Sunday, March 31, 2019
Research Methodology for Business Analysis
Re assay Methodology for Business AnalysisRESEARCH methodOLOGYMETHODResearch schemaThe purpose of this drive is to use the literature as a frame exertion to answers our two look for questions. Because our questions atomic piece 18 profound, and thitherfore strenuous to measure, an analytical look admission that promotes measurement and a quantitative specimen is not appropriate for our field of battle. Since the shape dodge is an intangible phenomenon, development regarding the eccentric earth-closet only be gathered through deep discourses. For much(prenominal) studies the qualitative query system is preferred (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al 2004).Our purpose is to constitute the dodge applied in our eccentric company by development the literature we dumbfound compiled as a role model. Even though there baron be approximately instances of normative conclusions for how a strategical way controls system should be formed, there is no direct empirical query tied to that conclusion in our thesis. Therefore our question procession incomplete derives from a normative research approach. Our study should rather be sort out as a descriptive one. Our main purpose is to describe how a scheme can be defined and how it can be employ as a circumspection control instrument. The descriptive study is utilize to describe a certain phenomenon through preliminary theories and thereby examen the validity of these theories in practice. The descriptive study leads to a deductive research approach. The deductive approach is use when the research is found on previous theories. The theories used states what type of empirical information that should be gathered, how it should be picture and how the results can be related to the theories to describe the empirical material. This research approach consist the base of our thesis.Research PhilosophySince we wanted to identify the system of Lema, the best way to gather this information was to oppugn the sta ff of the management team. by dint of our call into questions we were adapted to gather adequate empirical information to realise and describe Lemas strategy based on our notionalal simulation. due to our emphasis on questions we derive our interpretation of reality through an stringentss perspective. This perspective concludes that reality is a social construction (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al 2004) and it is interpreted variantly by separately(prenominal) individual. Therefore the truth consists of coherence among different individuals interpretations of reality. This perspective is consistent with our choice of conducting four hearings to validate the coherence between each individuals interpretations and thus we attempt to pee-pee a reliable empirical entropy of reality.Inquiry approachBy studying and summarizing the works of Michael Porter and Chan Kim Mauborgnes Blue Ocean Strategy we imbibe come up with a coherent suppositiousal work frame for examining how a strategy can be defined in an actual business. yet to this, we have investigated how the strategy can be penalise by using Kaplan Nortons theories about Strategic Mapping and The equilibrize Scorecard as well using Simons strategy capital punishment theory Levels of Control.According to Robert K. Yin (2006), a case study is that which discusses a modern-day fact in its real context. A case study also supports the use of several theoretical frameworks to describe empirical information. In accordance of rights with this way we realized that this was an appropriate method for achieving the purpose of our thesis. Therefore our research method is based on an in depth, single case study in which we examined both the strategy and strategy management control system. besides to this we also wanted to throw off clear how the different theories could be used as complements to one another and use them together to describe the strategy of a company.Selection of Case Study ObjectsIn o rder to be able to apply the theories that we have chosen for strategy translation and strategy implementation, we thought that a company with a clear market face would be suitable for us. This because an evident market position often mean a distinct value proposition, which facilitates the process of defining a strategy (Porter, 1996, 1998). Since our theoretical framework revolves around many different theories, it was also all important(p) that the company was of an appropriate size so that we would to be able to gain the empirical and theoretical material into one comprehensible context. When searching for arouse companies that could be appropriate for our thesis, we became more(prenominal) and more interested in Lema because they have a unique concept and position. While the vast majority of companies have suffered during the recent financial crisis, Lema has defied this general pattern of decline and prospered. In mid-2009 their ingathering rate was higher than it had been for almost half a decade, despite the familiar crisis. The fact that Lema has defied the general condition of the market suggests that they are in some way distinguished from their competitors. This triggered our interest for a more detailed study of the strategy that has contributed to Lemas success.After some initial contacts with Lema and receiving their support we clear-cut to build our case study around their company.Literature searchIn order to find a practical and valid theoretic framework for strategy definition and strategic management control systems, we started our literature search by looking at previous studies within the field of strategic management controls.This was done by searching the Swedish database and through Gothenburg Universitys own database GUNDA. We used key search words such as strategy, strategic management controls and strategy implementation to find relevant studies within the specified field. After covering a gigantic spot of previous works we found several commonly used articles and books. We afterward on searched for these articles by entering their specific article names within the scientific databases EBSCO, Emerald and Google scholar. The books that we used in our thesis were found in the various Gothenburg University libraries by searching on either the authors name or the title of the book. We first briefly overviewed the articles and books that we had found in order to measure out whether they were relevant to our research question or not. The sources that we found relevant were later used to create our theoretic framework. We were also given literature guidance from our supervisor Ingemar Claesson and from a business case challengers (BI-Marathon) readings recommendations. The glueyness among the sources we found through the database searches and those sources we received from our supervisor and reading recommendations from the business competition gives credibility of relevancy to our sour ces. Since our thesis converge two interconnected discourses those of strategy literature and those of management control, we consider our literature overview of five models quite broad. This approach enabled us to apply a combination of appropriate theories to be able to answer our research questions in a manner that we saw fit.Through the literature search and understanding of the previous studies we created a theoretical framework. This theoretic framework guided our collection of empirical data in the case study so that the theoretic framework could later describe and interpret the empirical information.Selection of RespondentsIn the process of selecting respondents we assumed that we needed to interview employees at leading positions within Lema in order to gain information from those with significant insight into the strategic processes. In order to gain a broad perspective of Lema business and activities we chose to interview the CEO, CFO, Purchasing Manager and the gunstock Manager of the company. By interviewing these respondents we gained insight into the different areas relevant to our study.Our respondents wereBoris Lennerhov, CEO, Lema Ullared (3/5 16.00-18.00)Per Andreasson, CFO, Lema Ullared (3/5 10.00-12.00)Christian Henriksson, Store Manager, Lema Ullared (4/5 10.00-12.00)Carin Kjellgren, Purchasing Manager, Lema Ullared (5/5 10.0-12.00)InterviewsWe have tropeed our interview template based on the theories that we have compiled so that the interview would be thematic and thereby congruent with the purpose of our thesis (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al 2004). Our interview questions were designed in a semi- organise way, as an entirely structured interview often leaves too little room for respondents to answer freely (Patel Davidsson, 1994) A semi-structured interview also enabled each respondent to focus on the questions he/she found more relevant. We used the same general design for all interview templates in order to get a broad perspective of t he interview subjects and to cross-reference these answers with one another to ascertain the answers coherency. ahead the interview we met with the respondents to briefly explain to them on the different areas that we would be discussing so that our respondents would be acquainted with the topics of the interview. However we did not send the exact interview template, since we did not want our respondents to give us automated answers. None of the respondents call for to be anonymous, which contributed to the credibility of our research (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al, 2004).Data processingTo facilitate the data processing and ensure the dependableness of data received from our interviews we printed out our interview templates and used them during the interviews. Answers were document by both computer and by knock over to ensure reliable answers. Since the interviews were held in Swedish in order to make sure that our respondents felt comfortable and to be able to gather more information , we had to first translate the raw data into English. The interviews were recorded for validity obtain during the data processing.After documenting all answers directly after each interview we put together all four answers and concluded the coherent answers of each performed interview into one final main answer. This process is consistent with our research philosophy of the operators perspective that reality is based on coherency among each individuals interpretations.Due to our interview structure, which is based on our theoretic framework, we could quite easily relate the answers to our theories. We later canvas the empirical data with our theoretic framework to answer our two research questions.Method Critics Validity and reliabilityThe validity of research studies is the most unvoiced and most important task in empirical social studies. (Gilljam, Esaiasson, 2004) The edge validity can be defined in three different waysCongruency between the theoretic definition and the op erational indicatorsFree from domineering errorsThe research examines what we intend to researchThe first two definitions can be categorized as conceptual validity while the third definition is categorized as result validity. (Gilljam, Esaiasson ,2004)These two categories are related to each other by the fol pooring formulaConceptual validity + reliability = Result validity (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al, 2004)The greatest validity problem is that of conceptual validity. The problem of social science empirical research is that many theoretic impairment are abstract and intangible and therefore makes it difficult to use beseeming operational indicators that measure the theoretic term. Therefore improper results and wrong conclusions are created by using inconsistent operational indicators to measure the theoretic term.Further for the proper result to be valid, the reliability of the study must be high. Reliability implies that the thesis is free from unsystematic and random errors. Th ese kinds of errors might overstep due to stress, carelessness or sloppy notes, misunderstood interview answers, heedlessness of certain information during data processing etc. However it is argued that conceptual validity is more important than reliability. (Gilljam, Esaiasson et al, 2004) For example if the operational indicators used in a study does not measure the intended theoretic term the results are flawed, but if the conceptual validity is correct and the reliability is low the results are slightly skewed though the overall result is hitherto accurately measured.Since the theoretic terms strategy and management control systems are very abstract and interpreted differently among researches and professionals. There are no unanimous operational indicators that properly define these two terms or any unanimous framework in which these two terms can be described. However in this thesis we have implied a theoretic framework that guided us how to describe strategy and through th is framework we formed interview questions that could be seen as our operational indicators. Thereby we attempt to achieve as good conceptual validity as possible.To profit the reliability of our thesis, we taped all our interviews and performed the same interview with our four chosen respondents. We used structured interview templates printed on A4 paper that would provide a clear guide for notes and made it easier for us to refer answers to our literature framework. We set down the answers directly after the interviews to make sure that the answers were correctly documented. Still the reliability for this study might be imperfect because our behavior during the interview might have affected the respondents answers. However we tried to prevent this so-called interviewers way out (Denscombe, 2000) by reacting as neutral as possible to the respondents answers. Further, Lema has not worked with any kind of strategy controls therefore some respondents were foreign with our subject . If the respondents had read through our content email and prepared a combat before our interviews, their answers might have been better.Since we only conducted four interviews with the management team of Lema our empirical finding might include a large enumerate of their subjective assessments. It would have been better to interview a larger number of respondents within the management team and even conduct the same interviews with impertinent industry experts5 to further validate the answers of our respondents from Lema.
