in the United States (Velez 2008). The number of Latino students has increased in from 6% in 1973 to 12% in 1993. Their work in elementary and secondary education is significantly lower than the Anglo students. In reading at age 13 years, Latinos are two years below the Anglos while in science, a 13-year-old Latino is homogeneous to a 9-year-old Anglo. In 1991, the dropout rate of Latino students age 16-24 was very high with approximately 35.3% compared to 13. 6% of African-American and 8. 9% of Anglo students. The dropout rate of Latino students was 2 ? times higher than the African-American students even though they have similar academic feat and socioeconomic status. This trend was observed since the 1980s especially among Latino s born outside the country. The dropout rate however of U. S. -born Latinos (24%) was to a greater extent than twice higher than African-Americans. The major causes of low academic make outance are low socioeconomic status and language.Many Latino children came from poor families whose parents are likely to have limited education and have difficulty in comprehending with English language. Students with limited English proficiency perform lower than those with full English proficiency. Among the 2. 3 million students with limited English proficiency, 75% are communicative (Slavin and Calderon 2000). The problem of choosing the right language for instruction cannot be solved through bilingual programs and English entry programs which abruptly shift to English-only instruction.However, Spanish-speaking students with limited English proficiency taught to transition to English from reading Spanish become better readers than students who are taught to read in English only. The focus of bilingual programs should be the theatrical role of instruction in Spanish. If students fail in Spanish, they wont succeed in English but, match from research, students who are successful in Spanish will be successful in English as well (Slavin and Calderon 2000).The academic slowdown of the Latinos due to inappropriate teaching methods is not acknowledged by many educators. They believed that the educational methods they are employing are enough and the problem relies on the students, students who do not go to school regularly and students who have special needs. The advanced academic strategies are not efficient if the educators will continue to perceive that students from different race with different language are disadvantaged and culturally inferior.The perplex social pathology or cultural deprivation is used to identify the academic failure of the Latinos, but it is ineffective and deficient-based. The same model has branded Latino students as mentally retarded, linguistic ally handicapped, culturally and linguistically deprived, semi-lingual, and at risk. Unfortunately, this model has influenced the educators and bilingual teachers to prefer Anglo students and lighter-skinned Latino students, and perceived blue-collar parents negatively than middle-class parents (Trueba and Bartolome 1997).There are researches which offer alternative models to explain the academic failure of the Latinos and other minority students motionless classify these students as in need of specialized modes of instruction. However, these alternative models are still inefficient for the Latinos. The teachers mastery of promising instructional programs for culturally and linguistically different students is not a solution. Educators must consider a critical assessment of learning environments in political contexts and not rely on invalid assumptions (Trueba and Bartolome 1997).Puerto Ricans, just like the other Latinos, have experienced many problems in U. S. schools but these problems are identified based from their backgrounds, culture family, language, and social class. In 1935, Puerto Rican students were classified as slow learners according from the root from the New York City Chamber of Commerce. The results were based from the intelligences tests administered to 240 Puerto Rican children. Latino communities including Vito Marcantonio, an Italian-American politician, were dismayed by the discriminating result.Marcantonio argued that the tests did not know other considerable factors such as social, economic, linguistic, and environmental factors faced by the Puerto Rican children. The movement towards promoting the Puerto Ricans was continuous and slow-paced. some(prenominal) researches were made addressing the educational issues of Puerto Ricans such as The Puerto Rican Study, The low gear Citywide Conference of the Puerto Rican, and The Losers. The status of Puerto Rican students was given more emphasis. It was found that there was a high rate of dropout. Low attendance rates, and poor academic achievement.The teachers and administrators were ascertained to be uniformed unsympathetic to the situation of Puerto Rican students (Nieto 2000). Although there is continuous struggle in changing the political program for the Puerto Ricans, the educational system and teaching methods have not adjusted. In an ethnographic research by Eugene Bucchioni, there were still assimilationist pressures in the teaching methods and curriculum content. There was a continuous discrimination to Spanish-speaking students and to a definition of nutritious diet where there were no Puerto Rican foods included (Nieto 2000).In the research The Puerto Rican Study, significant recommendations were listed in order to meet the needs of Puerto Rican children such as formulation of policy for the assessment of non-English speaking students recognize English as a second language only invest on improving instructional programs for non-English speaking pupils and others. One of the best solutions for academic failure of Latino students (Cordasco 1978). On of the best programs for Latino students and other minority students is perhaps to reform the entire school, including the curriculum, instruction, and paygrade.A curriculum by Slavin and Calderon (2000), Success for All, integrates innovative curricula and instructional methods in reading, writing, and language arts for elementary education. There is one-to-one tutoring for students with reading difficulties, family support services, assessment program for students progress, instructional strategies appropriate for Spanish language and Latino culture, use of Spanish novels, cooperative learning activities to assist transition from English to Spanish reading, and others (Slavin and Calderon 2000).Nowadays, maintaining a multicultural classroom is an increasing priority for educators which involves restructuring the classroom evaluation and punishment techniques and opening up for cul tural differences (Fish 2008). The population of Latinos in the United States is increasing and their needs should be addresses. The educational success of Latinos together with African-Americans is significant on the countrys economy and technological time to come because of the large population. The strengths of these populations can be the strength of the country as well (Trueba and Bartolome 1997). Works Cited Cordasco, F.(1978). Bilingual knowledge in New York City A Compendium of Reports, Ayer Publishing. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http//books. google. com/books? id=cyJxZ76vxM4C&hl=tl Fish, L. (2008). Building Blocks The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http//www. edchange. org/multicultural/papers/buildingblocks. html. Keller, E. (2005). Strategies for Teaching Science to African American Students. Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http//www. as. wvu. edu/equity/african. htmlsect1. Nieto, S. (2000). Puerto Rican Students in U. S. Schools, Lawrence Erlabaum Associates.Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http//books. google. com. ph/books? id=ZoSpQQ-sevAC Slavin, R. E. and M. Calderon (2000). Effective Programs for Latino Students, Lawrence Erlabum Associates. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, http//books. google. com/books? id=tEnSx4o_NXsC&hl=tl Trueba, E. T. and L. I. Bartolome. (1997). The Education of Latino Students Is School Reform Enough? Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http//www. ericdigests. org/1998 1/latino. htm. Velez, W. (2008). The Educational Experiences of Latinos in the United States. Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http//www. springerlink. com/content/h8632636146060t3/.
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