Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Do This, Get That Guide On Sample of a Research Paper
The Do This, Get That Guide On Sample of a Research Paper The New Angle On Sample of a Research Paper Just Released Creative writing journals for saleRESEARCH PROPOSAL 5 actually a fundamental region of the sentence the entire citation is put in parentheses. The issue is that you don't understand how to begin, you don't understand what structure to use and should you introduce quotations and references. The precise number of chapters will be for you to select. There's quite a few companies in the business of writing, but the majority of them are not reliable as they produce written tasks that are plagiarized and contain a range of grammar and spelling mistakes. Get the Scoop on Sample of a Research Paper Before You're Too Late The paper will pay for the research and the grantThis is a group projectpresentation of information is needed. If you believe writing of a research paper is simply about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in a different document, you're mistaken. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that gives a general review of the paper. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. Even should you need to purchase research paper done in 6 hours, you can depend on us. There's a research paper. It is a very serious form of academic writing. Nonetheless, you've got an important research paper to write and you can't neglect it. Therefore, you may read an abstract and understand the key points of work, its features and objections, and that means you have the complete picture of the job. Another benefit of our website is the quickness. To guarantee that you will see a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that is always online. Every student necessitates help with homework from time to time. 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Sunday, May 17, 2020
Ceratosaurus Facts and Figures
Name: Ceratosaurus (Greek for horned lizard); pronounced seh-RAT-oh-SORE-us Habitat: Swamps of southern North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (150-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 15 feet long and one ton Diet: Meat, fish and reptiles Distinguishing Characteristics: Row of bony plates on back; small horns on head; sharp teeth; bipedal posture About Ceratosaurus Ceratosaurus is one of those Jurassic dinosaurs that gives paleontologists fits: although it bore a distinct resemblance to other large theropods of its day (notably Allosaurus, the most common predatory dinosaur of late Jurassic North America, and the comically short-armed Carnotaurus of South America), it also possessed some distinct anatomical quirksâ€â€such as the line of bony plates along its back and the modest horn on its snoutâ€â€that werent shared by any other meat-eaters. For this reason, Ceratosaurus is usually assigned to its own infraorder, the Ceratosauria, and dinosaurs that resemble it are technically classified as ceratosaurs. There is one generally accepted species of Ceratosaurus, C nasicornis; two other species erected in 2000, C. magnicornis and C. dentisulcatus, are more controversial. Whatever its place in the theropod family tree, its clear that Ceratosaurus was a fierce carnivore, gobbling up pretty much any living thing it happened acrossâ€â€including fish, aquatic reptiles, and both herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs (the marine component of its diet can be inferred from the fact that Ceratosaurus had a more flexible and crocodile-like tail than other carnivores, which presumably allowed it to swim with greater agility). Compared to the apex predators of late Jurassic North America, though, Ceratosaurus was fairly small (measuring only about 15 feet from head to tail and weighing no more than two tons), meaning it couldnt have hoped to win a standoff with a full-grown Allosaurus over, say, the carcass of a deceased Stegosaurus. (Interestingly, many dinosaur fossils have been discovered bearing Ceratosaurus tooth marks!) One of the most misunderstood features of Ceratosaurus is its nasal horn, which was actually more of a rounded bump, and nothing to compare with, say, the sharp, tapered horns of Triceratops. The famous American paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh, who named this dinosaur on the basis of remains discovered in Colorado and Utah, considered the horn an offensive weapon, but the more likely explanation is that this growth was a sexually selected characteristicâ€â€that is, Ceratosaurus males with more prominent horns had precedence when mating with females. Assuming it was thickly lined with blood vessels, the bump may even have been brightly colored during mating season, making Ceratosaurus the Jurassic equivalent of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
Friday, May 15, 2020
Gender Equality - 2201 Words