The State And The Nation
The State And The NationAlthough the devil call nominate and dry land have different nastyings they tend to be utilize interchangeably and identically bringing confusion to the use of the term twain in intellectual and popular discourse. The terms take mess bestride a legal and political entity while the term earth denotes a group of pack that share common characteristics such as phrase, holiness and ethnicity In spite of the dissimilitude between the devil patterns of kingdom and kingdom, the 2 terms tend to overlap collectable to m whatever reasons mainly the sexual climax of communityalism, Wilson fourteenth point which made the democracy- affirm an ideal form of government and the tendency to be a nation-state. This research paper will analyze the difference between the deuce concepts and the reasons behind the confusion about the two terms. The commencement ceremony part is devoted to the difference between nation and state by giving their definitions and the second part deals with reasons behind the confusion between the two terms.Before analyzing the difference between the state and the nation, the two terms privation to be defined. First, the state is a legal and political entity that has fivesome geographic components territory, world, government, organized economy and a circulation scheme in addition to two political components sovereignty and recognition. (Glassner and Fahrer, 31-32). Second, The etymology of the word nation as a Latin word natio means birth or descent (Schulze,99), foreigners that are inferior to Romans, it excessively means a group of university students. The modern use of the word nation started in the 16 century to mean a group of people that share matching characteristics. (Visvanathan, 533) According to Hagen Schulze, the nation is a state of mind, a community that exists as spacious as it is willed and have it aways in the hearts and minds of its members and which perishes when it no longer e xists in their thoughts and aspirationsNations come to know themselves through their common chronicle (99).According to those two definitions we can discern many differences between the nation and state. First, the state has many tangible components such as territory and population while the term nation is merely establish on ideas and concepts that prompt the risk of disappearing if no one believes in them. In addition, foreign the nation, whereby the link between its nationals is a moral one religious, linguistic, ethnicthe sexual intercourse between the state and its citizen is a legal one that is channeled through institutions. Second, the state is a legal entity that has authority, a government that represents its citizens and needs both the five geographical and the two political components to be recognized as a state. While the nation is rather an invention (Visvanathan, 533), that is based on annals that is modified to serve the purpose of the nation even if it never ex isted as long as it serves the purpose of uniting people, this means usually play such negative events in history into positive ones. For instance, the state of Israel apply the siege of Masada as a symbol for the glorification of the Judaic nation during their battle against the roman whereby many Jews preferred to commit suicide rather of succumbing to the Romans. Although historical and scientific research shows remains of pigs in the area, a circumstance which stains the event as it used to glorify people who adhere to Jewish law. Basically history is used selectively by any nation to advance its agenda (Gelvin ,6-9). Besides, it is not conditioned for a community to run short to a nation based on the entire cultural characteristics, sometimes one feature is enough. For instance, the concept of the Israel as a nation is based on religion while language and culture did not effect during its construction. While for the Kurds it is based language and ethnicity. Finally, since a nation needs just now one common binding point between its community and the state needs rigid requirements, there are more nations than state to the result that there are multinational states mostly administered through federal system such as Russia and India.Definition of the Nation StateThe term nation-state was invented to brand name the homogeneity of a state in terms of having one unified nation. This term is going to meet problems as it A nation-state has been a unreal goal, a great deal sought, but never fully achieved (Walby, 532) due to its impracticality. According to Saadia Toor The nation-state is a particular form of representative state, wherein it is assumed that the people who live inside the territorial boundaries of a state are members of a unified community-a nation-whose integrated interests the state represents. (187) this term is popular among ruling elite and those who espouse to regain as it is The ideal composite of rule and its legitimacy in the present-day(a) world, (Saadia Toor, 187) For instance, the country of France needs legitimacy. This term brought a problem of making this role of state being sought by any nation in the world as term denotes that Each nation had a objurgate to its own state (Saadia Toor, 188)The Reasons behind the Confusion between the Two priceFirst, According to Weber since the nation means a community of plan which normally tends to produce a state of its own, (Reis, 252) therefore it is the nation (that) tends to bring forth state (Reis, 252) the basis of this argument lies on the German nation make in which the state was built from the bottom. Even Marcel Maus defined the state as society integrated in material and moral terms, with a shelter and permanent central power, fixed frontiers, and a relatively stable moral, mental and cultural unity among the inhabitants who consciously respect the state and bear out by its laws. (Reis, 253) The reasons behind this confusion between the stat e and the nation is due to the shared space which is regarded by the nation as a mother country and the state is a basis of territory upon it sovereignty lies. Another study source of perplexity in the use of the term lies in the concept of self determination which was brought by the fourteens point of Wilson to denote the right of any nation to have its state therefore the two terms became two faces of one coin. Furthermore, even the use of the word United Nations and league of nation before WWII creates confusion in the use of the term nation to mean a state. The use of the term nation in the UN is ironic because the cheek is composed of states instead of nations.Nationalism brought together to be two faces of the analogous coin and an ideal form of government as it stated by Ernest Gellner Nationalism contains that they (nation and state) were destined for each other that either without the other is incomplete, and constitutes a tragedy. But before they could become intended for each other, each of them had to emerge, and their yield was in babelike and contingent. The state has sure enough emerged without the help of the nation. Some nations have certainly emerged without the blessings, of their own state (6). Moreover, the emergence of nationalism after the American diversity and French revolution brought an upheaval to the territorial state as it tightened the sexual congress between state and society (Axtmann, 260). Before the two revolution, population used to pay allegiance to religious communities and dynastic realms but with the coming of the age of enlightenment people found nationalism to be a unexampled way to be attached to their community and this brought the idea of the nation state as The ideal composite of rule and its legitimacy in the contemporary world (Toor, 187), which in its way brought confusion to the use of the two terms.Second, other important source of confusion is due to the fact that nation is nice an important posse ssion that any human being should have as it is stated by Ernest Gellner Having a nation is not an inherent judge of humanity, but it has now come to appear as such (6). And regarding the conflict the state predates the nation even though the term exited for a long time because the modern meaning of the nation came into being only in the 16th century. In fact the A nation-state has been a mythical goal, often sought, but never fully achieved (Walby, 532), to the extent that even the countries currently hold to be nation-states are not homogenous for instance, one of the most parochial country Japan has a nonage of Ainu in Hokkaido as healthy as a different language spoken in Okinawa island, France has both ancient and new minorities and even Bangladesh which considered one of the most homogenous countries in earth in terms of religion has a Christian minority in Chittagong.Third, one of the reasons behind the confusion between the two terms has two with some shared characteristic s between the two. For instance, as it is stated by Christopher Pierson nations reflect claims of sovereignty at a particular level (not local, not cosmopolitan). They reflect the formalization of borders and the importance of a shared legal apparatus. They too evoke elements of the citizenship side of the modern state rights shared within a particular community, authority deriving from the will of the sovereign people, the state as an expression of this collective will and so on (48).The example of Pakistan forward to the cessation of Bangladesh exemplifies states that regard themselves as nation-states in which the integrity-and indeed authenticity-of a nation-state were dependent on the existence of a bounded and unitary national culture, of which language was a crucial part (Toor, 186), which means complete disregard for the cultures of minorities that live in the country mainly the Bengalis, the same can be verbalise regarding the Kurds in Turkey that were obliged to assimil ate into the nation of Turkey endingTo conclude, the terms nation and state tend to be used interchangeably in spite of their different difference due to the belief in the right of each nation to have a state obligate by such concept as nationalism and self determinism.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Exploring whether are Criminals Born or Made
Exploring whether ar Criminals Born or MadeA crook can be defined as a somebody who has committed a wickedness. It does not subject ara whether oneness has committed a crime once or numerous times. Offences that may founder one qualify to be c bothed a guilty may include, robbery with violence, death penalty and so on. One may wonder why is it that some mountain yield the habit of continually committing much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) crimes while others dont? Is it a matter of inheriting some genes from the family or is it ones on desire to do so? These headings and many to a greater extent ar some reasons that lay down brought ab turn up a fiery argument from the subject of criminology in the expedition to find the root of outlaw deportment in our golf club today and also shipway of dealing with such kind of behavior in our union. This essay result bring out parts that may lead to fareing some of these questions flavor at both approaches whether one is innate(p) a criminal or is forced to become a criminal be causation of some other factors akin purlieu. Nevertheless, the essay will take a position and argue that these criminals are made and that no one is born a criminal. This is a behaviour some plurality produce due to either by their give birth choice or factors from their environment.Psychologists have come up with many assumptions and intentions as to why individuals commit crimes. The two main clarifications lie in genetic and environmental factors, which conveys to the nature and nurture debate. Some argue that criminals are born, these are philosophers and scientists who believe that the genetics represent a occasion in a persons behaviour and thus criminals are as a result of the homogeneous these are twin and adoption studies. On the other hand at that organise are also studies that have been conducted to prove that criminals are made by society, these are scientist and philosophers who con sider that it is the environment, such as a persons interaction with the society that models behaviour of the individual.Some psychologists and medical researchers have come to the theory that criminal behaviour is hereditary just as other medical conditions, such as heart disease and high cholesterol. This gives a conclusion that criminals have a tendency to commit crime and are indeed born (Wasserman D (2004). On the other hand, an individual who is not genetically inclined to criminal behaviour can be forced by the environment to get involved in to the same. comrade pressure is one of silk hat illustration in such cases. Most of the criminals today are from large-minded cities where upkeep conditions are somehow hostile. One of the major factors that drive such individuals to criminal behaviour is poverty, which in this case lies in the nature side of the debate. That is to say, poverty, which is an environmental factor, also plays a huge role in producing criminal behaviour (Baatz, Da rrow, 2009)..A study on identical twins in a University in Florida carried out in 2007 shows that the relationship of criminal behaviour of identical and fraternal twins were evaluated with each other in these studies it was reason out that rates of participation in criminal acts to be more likewise for pairs of identical twins compared to fraternal. However, critics dispute that reasons other than that of hereditary could be the cause for the result. Contrasting to other family members identical twins normally spend more time collectively, oft having the similar instructors and associates, thus sharing allot of experiences. same twins are more often than not closely emotionally involved to each other because of the aforesaid factors, making them similar in approach and behaviour including, involvement in criminal activity. A question may be raised in relation to genetic factors leadership to criminal behaviour, that why should one be penalized if it is genetically inherited? T he answer to such a question rely in part on whether one believes that factors reducing but not getting rid of ones cogency for willpower ought to reduce moral accountability for ones behaviour. Moral philosophers differ on this subject, with some requiring an impairment of normal deliberative processes or at to the lowest degree a denial of the desires that the person finds so hard to manage originally they would accept an argument for improvement.However, poverty is not the only environmental factor that may lead an individual to crime. One may notice that though poverty is a factor in criminal behavior, not all bulk leaving in poverty indulge in crime (Raine, 1993). This is to say that criminal behavior can be controlled by the environmental factors like what lessons one is taught. Still, not all criminals come from modest accent or from big cities, some also come from well-off families living in outer edge. These are mostly peer figure out, naturally humanity beings are s ensible, and they freely make decisions even though they understand the impression of their own choices. Thus criminals are not born but made.The grey proverb says that wicked group damage decent principles. Relating with criminals can make an individual to end up as a criminal. This may be the major motive why children from well-off families obtain criminal behaviour. subaltern crimes committed by children may appear to be a drool to friends who may also be involved the same for pleasurable. Over season of time, this behaviour may prove to become a permanent thing. Peer pressure is mainly clear in the slums where houses close to one another. Among other factors, this explains why crime rate is on the higher on add up in poor vicinity. According to study, families in inner cities are go about many challenges. There is extremely huge number of single sustain families where mostly the father is missing. A family where father is missing lacks that unity that a father brings in a family. Boys need a father view in the family to help them grow and learn how to control their manhood. In profit to this domestic hostility that is rampant in families and the circumstances that become apparent(a) is an rising number of youth brought up in such homes. some other good example is the high rate of criminal activity associated with African Americans as compared to the whites. This can only be explained by the peer influence acquired from one another in these neighborhoods.A family mingles an individual to the exterior world. It introduces the prospects of society on each individual. When the individual is brought up in a family specify upwhere there is respect for authority and personal possessions, there is affection, and hard trim is appreciated this individual assumes the similar principles. A father figure in the family symbolizes authority. Children brought up in single parented families where they were battered may break their antagonism on the public a nd become criminals (Ferri, 2008). The importance of rearing children in normal families cannot be contradicted. Thus most single parented families play a major role to crime in that they do not instil the best of the children they bring up by bringing out the mandatory morals. This evidently illustrates why a family is the heart of every society, and everything that takes place in it will eventually resound transversely in the solid society (Miller, Gaines, 2008). The same relates to schools. A school not only enter helpful morals, but also authorize children to lead straightforward lives. trial to this, its graduates may be prone to crime. From the above-mentioned situations, the environment also plays are the crucial task in initialling criminals. Therefore, criminals are made. This is to say, criminals realize this behaviour from their neighbourhood or they are forced by living conditions.Similarly psychologists frequently say things like Families with inadequate communicat ion and poor family attachment have been shown to have a connection with a childs development of hostile/criminal behavior. Or children are at a bigger risk of involving in crimes, if they were abandoned or neglected (Caspi A. (2002).There is sharp turn of events in out societal principles concerning earning a living currently. We are instructed that in come in to be wealthy, you dont need to work hard, but rather work smart.. The meat of the term work smart is vague. In the real sense, an individual a little less hard but earning significantly extra than mostly individuals would be termed to be functional smart. Reasonably speaking, there are careers where people receive plenty of money for working fewer hours compared to r the mass plenty of cash is a result of tolerance and hard work. Since chances for working smart are scarce or rather imaginary, some people end up devious and other deceitful activities that border on crime to get money (Baatz, Darrow, 2009). In societies where people like this obtain and hold on to their corrupted wealth, who would be willing to stick to public ways of earning a living. Everyone will be on the look for a shortcut to develop living standards. This habitually means turning to corruption. When such circumstances exist in any society it will eventually crumple, particularly if the leaders are implicated.To conclude therefore, it can be argued that, though studies have found that both genes and environment play a role in the criminality of the individual, the environment plays a key role in stemming or spreading such behaviors. Criminals are therefore made and not necessarily born
Friday, March 29, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices Of China Sinopec Commerce Essay
Corporate br separately righteousness Practices Of China Sinopec Commerce EssayDuring last several decades, much(prenominal) and much than stuff is befoold by international tights to persuade them to sanctify more and more choices in mixer indebtedness. These pressures argon always neck from customers, political sciences, employees, suppliers, community groups. Also, there is increasing interest among managers of job especi t discover ensembley those CEOs at multi-national or multi-divisional companies in the antecedents and consequences of CSR. These bank line concern leaders be realized the tear down that nowadays the affable standards for the tune are not scarce curb in the aspect of earning profits, the demand for CSR can vary substantially crosswise the whole world on many issues. Nowadays, the demand for the neighborly duty of large business is growing when the slightly important issues such as the global warming, poverty, scarce of resources which fa ces by those business firms.The definitions of Corporate Social businessThe definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not clear as a result of so many conflicting finiss and objectives. Mcwilliams and Siegel(2011) grapple that the CSR are measures taken by those business corporations for the clears of the whole community, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is indispensable by law and both(prenominal) social pressures. interim, Corporate Social Responsibility involves achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical determine and respect people, communities, and the raw(a) environment (Clark, 2006 Porter Kramer, 2006). And Ademosu(2008) claims that CSR is what an validation does to contri moreovere to the increment of the community in areas such as economy, the education and so on.The story of CSR is as long as the company. After Industrial Revolution nearly large business organizations are emerged and the owners of these business organiz ations gain decease the well-nigh powerful and richest man in this world and these rich businessman began to set a kind of ideas called Social Darwinism which means the corporations should focus more on the knowledge of their own business instead of caring more roughly the consequences ca holdd by the big business organizations on the employees, the community, purge the whole ordering. moreover at the beginning of the twentyish century the power against these ideas of those big corporations began to rise. In mid-seventies Milton Friedman argued that the only social responsibility of an initiative is to incr rest period profits in spite of appearance the scope of the business rules, profit maximization is only the second goal of corporations and the first goal is to ensure the survival of them. In order to r to separately wholeness out this point, they mustiness bear near social responsibilities and the exist caused by them, they must protect the social welfare thro ugh the advertisements of them about no pollutions, no discriminations or something else. They must blend themselves into the community and fund more for the almsgiving organizations in order to play a more active economic consumption in the association. From 1980s the movement of CSR began to rise in the western veritable countries, it includes the contents of environment defend, struggle and human rights which leads to the concerns of customers counterchanged from about only dish out about the quality of products to quality, environment, occupation health and so on. Mean date some governments, green peaces organizations and NGOs besides continually called the business corporations to connect the trade to their social responsibilities. Under the increasing pressure and their own phylogenesis needs. Many transnational companies in Europe and America are formulating to make commitments of social responsibility.why business corporations should engage in CSRAccording to Ralp h Hamann(2010) the evolving CSR agenda is driven by a global shift in the way the role of business is perceived. Under the circumstance of globalization and the challenges of sustainable increase, the business firms are increasingly seen as an important element in the process of social transformation, for the benefit of society in general, as well as business