Gender Equality between Pros and Cons Who has not heard about â€Å"Gender Equality†? Among the mushrooming current issues or topics, there is always demand for open spaces. Actually, it is really a good thing and also a kind of proof that shows a particular result after a period of time, the way of considering something, or opinions of people nowadays become more and more open-minded, willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to be their own. Even, most of the time, you may see that something that is being in discussed, for instance, current affairs, and â€Å"Gender Equality†is one among them, seems forcefully, in a way that shows do not expect to be refused. Gender equality is the main means of sex which communicates an†¦show more content†¦Being an empowered woman will give many contributions, especially to the health and also to improve the productivity of the whole family for the next generation’s prospects. The fact that women occasionally leave the work place to have children always hangs over their heads such a something that is more difficult to develop the gender equality. Nowadays, more and more women are in high jobs and also some of them are over ambitious to raise the highest rank in their jobs. Although it is clearly lies down a rough road. In contrast, gender equality does not imply that women and men are the same, but they have equal value and should be accorded equal treatment. Secondly, women and men are different, that is a simple fact before we go too beyond. We should attempt to make people equal and allow women every opportunity that men have, but women are still different, and men treat woman different as woman treat men differently. It is a kind of existing as a natural or basic part of human nature. However, against this argument, that women have been in charge of taking care of their children, do the chores, and also cooking, but with many women working full-time jobs like their husbands men must know help out too. This is too much for a woman to handle everything of her own life. A denial opportunity is one of unnecessarily for one sex or the other. In addition, a stereotyped characterization of sex is alsoShow MoreRelatedRole Of The National Government And Gender Equality Essay2014 Words  | 9 PagesRole of the National Government †¢ Gender equality should be the prime agenda------ governments do not consider gender equality as a priority, gender equality issues are missing from the budgeting process, and women are not present in the financial, peace, and international negotiations, structures and obligations. Government need to mobilize around gender equality agendas in order to create sufficient political will to support the equal inclusion of women in political decision-making. †¢ Fix someRead MoreEqual Rights and Gender Equality1631 Words  | 6 PagesBetween 1923 and 1972, when the Equal Rights passed you would believe that Gender Equality would end. It was passed in 35 states. General Equality has been going on for years. Everything would make everything so much easier if it was Equal for both a men and a women. Where it’s at home, at work, or even at school. Why does one gender have to be better than another? ‘’Achieving Gender equality in education means that boys and girls will have equal opportunities to realize their full human rights andRead MoreGender Equality And Gender Inequality979 Words  | 4 Pages Throughout the past few decades, the gender inequality discourse have became a dominant feature of international, national and local policy debate on the subject of economic development. This policy concern has emerged as an area of scholarly research which seeks to show that improving gender equity leads to economic growth. Gender Inequality in Australia: According to the data published by Australian Bureau of Statistics in May 2015, the full time average earnings of women is $284.20 or 17.9%Read MoreEgalitarianism Is The Belief Of Equality For All, Irrespective Of Class, Gender Or Race?1010 Words  | 5 PagesEgalitarianism is the belief in equality for all, irrespective of class, gender or race. Hunter- gatherer societies are often described by anthropologists as egalitarian; however perhaps some, more so than others. The social organizations of peoples like the Pygmies of the Central African forests and the San (Bushmen) for example, are labelled â€Å"strikingly egalitarian†in contrast to Northwest Coast Indians who display â€Å"social stratification†. There is also evidence suggesting that descent groupsRead MoreGender Equality in Malaysia1513 Words  | 7 Pagesable to contribute to national development and prosperity. In the earlier years, the issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The different religions and cultures of Malaysia have many positive aspects in womens lives. However, it is also the case that women are discriminated against by their religions and cultures, which perpetuate stereotyped gender roles and protectionist and patriarchal attitudes towards women. First at all, the â€Å"family†Read MoreGender Equality : A Critical Appraisal2124 Words  | 9 PagesGender Equality in Secondary Physical Education: A Critical Appraisal Introduction This essay will critically analyse gender equality in physical education teaching. There is evidence to support that many girls and some boys are subject to gender inequalities in physical education (Dowling, 2004). Most studies confirm girls are less involved and motivated to participate in sporting and physical education activities (Gutierrez Lopez, 2012). There is also international research that shows how physicalRead MorePromoting Gender Equality1965 Words  | 8 PagesGender equality is the removal of deep-seated barriers to equality of opportunity and