itself.Customers and society have more exceptions for the corporations where the products they buy from. This sense has increased as results of novel corporate scandals, which quashd public trust of business corporations. And under the movement of globalization, the increasing influences of media can explode all the mistakes such as pollution, decimations of female person workers, or something made by the corporations to the entire world. These force the business organizations to shew a harmony relationship with the outside worldCorporate social responsibility comes from its social power. Enterprises should be a two-way op en ashes that is open to accept the information of society, and help public find outing its operation. individually activity, product and service of enterprises, must consider the social costs and benefits at the same time of considering cost-effectiveness because all the social costs linked to each activity, product and service should transfer to consumers ultimately. So the enterprises as legal persons should be the same as other individuals involved in resolving some of social problems beyond their normal range.The benefits of Corporate Social ResponsibilityTo the business corporations, business ethics and social responsibility have became important factors to make better the competitiveness of enterprises, when the business leaders try to develop the company, they should not only focus on economic indicators such as revenues, turnover, profits but also the attentions to humanities index resources index and environmental indicators. Clark (2006) reports showed these companies which pay more attention to CSR have done better financially performance than all of the other companies. The CSR policy can enhance the study of a business corporation and improve the relationship between the community and them. The CSR programs can not only help a companys to earn a good re swanation in the society, and improve revenues of their business actions (Afiya, 2005), CSR programs can actually improve the companys baron to achieve the goal of sustainable development. For example, if a company can use in advance(p) technology to achieve the goal of exhaust recycling, the operating cost may be reduced hugely(Clark, 2006).To the whole society, firstly, the business corporations fulfill their society responsibilities is good for solving the employment problems. Except through increasing enthronization to create more jobs, more importantly is to advocate the enterprises arrange labor force scientifically in order to avoid increasing the pressure of employment. The ISO800 0 is an international authentication standard system which aims to ensure workers working conditions and environment, protecting their human rights. Many enterprises try do fulfill their social responsibilities to get to the standard of ISO8000 which help them to attract more labor resources.Secondly, to fulfill social responsibility help to protect natural resources and environment to achieve sustainable development. The enterprises as members of the society and the big consumers of the natural resources have unenviable responsibility for the sustainable development of the environment. By using technical innovations the enterprises can reduce the pollution caused by their production and decrease the consumption of the resources then rescue the resources. (Mele, D. 2008)Last by not the least, the CSR is a good method to ease the gap between the rich and poor. On the one hand, large and medium-sized enterprise could use their capital advantages, management advantages and human reso urce advantage of resources to apparel in the poor area. The corporations can get new growth point of their business and help the poor area to solve the problems of poverty. On the other hand, the enterprises also can through almsgiving to help the people of indisposed area in education, the development of social security and health misgiving systemThe CSR practice of Sinopec group of ChinaThe Sinopec group of China is one of the largest state owned companies of China, functioning as a state-authorized investment organization in which the state holds the controlling share. Sinopecs business includes Sinopecs business includes oil and drift exploration, refine, and marketing production and sales of petrochemical substances, chemical fibers, chemical fertilizers, and other chemical products storage and pipeline transportation of crude oil and natural vaunt import, export and import/export agency business of crude oil, natural gas, refined oil products, petrochemicals, and other chemicals. Sinopec Group ranked the 7th in Fortune Global 500 in 2010.The Sinopec is considered as one of tug enterprises of the Chinese national economy and a giant in the nil industry, so in the last several years, there are unendingly pressure pull on this company about how it is to carry out its social responsibilities as an state-owned and the most profitable company in China. In fact, the Sinopec group does implement some CSR initiatives to enhance its global image and reputation.Low-carbon development strategyThe climate change is an urgent issue which is for all gentlemans gentleman today, how to protect the environment from human activities and pollution is especially important for those cleverness and petrochemical company. About the global issues of global warming Sinopec claims that they carry out grim-carbon development by finding and using more low-carbon push resources and promoting brawniness relieve and consumption reduction. The Sinopec is both a large e nergy production firm and a large consumption firm. This company is active in develop low-carbon energy and improving the structure of the energy consumption. They have built up a comprehensive low-carbon business chain which covering RD, production and marketing. Meanwhile this company has taken planting trees to increase the carbon sink as a major way to fulfill its responsibility to protect the bionomic environment and improving the conditions for the ordinary residents.Saving energy resourcrs is another agile and effective way to reduce CO2 emission today. Because of prominent wideness to energy frugality, they try to develop into a resource-saving enterprise. During the last 5 years, while the production capacities kept growing, Sinopec got a good achievement in energy saving and consumption cut with more effective management, many modern and new technologies and equipments are used and more emphasis are put on energy saving in production process. According to reports in 2 010, overall energy consumption of Sinopec went down by 3.8% and 0.8% respectively and save 14.11 million tons of coals equivalent, equaling reducing 34.66 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.They also try efforts to spread information about the damages of climate change among workers, consumers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, calling for changes in mode of production, way of life and consumption of consumption, and for stronger sense of social responsibility and keener awareness to protect the environment.When it comes to the issue of pollution, the energy producers like Sinopec are always accused for their pollution for the environment. They claim they have paid great efforts to making clean products and reducing the pollutant emission in consumption. Upgrading of gasoline and diesel quality is typically one of their efforts in this direction. From 2009 to 2010, Sinopec refining subsidiaries sped up development of gasoline upgrading plans and revamping of production faci lities. By 1 whitethorn 2010, all automobile gasoline produced has met GB III standards or even higher. Given Sinopecs gasoline output in 2010, SO2 emission in consumption can be cut by 25,000 careful tons. But the waste in the energy industry is inevitable, they still need to pay more attention to the treatment of waste gas, waste water and industrial correspondence (three wastes), try their best to meet discharge standards of the government and mitigate their clashing upon the environment to the minimum. By the end of 2010, they have completed desulfurization revamping of all 19 in-house power stations and 107 coal boilers. And we reduced SO2 emission by 204,000 metric tons, down by 35.7%. The circular is another important aspect, increasing resource efficiency and recycling, and promoting comprehensive utilization of byproducts, with the goal of low energy consumption, low emission and high efficiency. For example, flare gas recovering technology was applied. all(a) flares wer e extinguished and more than 800,000 metric tons of gas can be recovered every year.Aid Those in Need, Help Those in worryAs one of the biggest company in China, the Sinopec still carry put some plans to help some poor areas in China. In 2010, they refer to follow the guidance of the central government about the development the outlandish poverty area, supporting the infrastructure construction, education development and industrial development in these areas, for example, Sinopec has invested RMB 100 million for poverty alleviation and disaster remainder work in the four designated counties. During last several years, Sinopec has been paid great attention and engaged in constructing the Hope Schools which is a famous charity plan in China. It is aimed to help those poverty children have the chance to receive education in impoverished areas. Sinopec have have built 15 Hope Primary Schools in Anqing area which is in Anhui Province in the past four years. The total investment was a bout RMB 7.5 million.Care for employeesThe employees are the most important parts of a business organizations and care for the workers is an necessity part of the CSR. By the end of 2010, Sinopec has 1.06 million employees in total, including 9,185 fresh university graduates connection Sinopec in 2010. They have a considerable number of employees who have worked for Sinopec for more than decades. Closely following the state labor policies, Sinopec signs labor contract with each employee, welcomes collective bargaining and offers stable and competitive salaries. Sinopec honors its legal obligations to maintain talent insurance, health insurance, occupational injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance and housing presbyopic funds for all employees. In 2010, the Company launched corporate annuity plan, a valuable addition to the mandatory pension scheme.Through the CSR activities above, the Sinopec earn a good reputation in China and the whole world. Through th e activities of saving energy, help poverty people, this company improve their global image and do become the top business giant in the world. The Chinese government even awards the Sinopec with the title of China Corporate Social Responsibility search Base and the Sinopec also become the most popular employer among job seekers in China. The Sinopec benefits the whole society and itself by fulfill its social responsibility.But there are still many critics about the Social Responsibilities of Sinopec. For example, as a state-owned enterprise, there are many scandals about the corruption cases of the managers.ConclusionIt has to deem that, although the practice of CSR is still debated among the world. Proponents argue that there is a strong business case for CSR, in that corporations benefit in multiple ways by operating with a perspective broader and longer than their own immediate, short-term profits. Critics argue that CSR distracts from the fundamental economic role of businesse s others argue that it is nothing more than dilettantish window-dressing others yet argue that it is an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful multinational corporations. However everything has two sides. Though some people do not love the CSR policy, increasingly, corporations are motivated to become more socially responsible because their most important stakeholders expect them to understand and address the social and community issues that are relevant to them. I rely that the CSR policy will develop to everyones benefit.
Examining The Concept Of Physical Security Information Technology Essay
Examining The Concept Of Physical Security Information technology EssayINTRODUCTIONTHE concept of physiological protection has evolved over date from history to the present day, and has impacted on the tactics designd in modern day pledge. This is evidence in the hale specify forcible surety strategies employed in the military defense structures of the ancient empires and colonies in which the soldiers served as a form of intrusion staining and the access into the city w eithers were made through with(predicate) with(predicate) the city gates, while the city walls served as edge protection and access reckon. This is also evidence in the nineteenth degree centigrade fortress and royal castles. Throughout recorded history, man has needed to receive safe and secure. The philosophy of fleshly trade protection remains the same exactly the technology varies in application over the years.The security of an judicatures resources and sensitive using is very vital to it s existence and concern continuity. The physical and environmental security domain examines the vulnerabilities, threats, risks and coun experimental conditioneasures that rear be taken to physically secure the judicature and its assets.In new(prenominal) words, physical security mechanism involves the physical measures knowing to protect people, selective information, infrastructures, equipments, organization and information pertaining to an organization.Thesis statementIn this term paper, one of the commonly manipulationd memory accesses in physical security class development volition be examined. The approach to be examined is known as the evil prevention through environmental design (CPTED).It should be renowned that the level of security required in an organization will go away from installing to facility depending on risk assessment and threat analytic deliberateing of such organization. In essence, it is important for the organization to conduct a lucubrate ris k analysis by understanding the common threat to the facility, identifying the threats and ultimately ensure befitting countermeasures be implemented.Body of the term paper most(prenominal) professionals in the field of information security do not think so much about physical security as they do about computer and vane security and associated vir social functions, hackers, and technology-orientated countermeasures. Therefore the need heighten for a security professional to view security from a wide-cut perspective because danger fag end come from whateverwhere, taking any shapes and diametric formats which croupe result into different level of severity in scathe of damage. Physical security has a different set of vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures as compared to computer, network or information security.Physical security focuses on protecting all the personnel and assets of the organization and also the enhancement of productivity, the AIC security triad will en hance the availability of company resources, the integrity of the assets and environment and finally the confidentiality of the data and business processes. The objectives of the physical security program largely depend on the desired level of protection required for different assets of the organization, which is also hardened by the organizations acceptable risk level. The threat profile of the organization including the laws and regulations with which the organization must comply dictates the acceptable risk level of the organization.In other words, the objectives of physical security should address offensive activity and disruption prevention through deterrence (e.g. the use of fences, security guards), reduction of damage through the use of delay mechanisms (e.g. physical locks, barriers, security personnel), villainy or disruption detection gadget (e.g. smoke detectors, CCTV), incident assessment (e.g. response to detected incidents and finish of level of damage) and finall y the response procedures (e.g. the emergency response process in place, the fire suppression mechanism in the advent of fire).These objectives form the basic principle of the layered defense model on which the physical security is implemented. The layers are implemented at the perimeter of the facility and moving towards the primary assets of the organization. In essence, as much as the organization tries to prevent crimes and disruption from farering, in that location should also be necessary plans in place to deal with them when they do happen.The major threats that contend with physical security are theft, physical damage, compromised system and environment integrity, interruption to services and illegitimate access. Threats faced by organizations can be classified under different categories namely (i) lifelike environmental threats examples include floods, earthquakes, fire and so on. (ii) Supply system threats such as power distribution outrages, communication interruptio ns and interruption of other natural postcode resources, examples include water, steam, gas and so on. (iii) Manmade threat such as vandalism, theft, fraud, unauthorized access, employee errors and accidents, just to mention a few. (iv) Political motivated threats such as strikes, riots, civil disobedience, terrorist attacks and so onCrime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) remains one of the commonly used physical security approaches. It is described as a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through environmental design 3. It is also commonly known as proactive crime prevention environmental design strategy utilized by planners, police services, architects and security professionals. The concept used in CPTED is built upon the install a proper design of a physical environment can have on human behavior in relation to crime rate in such environment.This approach provides guidance in crime prevention by putting in place proper facility constructio n and well knowing environmental components. The CPTED strategies were developed midway into the ordinal century and have evolved and matured along with our environments and crime rates and types. Overtime, this approach was not only used in corporate organizational security programs but also implemented in large scale development projects such as cities, towns and neighborhoods. An effective design or problem solving environmental design begin by evaluating the purpose of the designated space, how the space is defined and considering how well the physical design support the think function of the space.In effect, the crux of CPTED is that the physical environment can be manipulated to create behavioral changes that will reduce or decline crime and the fear of crime and improve quality of life. It places emphasis on physical environment, productive use of space, and behavior of people to create environments that are void of environmental cues that can result into opportunities for crime to occur 4. It is can be considered as a social engineering tool that can be used for security, which encompasses the physical, social, mental needs of the users in different types of environments which can be used to shout behaviors of these users and that of the likely offenders 2. In other words, CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender decisions that precede carrying out criminal acts. It brings to mind that if a site is well laid out, the likelihood of it being stone pited for a crime may be reduced.There are four major strategies used in CPTED to addition the overall protection include natural access control, natural surveillance, territorial reserve reinforcement and maintenance.Natural Access ControlThe natural access control serve as a guide for the movement of people in and out of a facility such as placements of doors, fences, lighting and in some cases landscaping to deny admission to a crime position and to create awareness among offen ders that there is a risk in selecting the intended chump. The use of physical and mechanical means of access control locks, disallow and alarms can supplement natural access control if need be.Natural SurveillanceThe natural surveillance is a concept purposely designed at keeping intruder under observation. It entails the use and placement of physical environment features, personnel walkways and design of activity areas in such a way as to maximize visibility. The physical design of the facility and proper placement of windows, lightings and landscaping increases the ability of those within the vicinity to observe intruders as well as regular users, and thus gives the opportunity to challenge any irregularities or inappropriate behavior 5. The goal of natural surveillance is to eliminate criminal activities by providing an open and well designed environment and thereby making it uncomfortable for potential criminals to operate. It maximizes the potential to deter crime by providi ng a good visual connection across the facility.Territorial fundingTerritorial reinforcement can be accomplished through the use of walls, lighting, flags, clearly marked addresses and fences. The goal of territorial reinforcement is to create physical designs that emphasize the companys area of influence to give legitimate owners a virtuoso of ownership and a dedicated community, which makes the employees have a sense of belong and a willingness to defend if required to do so.MaintenanceProper financial aid and maintenance is needed for continuous use of the space for its intended purpose. descent indicates less concern and control by the intended owners (organization) of the site and supercharge indicates tolerance of disorder thereby defeating the purpose of the CPTED.It should however be noted that CPTED is not the same as target hardening. The main focus of target hardening is to deny access through physical or substitute barrier, which in most cases lead to restriction in use, enjoyment and esthetics of the environment. Most corporate organizations use a mix of both CPTED and target hardening approaches.ConclusionThe broad nature of CPTED approach and its implementation in any facility setting enables it to adapt to different physical security design which shows it is an effective approach to prevent crime. Therefore including it from the construction salute will make the facility safer from the onset, rather than wait until crime problems occur before implementing the CPTED approach.For future work, I propose that more research be done on individual components and effects in various business settings.AcknowledgmentThis paper has written under the kind feedback of Mr. Francis Gichohi. I am thankful to him for his support and dedication to his students.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Individual and State Roles in Communism According to Marx and Engels Es
separate and State Roles in Communism According to Marx and Engels Individuals will ultimately help the state in which the state will control many facets of the individuals life, that in return, the civilians will receive the freedoms they deserve in a communistic couching. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels adamantly opposed capitalism in many ways and snarl the bourgeoisie, or capitalists are enslaving the proletarians, or working class. They claimed that industrialization was reducing the everyday workingman into mere wage labor and believed that the proletarians of every nation needed to combine and form a revolutionary party in order to annihilate their bourgeoisie captors in order to bring about the common interests of the proletariat.1 This party will create a society in which in all men are equal a communistic society. Within the society there were roles which the individual and the state would play the individuals would join to form a classless society in whi ch the common interest of the citizens will rule, alone the state would require the individuals to make consecrates. Marx and Engels placed much of the responsibility of forming this archetype society on the individual. They called upon the working class, the proletarians, to unite and overthrow their oppressors, the bourgeoisie. In the commie Manifesto, Marx and Engels urged the Formation of the proletariat into conquest of political power by the proletariat.1 The proletariats needed to disregard their immediate interests in order to promote the oecumenic will of the masses. The commie Manifesto called upon all proletarians to unite in order to overthrow the bourgeoisie for the implementation of a classless society. One of the primary(prenominal) roles of the indi... ...freedom and resources that are necessary. The party will listen to the desires and opinions of the individuals in order to apply the people in control. The idealistic society that Marx and Engels envisio ned is reciprocative individuals sacrifice many of their self- interests to the state, and in return, the state provides equality and freedom. Works Cited1 Engels, Frederick and Karl Marx. Communist Manifesto. http// March 11, 2002. 2 Fromm, Erich. Marxs Concept of Man. New York Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1966.3 Fetscher, Iring. Marx and Marxism. New York Herder and Herder, 1971.4 Leonhard, Wolfgang. Three Faces of Marxism. New York Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.Links- direct The Communist Manifesto - The Principles Of Communism
Bluetooth :: sCommerce Technology Essays
A new technology of the 21st century is reshaping human life. The concept of unspoken commerce, commonly receiptn as sCommerce is the silent transfer of knowledge and tuition through mobile phones and electronic devices. Sadly, this technology is initiating the transition from a humanist society to a more electronically controlled adult male. This new, perhaps, frightful world introduces electronic devices capable of thinking for themselves without human control. Imagine the average teenager purchasing a CD player with enough intelligence to exchange and pop off with his/her laptop without the childs consent. Or your Kenmore frig secretly letting your grocer know when youre out of milk. Scary isnt it? Well, sCommerce, particularly the Bluetooth chip, gives these electrically wager gadgets these abilities. It allows inhuman things to have human capabilities and perhaps exceed our own whiz power. Truly, the Bluetooth chip may be an eye opening technological breakthro ugh, except has harmful humanistic, economic affects with its integration into the electronic and mobile/telecommunication world . Realistically, the average technologically involved person has heard the term Bluetooth. The unpatterned name of this chip is derived from the 10th century Scandinavian king, Harald Bluetooth, who was historically cognize for uniting various unorganized kingdoms. Similarly, Bluetooth is specialized to unite many competing electronic amounts under one main specification. By definition, Bluetooth is a global de facto standard for wireless connectivity. Based on a low-cost, short-range radio link, Bluetooth cuts the cords that used to tie up digital devices. When two Bluetooth equipped devices pay back within 10 meters range of each other, they can establish a connection together.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Gender Politics and the Liminality of the Herculean Body Essay
Sophocless Women of Trachis11, however, deals solely with the tragic drama occurring on the psyche realm, devoid of any cosmic underpinnings. The play, like Heracles, push aside be dissever into two portions. Unlike Heracles, however, Heracless world is divided not so much into the microcosmic and the macrocosmic, but into the masculine and feminine. This division is causal, serving to bring come forward the tension between the domestic world which values emotion, empathy, and feeling and the high-minded world which champions duty, honour, and glory. Despite the evident causality, however, the play is marked by Heracless and Deianeiras seemingly implausible deaths, highlighting the illogical aspect of priapic and female relations as a whole even outdoors the stri mogul of the inexplicable cosmic event. In both plays, the Herculean body is the locus of a female tension in which the female fight back at being pushed aside is foregrounded. In Sophocless play, Heracles acts like Lycus, destroy a foreign land in order to marry the kings daughter. Heracless inability to be restored into society due his insatiable appetite for women causes endless issues for Deianeira, as she is left at home cachexia with desire like the mournful nightingale (107-8) in a odd household (41) for fifteen months without tidings (46). While the Euripidean fighter is honourable and, as the play resolves itself, more and more an identifiable man, the Sophoclean suffering hero is repellent as well as distant (12 Silk)12. While Heracles acts out the heros pathos, thus, Women of Trachis views how the self-serving character of the Herculean hero can inflict suffering on the feminine realm by providing the hearing with a point of sympathy from the female angle. Like Her... .... While Women of Trachis addresses the moorage of the feminine in a male-dominated warrior society on a microcosmic level, Heracles also highlights the feminine perspective, only on a macrocosmic level. some(prenominal) plays, thus, foreground the pathos of the individual in the grips of forces beyond their control when foreign realms meet and erupt. Heracless body, in being a liminal space where definitions of the cosmic and divine atomic number 18 blurred, is the site where the individuals larger deal is acted out. Unlike Heracles, however, Women of Trachis proposes the idea that humanism cannot save the day unless the very definitions of what is agent to be heroic are changed so the young, helpless and the female are taken into account. In order for the king to be a proper(a) king, he has to leave behind his heroic, divine self and choose (Amphitryon) (as his) make (1265).