outcome, such as discriminatory laws, customs, practices and institutional processes. It also entails concern with the development of the freedoms of all individuals, irrespective of gender; to choose outcomes they have reason to value. It is integral to ideas of educational quality, as an education system would lack key dimensions of quality if it was discriminatory or did not develop capabilities in children toRead MoreGend er, Gender And Gender Equality1391 Words  | 6 PagesThis essay will look at Gender discrimination in an Australian prospective with some overseas perspectives overlapping this essay will look at gender deference’s in pay in Australia and discuss the ideas and arguments surrounding gender equality in the work place. Gender equity in work place is still a heavily understudied in Australia and as is more or less worldwide. In Australia a country of so called â€Å"equality†which is still, even in the 21st century is an ambiguous and questionable ideal asRead MoreThe, Gender, And Gender Equality974 Words  | 4 Pagesperson that believes that their gender identity doesn’t correspond with his or her biological sex. Doctors diagnosis this uneasy feeling about one’s gender as Gender Dysphoria. Often time’s he or she might undergo sex reassignment surgery to physically become his or her desired gender. Like every other citizen in the United States , transgenders are entitled to a series of rights. However, a transgender’s inconsistency in the presentation between biological sex and gender expression is usually not toleratedRead MoreGender Equality And Equality In Gender Men And Women728 Words  | 3 PagesGender Men and women can definitely work together and support each other to make the society better.        In the days when a woman’s entire obligation was to be a good daughter,a good wife and a good mother,men and women were far from equal.Women suffered sexual discrimination until the so-called feminism came into being.Nowadays,feminism has been running for over a century.Result?It ran into the extreme of equality from my perspective. Most of us agree that men and women should enjoy equality
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on House of Sand and Fog - 608 Words
I read House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III. This story is one of classic tragedy which also contains a nearly unbearable amount of suspense. It tells a story of the conflict between people of different races who have an inability to understand each other. They each want possession of a small house in the California hills but for very different reasons. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On one side, there is Kathy Nicolo and Sheriff Lester Burdon who want the house from which Kathy was evicted. It previously belonged to Kathy’s father and she is reluctant to relinquish possession of it. Then there is the Behranis, a Persian family who was forced to flee to America in fear of their lives. They want the house because it symbolizes their†¦show more content†¦She is a genuinely kind person, but is very arrogant and bull-headed sometimes. Mr. Behrani is a former colonel in the Imperial Air Force of Iran. Behrani served Shahanshah Reza Pahlavi faithfully and effectively until the Shah’s overthrow in 1979, which also destroyed the privilege, power, wealth, and position of people like Colonel Behrani. He is very wise but has a quick temper that he usually controls. Mrs. Behrani is a kind woman but not very smart and cannot speak English very well. Esmail is a very kindhearted person who wants to help Kathy even though it confl icts with his family being able to keep the house. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This book combines characteristics of a suspense thriller with those of a tragedy and is a very interesting book to read. I liked the detail that the author went into about the psychological aspects of the characters in making the decisions that they made. I thought that the characters were well developed and I liked the detail that the author went into about the settings. A detailed setting can really increase the intensity and realism of a situation in a book. This book contained some difficult words that lower level readers might not understand. I would recommend that anyone looking for a suspense/tragedy oriented book should look to this one. The beginning is a somewhat tedious read, but that is only because the author takes so much time to develop theShow MoreRelatedHouse of Sand and Fog, Analysis1704 Words  | 7 PagesCarlos Rivas English 2341 Professor Scott Whitebird March 10, 2011 The book and the movie of the same name, The house of sand and fog which is a movie about the conflict that arises over who is rightful owner of a small bungalow along the California coastline. The story in of itself is amazingly refreshing as the whole story doesn’t really have a protagonist or antagonist because at points in the story all characters are a little bit of both. The book’s and the follow up movie’s main theme areRead MoreHouse of Sand and Fog Essay1300 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel House of Sand and Fog, written by Andrew Dubus III, is a story about how society, events from the past and present situations can affect people’s persona, anima/animus, shadow and self which eventually influences their decisions about life. Dubus explores the conflict between two completely different people with opposite persona. Colonel Masoud Behrani, once a wealthy man in Iran, is now a struggling immigrant willing to bet everything he has to restore his family’s dignity. Kathy NicoloRead MoreJudgment in the House of Sand and Fog Essay1502 Words  | 7 PagesJudgment in the House of Sand and Fog People place judgment on one another every day based on differences. Sometimes it is done subconsciously; sometimes it is done on purpose. In the book The House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III, two different cultures were represented; Kathy represented the culture of the western civilization, whereas Behrani represented the culture of Persians. People judge one another based on unimportant things, and get judged based on those same things as well. TwoRead More Andre Dubus IIIs House of Sand and Fog Essay1198 Words  | 5 PagesAndre Dubus IIIs House of Sand and Fog House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III, explores the catastrophic repercussions of a complex misunderstanding between three characters. The conflict initially involves a dispute between Kathy Nicolo and Massoud Behrani over the â€Å"rightful†ownership of a house. The county wrongfully evicts Kathy and Behrani then buys her house at an auction. When Deputy Sheriff Lester Burdon enters the situation, events quickly slip out of control. SuperficiallyRead MoreAnalysis Of `` House Of Sand And Fog `` By Andre Dubus IIi1236 Words  | 5 PagesAlienation Throughout the novel â€Å"House of Sand and Fog†by Andre Dubus III, the recurring theme of alienation takes its toll on the lives of the two main characters: Kathy and Behrani. We see how the isolation of both characters not only has an effect on them, but also on the lives of others who matter most to them. Alienation is the act of being withdrawn or isolated from a life in which one is accustomed or should be accustomed to. The incidents of alienation demonstrated in the novel includeRead MoreIn House Of Sand And Fog By Andre Dubus Iii, Amir Behrani1509 Words  | 7 PagesIn House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III, Amir Behrani struggles with self identity after moving from Iran to America for asylum. In addition to fleeing Iran due to the political climate and his family’s involvement with the Shah, Behrani is presented to the reader as the quintessential immigrant and refugee. He and his family move to San Francisco, California in order to start a new life. With very little money compared to what they were accustomed to, Behrani and his family reside in a relativelyRead MoreAir Pollution Of Beijing And China1315 Words  | 6 Pageshealthy people cannot adapt it and plenty of diseases related to breath arise in public (Huang Guanzheng 36). Next, the air pollution, especially haze, has caused great difficulty for public to travel. The citizen who walks outside must wear thick mask. Fog reduce visibility, which increases the risk of car accidents. Furthermore, drivers drive slowly for safety, which is not beneficial to ease traffic pressure. In addition, air pollution hinders the development of eco nomy. For example, in2004, as a resultRead MoreRacism Is The Set Of Beliefs Or The Ideology That Constructs Groups1075 Words  | 5 Pagesattempting to commit suicide, it was too late for a caring environment. Realizing the damage that was done was too much for this young woman to cope. Threats, violence and society ultimately destroy two homes. Injustices throughout the film â€Å"House of Sand and Fog†are immense. We witness the police officer and Kathy culturally defining Colonel Behrani and his family through his ethnicity. Defining someone by their ethnic group is a common way of linking individuals to ancestral and historical originsRead MoreBeach Box Essay676 Words  | 3 Pagesall about to change. It was the 26th of October. The nights were getting darker and colder. I put on my coat, shoes, scarf and picked up the house keys and prepared for my daily walk. The beach was quite near, only two minutes away. The tide was high. The moonlight glistened off the waves which were gently stroking the sand when they fell and rustled as they moved across the sea-shells. The horizon was clear as far as you could see. The smell of seaweed and saltRead MoreWhy My Name is Lake: A Narrative Fiction Essay example1240 Words  | 5 Pageswhile kicking sand over the dead fire. It rolled out, a piece of sky from the ashes. It seemed lost, small but magnified at the same time. Picking it up, Lake blew away the grit. It brightened and took a beam of sunlight and scattered it into four colors, one for each direction. It was a glass door knob, still connected to the short metal rod that used to hold it to a door. Might have made the fire over the top of it, she thought. It must have a history, broken off from its house and traveled here
What Brought on the Financial Crisis of 2008 - 737 Words