LAND OF OPPORTUNITY Essay -- essays research papers
United States of the States Land of Opportunity?United States of America is known as the landed estate of opportunity for many immigrants who dare to dream of a better life. Since the outgrowth of American history, United States has focused more about equal opportunity than any other country. There are many people who powerfully believe that once they come to the United States it is al almost guaranteed to find success. For example, my relatives in Korea always ask my parents how much my family has earned so far. Also, they believe that we remain in a totally different world, living the American dream. However, it seems same(p) this country is no longer the land of opportunity for those who are immigrants and the pocket-sized class people.Many immigrants come to United States to achieve their America Dreams as my family did a few years ago. They think that they can get high-paying jobs easily, only the reality is not. According to an clause, The Land of Opportunity? (Los Ange les business Journal, 1999), immigrants cannot get opportunities for high-paying jobs because The restrain number of manufacturing jobs that they might have moved into in previous generations The take away for specialized training in many of jobs and The lack of union-style apprentice program. The article also says that many Los Angeles poor families are concentrated among recently arrived immigrant groups, most of them Latino, 600,000 or so Kim02in Los Angeles count...
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Deterioration of Romero in El Tonto Del Barrio Essay -- Tonto Del
The Deterioration of Romero in El Tonto Del Barrio After reading Jose Armass story, El Tonto Del Barrio, I was greatly touched by this simple so far effective story of how the village idiot is used to teach a lesson to the audition. However, after researching the topic, I found that there had been no literary intervention concerning Armas or El Tonto del Barrio. I was shocked to find this out, and I retrieve this is an interesting and important story which should be looked into. El Tonto del Barrio is not bonny a story just about a college-bound young man named Seferino who tries to succor the community idiot Romero, but it is also a story about a man who slowly deteriorates when his pride is taken away and his high-handedness not acknowledged. First, to understand how Romero deteriorates, we must look at how life for Romero was beforehand Seferino tried to pay him wages for sweeping. Romero seemed happy, and he was ever whistling and singing. In the first line of the sto ry Armas even states, Romero Estrado was called El Cotoro (The Parrot) because he was always whistling and singing (1137). Armas at first makes no obvious remarks that Romero was a moron who should be avoided in fact, the story discusses only the respect that sight of the town had for Romero. Romero is even called a respected citizen (1138). It is interesting to note that Armas mentions that not even the kids made fun of him. It just was not permitted (1138). This point lets the audience know that Romero was respected enough that even parents taught their children to respect him despite his faults. It is discernible that the town knew Romero was a little touchy (1138), but the citizens choose to overlook his faults. The citizens of the town and Romero... ...nd Kathleen Wilson. Cumulative Index. Michigan Gale Research, Inc., 1998. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Index. Michigan Gale Research, Inc., 1991. sarcastic Survey of Short Fiction. Ed. Frank N. Magil. Cumulative Index. C alifornia Salem Press, 1993. Frenandez, Roberto G. bibliographic Index of Cuban Authors. Miami Edidones Universal, 1983. Hispanic Writers. Bryan Ryan. Vol. 1. smart York Gale Research, Inc., 1991. Modern Latin the States lit. Ed. David William Foster. Vol. 2. New York Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1975. Reference Guide to World Literature . Ed. Lesley Henderson. Vol. 2. New York St. James Press, 1991. Short Story Criticism. Ed. Shelia Fitzgerald. Cumulative Index. Michigan Gale Research, Inc., 1989. , World Literature Criticism. Ed. James P. Draper. Vol. 6. Michigan Gale Research Inc., 1992.
Examine how Heaney presents his relationship with his father in :: English Literature
Examine how Heaney presents his relationship with his father inDigging and Follower.In the numbers the Follower, the poet admires his father with allfactions. The poet, Heaney, describes his father on verse 2, stanza 1as being a very strong, healthy built man and classifies him as anexpert (verse 5, stanza 2) when it comes to working in the field. Inverse 10-12, stanza 3, Heaney describes his fathers eye as his eyenarrowed and angled at the ground subprogramping the furrow exactly, thisverse describes his father as if he was a sailor, on the lookoutly, watchingthe field as a map with a close eye making sure that everything ismoving or growing the way they should be.In the poem digging, the endorser begins to get a sense that time hasmoved on, and that the young boy has nowadays give way older as so did hisfather. The poet, Heaney, says on verse 7, stanza 3, till his operose rump along the flowerbeds, this verse indicates that hisfather is old, and strains as he bends over to the flowerbeds, buteven though the father is aging, he is nevertheless a strong man who canstill hold a spade. Also, in the poem digging, it mentions around thegrandfather of the poet. Heaney describes his grandfather through aseries of recollections he had with him. In stanza 6 of the poemDigging, it is there the reader, reads most the poets past with hisgrandfather. From, the memories the poet recalls, the reader can seethat the grandfather was like the father, careful and we also catchfrom verse 19 -21, stanza 6, which is a memory Heaney recalls of fine-looking milk to his grandfather, he drinks it but than falls right awayto work. From these verses the reader sees that he is extremelydedicated to his work and feels very strongly about it.In the end of the poem the Follower, the poet ends it very sudden, andleaves the reader puzzled. The end of the poem the poet says, It ismy father who keeps stumbling behind me, and will non go away (verse23-24, stanza 6). These suffer two statements speak about the poet, ashe is older. He is now taken on the tradition of continuing the legacyof farming as his father had done when he was young. When Heaney sayshe now stumbles behind me, the poet does not literally mean that hisfather is, but metaphorically instead is. In the past the son hasadmired his fathers abilities to be able to farm with such elegancy,
Monday, March 25, 2019
Marilyn Hacker Redefines Mother, Woman, and Daughter in Selected Poems
Marilyn Hacker Redefines Mother, Woman, and Daughter in Selected Poems 1965-1990Marilyn Hacker. What does she symbolise? What does she mean? I check with Thrall, Hibbard, and Holman who define verse to be a termination applied to the many forms in which man has given a swinging expression to his most imaginative and intense perceptions of his world, himself, and the interrelationship of the two (364). I forge ahead through hundreds of pages of poetry. Images and impressions are beginning to form in my mind. Finally, Hacker, you provide a clue with Feeling and Form where you compare your poetry to Cezannes apples I do like words,which is why I make things step forward of wordsand listen to their hints, resounding likeskipping stones radiating circles, reap-ing context from text, the mien Ive watched you draw a pepper shaker on a table, drawit again, once more, until it isnt likeanything but your cerebration of a draw-ing, like an idea of movement, draw-ing its shape from seque nce.(85-86) The course syllabus indicates that this course investigates mother as a cul...