There are many different views as to what brought on the financial crisis of 2008. One of these views are that of global imbalances. On the one hand, the United States have an extremely large current account deficit. On the other, there are countries, especially oil-exporting economies and China in particular, with large current account surpluses. The concept of global or external imbalances is often seen as a synonym for this situation. The definition of global imbalances is often vague. There is not one clear definition as it tends to oscillate between different views and can thus be defined in a number of ways. Chinn M.D (2013:68) interprets it as relating to international relationships, which include the private financial account, the current account, or official reserves transactions. Though global imbalances are usually associated with the current account, Chinn specifies that it does not necessarily refer to the current account but actually the rather large degree of the current account balances in absolute values. According to Bracke, et al., (2008:12), global imbalances can be defined as â€Å"External positions of systemically important economies that reflect distortions or entail risks for the global economy.†This definition is then broken up to explain the concept in more detail. According to Bracke, et al., (2008:12), the â€Å"external positions†refer to both the current account balances as well as the financial positions. â€Å"Systemically important economies†refer toShow MoreRelatedLehman Brothers Case Study1703 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States was the 2008 Lehman Brother’s case. A numerous amount of the general public lost their employment, while investors lost their money during this crisis. By the Lehman Brothers commercial real estate investments failing, they were not able to efficiently finance its operations. This was all because of the 2008 commercial mortgage financial disaster. In this research, I will use Assignments 1 research as the f oundation to explain how the Lehman Brother crisis affects business, to giveRead MoreThe Courage Of Act Memoir Is Essential Reading For People Who Wants You Know What Happened At Federal Open844 Words  | 4 PagesThe Courage to Act memoir is essential reading for people who wants to know what happened at Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Aug. 5, 2008. It invokes comparisons to the Great Depression and at the same time suggests that Shucks, it was not all that great, was not a depression or anything (Bernanke). But Bernanke is persuasive in arguing that it was pretty damned high i.e. terrible and he and his members at the Fed deserve credit for the fact that it wasn t a heck of a lot greater. BernankeRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Is Considered By Many People As One Of The Worst Recession Since The Great Depression Essay1530 Words  | 7 PagesThe 2008 Financial Crisis is considered by many people as one of the worst recession since the Great Depression that occurred fr om 1929-1939. The loss for that week was an astounding $30 billion. This was ten times more than the annual federal budget and far more than the U.S. had spent in WWI (30B dollars would be equivalent to $377,587,032,770.41 today). Additionally after posing a huge effect on the U.S economy, the financial crisis expanded to Europe and the rest of the world. It brought downRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008928 Words  | 4 PagesDefine: Introduction The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 was considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the decade preceding World War II. The Global Financial Crisis threatened large range of the financial organizations. Although the central banks and other banks were trying to keep away from the crisis, the stock market still suffered a huge decline internationally. Other than the global stock market, the house market was also influenced greatly, causing the unemploymentRead MoreFinancial Crisis After The Great Depression1229 Words  | 5 Pages2008 Financial Crisis Not since the great depression was there such a devastating economic crisis as the 2008 financial crisis. A crisis rooted from the burst of the housing bubble in the U.S. thus leading to the government being brought down, ruined economies, crumbled financial corporations and impoverish lives of numerous individuals. As reported in McClean and Nocera’s All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis, â€Å"the seeds of [the] financial disaster were sown more thanRead MoreDeterminants Of The Crisis Of Colander s A Manifesto For Economic Sense1439 Words  | 6 Pagesnumerous determinants that resulted in the Financial Crisis of 2008, wage stagnation for the majority of Americans and increasing income inequality are among the most influential. The housing bubble that was fueled by subprime lending and indebtedness was a subsequent result of these two determinants. This essay will analyze the two factors (income inequality and wage stagnation) that contributed to the onset of the crisis, factors that are prolonging the crisis--expressed from the position of Colander’sRead MoreThe Economic Crisis Of The United States1680 Words  | 7 Pages Although the global economic crisis in 2008 occurred in many countries around the world, it was originally initiated by the United States of America. Being as though the United States is one of the world s most hegemonies countries after its economy suffered from an immense downturn many smaller countries were affected, most specifically the Caribbean. Many countries within the Caribbean were affected greatly by the recession due to the fact that most of their gross domestic product comes fromRead MoreGlobal Financial Crisis : The Fall Of Lehman Brothers1250 Words  | 5 PagesBrothers in 2008 as the major factor for the economic downturns leading to the Global Financial Crisis, or 2008 financial crisis, proves this point. Started from the irresponsible handling of mortgages of consumers, the prices of houses in America sank. Interest rates fell while capital ratios became lax. It was a case of impending Great Depression. Given its role of lending funds and providing technical assistance, IMF extended its help to adversely affected countries of the 2008 financial crisis. WhenRead MoreFinancial Crisis : The Fiscal Crisis1355 Words  | 6 Pagessecond week of October in 2008 was the worst week for stock market during 75 years, Buckley (2011) state that the worst record was the Dow Jones Industrial Averages dropped 22.1%, but it fell 44.3% then. In general, a financial crisis is not an accident; it may take several years and has complex and interlaced causes (Claessens and Kodres, 2014). The 2007-08 global financial crisis is a typical case due to long-term non-intervention policy and loose regulation for financial market from government.Read MoreThe Wall Street Meltdown1627 Words  | 6 PagesThe Wall Street Meltdown The Meltdown is a PBS special on the events of the financial crisis of 2008, in a timeline format, revealing the thinking behind decisions made during the fateful months before the stock market crash in August of that year. Some financial gurus on Wall Street devised a plan to bundle several mortgages together into a group, and then selling that bundle to another group of investors looking to invest in securities. The lender did not need to earn money from the loans he
Tourism Planning Environment for Bega Valley - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theTourism Planning Environment for Bega Valley. Answer: Introduction The tourism sector is a significant contributor to the Australian economy and therefore study of tourism in two different regions of Australia can help one understand the key contributors to tourism like promotion through digital media, theme based tourism, brand value, positive word of mouth and the hospitality industry like the food and wine industry (Ruhanen Whitford and McLennan 2015). Discussion Critical Review of Tourism in the Baga Valley Shire Economy Key issues of Bega Valley Tourism 1) The Bega Valley Tourism needs to attract more international visitors. 2) The Bega Valley Tourism requires more funding to improve in different areas like operations and promotion 3) The digital technology is utilized well for promotion. Policy cycle-The elements that are adequately addressed Identification of issues and analysis of issues- Tourism plays an important role in the social and economic prosperity of the inhabitants of Bega Valley. The sustainable sources of revenue in the tourism sector in Bega Valley must be identified. The economy in tourism in Bega Valley is more than the average level of tourism in the other sectors. International visitors should be attracted more in Bega Valley. The Bega Valley region shows a significant rise of tourists from the domestic market, the highest contributor of tourism in this sector being Victoria which is 60 percent. The highest percentage of tourism was in June 2014 for this sector. The top travel motivators of tourism are coastal experience, journeys of exploration and nature. For successful promotion of tourism a brand image should be created in minds of customers with the aid of components of branding like stories, images and experiences. The Bega Valley Tourism sector along with partnership of Sapphire Coast Tourism mu st focus on its strength arenas that make this tourism sector special. The Sapphire coast offers Australias one of the top sixteen nature tourism experience and is well recognized by Tourism Australia. The increasing popularity is that the growth of visitors is strong in the March and June Sector which is off-peak season. This is desirable as the rush in the peak season can be avoided by this trend. The increase in international visitors is also an increasing trend (sapphirecoast.com.au, 2017). Identification of policy solutions-The Bega Valley Tourism also makes use of digital media platform like the internet and hand held electronic devices to promote its tourism sector (Mistilis and Gretzel 2013). A digital manager takes care of all the digital activities of the tourism sector. The Bega Valley tourism sector also makes use of social media strategy by encouraging positive word of mouth and making use of the concept of other people telling the stories of travel experience in the Sapphire coast and Bega Valley. Selection of preferred alternative-The visitors can make use of WiFi services while they travel so that they can stay connected online using their hand held electronic devices. The sector has presented the journey program in the form of themes like National parks, Earth History, Walks and Historic heritage. These four themes will help to attract the attention of travelers by intriguing their interests in multiple arenas. Preferred alternative to increase regional tourism-Digital technology is used to understand behavior patterns of regional tourists. Implementation- Data mining tools can be used to