Fight Club - When Does Life Have No Purpose? :: essays research papers
David Finchers Fight Club is a narrated movie that explains the journey of the cashiers mid-life crisis the movie begins with the ending scene, a microscopic view of a gun inside of the narrators mouth. All of the particles and germs are genuinely visible to give the viewer an idea of what to expect. This scene suggests a dirty, winding, and unrestrained journey that the narrator will take. The narrator at first finds himself with insomnia. At the same time he is obsessed with consumer goodshe buys complete sets of everything. He works for a major automobile company as an divisor who decides whether the cost of a recall is cheap enough to make profit. His descent characterifi kindletly sets up his depressed life. Day after day he travels to examine gondola cars in accidents with remains of human dead burned to the seats. It is his furrow by which he feels so burdened, and he seems to try to get absent from it by buying furniture. The story revolves around these three exampl es. The gun is unspoilt of bacteria furniture is bought by money, a dirty obsession, and his job deals with car accidents. The Narrator has surrounded himself with consumer goods to occupy and satisfy himself, but when they can no longer satisfy him he breaks down emotionally.Although David Fincher put consequence on soap as being a major part of the movie, it doesnt relate to every instance that it should. In this movie, soap is used to repair the body of luxury goods. Fight Club is all about eliminating things that arent necessary. Soap cleanses, and several times soap is non used. When they are fight in the fight club, blood is a dominant image. It is a sign of being able to let go of all your material goods, if you can let go of your physical health. Here soap has no significance The Narrator, however, uses soap in what could be his possible financial future. By change this highly profitable soap he can make an well-situated living, but it would change nonhing in his life . The significance of soap with fighting, therefore, is not easily visible. This is what makes visible the fact that fighting releases anger. If blood is noteworthy and is not to be cleaned off, then it is accepted.The narrator soon finds himself with a severe scale of insomnia. He describes it with insomnia, nothing is real.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The Arab-Israeli Conflict :: History Arabic Israel Essays
The Arab-Israeli Conflict The Arab-Israeli action is one of the most prolonged and bloody(a) conflicts in not only modern history, but in the old-fashioned world as well. The roots of the conflict, as well as the arguments on both sides, are as diversified and complicated as the conflict itself.The Israelites started to conquer and settle the land of Canaan, which is present day Israel, in 1250 B.C.. poove Solomon ruled the Israelites and the land of Israel from 961-922 B.C.. Following his reign, Israel was split up into two kingdoms. The Confederate kingdom, Judah, was conquered by the Babylonians, who drove its people, the Jews, into exile and destroyed Solomons temple in 586 B.C.. After seventy years or so, the Jews began to return to Israel and the temple of Solomon was stepwise rebuilt. By 333 B.C., Alexander the Great and his army brought the area under Hellenic control. By 165 B.C., a revolt in Judea registered the close ancient Judaic state. Then, in 63 B.C., Judea was incorporated into the Roman responsibleness of Palestine. By 70 A.D., A revolt over against Roman rule was install down by the Emperor Titus. Shortly aft(prenominal), the Temple of Solomon was once again destroyed. This marks the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora. From 118-138 A.D., during the Emperor Hadrians reign, Jews were allowed to return to Israel. However, after another Jewish revolt in 133 A.D., Jerusalem was completely destroyed and its occupants, the Jews, banished and/or sold into slavery. Then, in 638 A.D., the Arabs came onto the scene in a major way with their conquest of the area. By early in the 8th century, the instant Caliph of Islam, Omar, had built the Al-Asqa Mosque on the site in Jerusalem, or Al-Qods as the Arabs called the city, where they believe the prophet Mohammad ascended into Heaven. Except for the period of the Crusades, the area remained under Muslim rule under the Ottoman Empire until the United Nations mandate which gave the land over to the Jews to establish Israel.Zionism is the international movement to establish a Jewish state in the land where Israel once stood. The initiatory Zionist Congress met in Basle, Switzerland, in 1897 to discuss Theodore Herzls 1886 book, The Jewish State, in which he discussed establishing a Jewish state, primarily in resolution to European anti-semitism. The Congress issued the Basle program to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured by public law.
The Utopian Solution in The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays
The entrance of The Tempest into theatres between 1610 and 1611, signifies a possible correlational statistics between Shakespeares play and the colonization of the ideal New World. Before analyzing the courteous order and utopian theme in The Tempest, it is strategic to understand the policy-making sympathies and culture of the court in the early 17th vitamin C. The society that Shakespeare emerges from plays an important role in the themes portrayed in The Tempest, because it leads to the utopian solution to the political and mannikin conflict. The definitions of brass and culture have changed drastically since the 17th century in Great Britain. The freedom of Americans to play an active role in politics and government greatly contrasts the role of the English during the time of The Tempest. Shakespeare lived in a time of government sovereignty, where the role of the people in politics was dependent upon their social (class) status. In Political Culture, David Harris S acks asserts that, the sovereignty of state, consisting solely in political powers, is understood to be a feature of a population, not the estate as a whole (Sacks 118-19). The lack of involvement of the majority of the acres supports a problematic issue that the role of the people in government was dependent upon their social class, which presented an obvious inequality amongst the political system. The problems facing the commonwealth and the government lead to conformity and complacency amongst the people, but Shakespeare had writing to catch the ceiling on social class. Shakespeares plays, specifically The Tempest, test the boundaries of politics and class order and tend to portray Shakespeare crossing from a conformist to a humanist. Shakespeare us... ... David Scott Kastan. momma Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1999. 100-116. Gervinus, G.G. A review of The Tempest. Shakespeare Commentaries. (1877)787-800. Rpt. Scott. 304-307. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. The Longman Antho logy of British Literature. Vol 1. Ed. David Damrosch. New York Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 1999. 637-706. Platt, Peter. Shakespeare and rhetorical Culture. A Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. David Scott Kastan. Massachusetts Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1999. 277-296. Sacks, David Harris. Political Culture. A Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. David Scott Kastan. Massachusetts Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1999. 100-116. Snider, Denton J. A review of The Tempest. The Shakespearian Drama a Commentary The Comedies. (1890). Rpt. Scott. 320-324.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Faulkners Light in August - The Measure of a Man :: Light August Essays
Light in stately The Measure of a valet One of the most authoritative people in the world during the quondam(prenominal) dickens thousand historic period may be surprising to around people. He is the center of feud aft(prenominal) controversy nations dumbfound rise and fallen because of his name. Year after year, men and women are persecuted and killed because of their devotion to a man who walked this earth before any of them can even tip their ancestry, rescuer Christ. One exponent say that Joe Christmas, William Faulkners unforgettable version of a rebel without a cause, is the remove opposite of Jesus. Yet the main personality of Faulkners 1932 book Light in August is not that different from Gods Son. in that location are many similarities and differences in the midst of Jesus Christ and Joe Christmas. A study difference between Joe Christmas and Jesus is the character of each man. Joe Christmas has been walking on a path fill with debauchery since a very w ell-disposed age. When he is five long time old, he is caught eating toothpaste in a closet while two employees at the orphanage where he lives fake love. While this is not his fault, he is still indirectly punished for it, by existence sent outside to live with the McEacherns. His adopted parents are unforgiving Presbyterians, and Joe literally has the Bible get the better of into him by his stern stepfather. By the while he is a teenager, he cannot stand being forced to have religion, so he oftentimes sneaks away from his adoptive familys house in the middle of the night. One decisive night, he goes to go to a leaping with a prostitute, and ends up killing his stepfather, who has chased him to the school where the dance is being held. From then on, Joe is his own person, sacking wherever the wind takes him. Jesus, on the former(a) hand, has been holy and perfect since the daytime He was born. He is the son of the just round High God. (Luke 828, NIV) He has never done anything that is not virtuously right, or let himself be blown around by lifes breezes. Faulkner in all probability made this change because he understood a lot about human nature. He knows that soul perfect would be incapable of committing murder. It is touchy to believe that Jesus would murder anyone, be it his adopted father Joseph or even someone who jeopardise to kill him first.Faulkners Light in August - The Measure of a Man Light August EssaysLight in August The Measure of a Man One of the most influential people in the world during the past two thousand years may be surprising to some people. He is the center of controversy after controversy nations have risen and fallen because of his name. Year after year, men and women are persecuted and killed because of their devotion to a man who walked this earth before any of them can even trace their ancestry, Jesus Christ. One might say that Joe Christmas, William Faulkners unforgettable version of a rebel without a cause, i s the complete opposite of Jesus. Yet the main character of Faulkners 1932 book Light in August is not that different from Gods Son. There are many similarities and differences between Jesus Christ and Joe Christmas. A major difference between Joe Christmas and Jesus is the character of each man. Joe Christmas has been walking along a path filled with debauchery since a very tender age. When he is five years old, he is caught eating toothpaste in a closet while two employees at the orphanage where he lives make love. While this is not his fault, he is still indirectly punished for it, by being sent away to live with the McEacherns. His adopted parents are strict Presbyterians, and Joe literally has the Bible beaten into him by his stern stepfather. By the time he is a teenager, he cannot stand being forced to have religion, so he frequently sneaks away from his adoptive familys house in the middle of the night. One fateful night, he goes to go to a dance with a prostitute, and ends up killing his stepfather, who has chased him to the school where the dance is being held. From then on, Joe is his own person, going wherever the wind takes him. Jesus, on the other hand, has been holy and perfect since the day He was born. He is the son of the Most High God. (Luke 828, NIV) He has never done anything that is not morally right, or let himself be blown around by lifes breezes. Faulkner probably made this change because he understood a lot about human nature. He knows that someone perfect would be incapable of committing murder. It is difficult to believe that Jesus would murder anyone, be it his adopted father Joseph or even someone who threatened to kill him first.
Ambiguities of Counter-Hegemonic Monologism in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing :: Essays Papers
Ambiguities of Counter-Hegemonic Monologism in Marg art Atwoods SurfacingIn his ledger Ideologies of Epic, Colin graham flour looks at the recognisable tendency of Victorian epic numbers to establish or attempt to establish a monologic converse in relation to the concept of nation, national literature and empire. Epic as musical genre and the concept of nation, . . . desiring to be centripetal, turning in upon themselves, denying the existence of the different (Graham,1), is a phenomenon relevant to monologic discourse as it may be perceived not only in national epic but too in the novel and its concomitant ideologies.Graham points to the evolution in literary history, the move towards the adjectival use of the word epic, especially with regard to the work of Wordsworth and George Eliot. He notes, . . . the feminising and privatising of the once-public, turning narratives of action into narratives of the drama of selfhood. (Graham,4)In a post-colonial context and in the geo graphical context of Canada one thunder mug see in Surfacing how Atwood asserts a feminist counter hegemonic discourse with and within a discursive framing of Canadian national identity.Graham draws on the work of M.M.Bakhtin, the Russian critic. Michael Gardiners comments on Voloshinov are similarly seen by Graham as relevant to this discussion of monologismThe dominant syllabus is motivated to ensure fixity of meaning and arrest the flux of the sign, in so far as the establishment of a monolithic or official nomenclature facilitates the socio-political unification of society. (Gardiner, 16)So, monologism is synonymous with hegemony - be that sexual, social, imperial or any otherwise ideological assertion of dominance and fixity. Thus, the status of the subaltern - where the subaltern has no voice - leaves them, as Bakhtin says, as, . . . another person who remains wholly and merely an intention of consciousness, and not another consciousness. ( Gardiner, 26)In Surfac ing the subaltern role could be filled by both male and female. The narrating I holds the discourse firmly. She whole has her inner consciousness exposed and denies others their consciousness. Unlike, say, Toni Morrison in Jazz, where questions of gender and race are dealt with through a narrative consciousness that moves fluidly from one voice to another. As feminist epic, structurally and adjectivally, the foregrounding and dominance of the I forms a moral-ideological hierarchy. Anna walks push through of the bedroom, dressed in jeans and shirt again. She combs her hair in front of the mirror, flicker ends, dark roots, humming to herself.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Gertrude of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay -- Character of Gertrude
The Gertrude of Shakespeares small town Is Gertrude, in the Shakespearean drama Hamlet, a bore? A killers accomplice? The perfect queen? A dummy? This paper go forth answer many questions concerning Claudius partner on the Danish throne. In her essay, Acts third and IV Problems of Text and Staging, Ruth Nevo explains how the heros negative observation tower toward Gertrude influences his attitude toward Ophelia Whereas it is precisely his total inability to know her Ophelia, or for that affair himself, that the scene, in this theatrically simpler view, would allow us to perceive as the heart of his anguish. He is tormented precisely by doubts, not by confirmations. And how so should he know what Ophelia is? Is she loving and faithful to him despite parental place? Or compliant to the latter and therefore false to him? What has she been told about him? Is he not testing her with his hyperbolic declaration I am in truth proud, revengeful, ambitious with more offenses at my back than I have thoughts to direct them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in? His engender has predisposed him to believe in womens perfidy, has produced in him a repugnance from sex and the stratagems of sex he was unable to draw Ophelias slope by his perusal she has refused his letters and denied him access now returns his gifts. What form of oblique double-dealing shall he expect? (49-50) At the outset of the tragedy Hamlet appears dressed in solemn black. His mother, Gertrude, is apparently disturbed by this and requests of him right(a) Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off, And let thine eye look uniform a friend on Denmark. Do not for ever with thy vailed... ...loom. unexampled York Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p. Princeton University Press, 1972. Pitt, Angela. Women in Shakespeares Tragedies. Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Excerpted from Shakespe ares Women. N.p. n.p., 1981. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. http// Smith, Rebecca. Gertrude Scheming slattern or Loving Mother? Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. of Hamlet A Users Guide. New York Limelight Editions, 1996. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. Shakespeare. Literature of the westbound World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.
Computers in the Construction Industry :: Expository Essays
Computers in the Construction Industry Computers have greatly changed the construction industry. Since the tooth root of time thither has been some(a) type of construction. The caveman had weapons and stopcocks. As of former(a) man builds homes, skyscrapers, and various other buildings. Super-structures are very large-scale projects that without the practise of computers would be very arduous tasks. It would take many draftsmen many months to sail through all of the drawings necessary to build a skyscraper. The advent of the computer has greatly improved the way the construction occurs today.Computer Aided Drafting and intent programs facilitate the way buildings are designed. Auto Cad allows a draftsmen to crap drawings in a quick and efficient. Computers allow draftsmen to draw and make changes without take up a pencil or eraser. Floor plans, plot plans, schematics, and point plans are all drawn easier through the use of computer aided drafting programs, such as Auto Cad and IDEAS.Communication is the well-nigh important part of construction. There wouldnt be projects to complete if there was not communication amid the contractor and client. Means of communication variegate greatly. Communication is achieved through electronic mail, mobile phones, and pagers. Mobile phones are perchance the most important part of communication. Mobile phones allow contact between construction crews, owners, clients, and suppliers. Communication between builder (boss) and foreman is critical to check out that deadlines, and specific tasks are being met. Communication is an of the essence(p) ingredient in the construction business.There are few tools that have been affected by computers, possibly only the production of the tool. But there are a small number of tools that are irreplaceable that utilize computers. Laser levels or transits take the conjectures out of grading, straightening a wall, setting up batter boards, or leveling a l ine to start siding. Calculators are and invaluable tool for flush the most experienced carpenter. Calculators make simple math even easier. Calculators such as the Construction Master VI alleviate some of the nuisance associated with building stairs, squaring up walls, and estimating amounts of material.Cost estimation is another essential part of the construction profession. Spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel are profitable for cost estimation. Instead of figuring every single cost instrument for every single project, you can do it once, and then input set for further projects.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Summary of Cinderella Essay -- essays research papers
As children most of our life lessons were acquired through the simplicity of coffin nail tales. Subliminal messages taught us to always believe in true esteem and that good wins out everyplace evil. Young and nave, as children, any we desired was a good story and a nap, scarce the lessons we erudite lasted a life judgment of conviction. Growing up my beloved fairy tale was Cinderella, non only does true love win but good wins over evil and eventually the world is set right. Once upon a time in a kingdom far away(p), lived a gorgeous misfire and her frail fatten outher. Fearing he would leave his young daughter an orphan he conjoin a young widow, soon after he brought his bride and ii daughters to live with him on his manor. Almost exactly a year later, he past away in his sleep leaving his entire family unit behind. His young daughter Cinderella wept for three years without delay and when she wiped her tears away she found herself a sixteen ye ar old servant in her own home. Daily life was much the same she waited on ling ko and Kim, her stepsisters, and satisfied her stepmothers every whim. Mundane and downright boring, Cinderella had amazingly evolved into a beautiful and charming young woman. Being as meek as a mouse and having a voice as sweet as sexual love Cinderella was loved by everyone she encountered except her own family, who is envy, leaked from their pores. One dazzling leap out morning, Cinderella awoke to a great commotion. ?The prince is having a bullock block, the prince is having a ball,? Heather screeched and they all squealed with delight. lightly standing in the shadows Cinderella timidly asked, ?Stepmother may I go to the ball ?Well I suppose, if you get this house immaculately clean and mind... ...s her handler galloped away. Scouring the countryside the Prince fitted the slipper to every woman he saw but his search seemed fruitless. The last house he came to was a midsize manor in great-disrepair, inside he found four women. Shoving and scratching to go prototypic Heather tried on the slipper, to small. Then Kim tried but her fat feet were much too wide. Next Stepmother insisted she be fitted with the shoe fortunately it was too large. Finally Cinderella got her long awaited turn, she gingerly sat down and tried on the shoe. Perfect fit Taking her in his arms the Prince proposed and Cinderella accepted. They were married shortly after in a small private ceremony. reprehensible and unfair the stepfamily cleaned up after the royal hounds for the rest of their days. As for Cinderella and her prince of build they lived happily ever after.
Unforgettable Experiences in the U.S. Essay -- Essays Papers
Unforgettable Experiences in the U.S.Problems faced by international students who come to the U.S. for the first time are not incessantly easy to overcome. As one of them, Ive found it really difficult to cut through most of the problems Ive encountered. Ive experienced a very terrible culture stripe that still makes me upset. As a student, Ive found that the personal and cultural problems I experience may gravely affect my grades. The three major problems Ive encountered moot with independence, homesickness, and loneliness, which really shocked me.Since my culture is completely different from the U.S., I was very surprised and shocked by the U.S. way of doing things independently. For many years, I lived in a totally different culture I was completely unready for American culture. For example, since I first came here in August 1990, I have had to do many kinds of work by myself which I had never done when I was in Indonesia, such as doing laundry, cleaning the bedroom, and acq uiring up early in the morning. In Indonesia, I never had a hard time doing such things since everything w...
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