implement the policy Evaluation of policy is done by feedback of visitors using digital platforms. The information which is sufficient for stakeholders The Bega Valley and Sapphire Tourism needs additional funding for improvement on multiple arenas. The funds are allocated in the areas with forty nine percent in operations, eighteen percentage in promotions and thirty three percentage in visitors centre. The information is sufficient for stakeholders as the Bega Valley in partnership with Sapphire Tourism as source of additional funding from industry contributors has also been analyzed. Critical Review of Sustainable Food and Wine Project Key issues The research paper analyses the value that is added in the tourism industry by growth of the food and wine and other hospitality industry across Adelaide hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island region (rdahc.com.au, 2017). An analysis of the Australian Food Supply chain has been provided by the department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Australian government which makes a detailed analysis of the different food sectors industries in the hospitality industries which makes a significant contribution to tourism and the number of outlets of each industry in Australia has been depicted(Hall 2013).The main contributor to tourism sector in the RDA Region is the hospitality industry which is clearly understood from this food map analysis. The key issues like whether there is sufficient training for customer service and if the outlets are serving local food and wine which represents culture of the region has been analyzed (Hall and Gssling 2013). Policy cycle-The elements that are adequately addressed Identification of policy solutions The research paper makes an in-depth review of how the tourism sector leads to the sustainable growth of food and wine industry in the Adelaide hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island region. Selection of preferred alternative- The food and wine sector in this region can be promoted by story-telling which can include both collective and individual story experiences (Peris-Ortiz et al. 2015). Branding of Kangaroo Island should be done effectively. Implementation of policy-The local industries should be connected and branding should be done with authenticity and personal relationships should be build.The branding will be done in coordination with food and wine and agriculture department. Evaluation-Increase in brand value will evaluate the policy The policy of sourcing and promotion of the food and wine industry is also analyzed (Croce and Perri 2017). The information which is sufficient for stakeholders The research paper makes an analysis of the International Visitors in the September quarter of 2013 and the revenue earned from tourism in this quarter. It is found out that China and the United Kingdom are the top contributors in the tourism sector in this quarter contributing $126 million and $60 million respectively. An analysis of regional expenditure and number of visitors has been provided. The tourism listings of Adelaide hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island region has been provided with an analysis of monthly occupancy rates of hotel motels and service apartments in this region. Destination action plan for each region is analyzed. The age group of both domestic and international visitors is depicted. Farmers market and employment and skills of this region is studied in detail. It is depicted how regional branding is done and a SWOT analysis has been provided. Comparison of the two research papers The first research paper of Bega valley analyzes the use of digital platform to promote tourism. The strength of this research paper is that an analysis of different promotional campaigns which boosts tourism like theme based tourism and the role positive word of mouth and story-telling in raising brand awareness has been analyzed. The research paper makes an analysis of the weakness of the tourism sector in this region like there is an additional requirement of sustainable resources and sources of funding should be analyzed. The research paper also makes an attempt to attract more international visitors in this region. The second research paper can be contrasted with the first research paper based on the fact that there is huge revenue that is collected from international visitors in the Adelaide hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island region. This paper focuses on analyzing the role of hospitality industry like food and wine industry which contributes significantly to tourism unlike the first paper (Carlsen and Boksberger 2015). Self- Reflection The assessment has improved my awareness in tourism planning as the link of digital media to promote tourism and the role of hospitality industry in tourism sector could be well understood. The assessment can help me in writing my discussion paper as critical areas of tourism sector like developing brand awareness through components of branding like story- telling, role of digital media and analysis of local hospitality industry and local employment and training skills in service sector is well understood by me from this assessment. Conclusion The critical review and comparison of research paper of tourism sectors of two different regions of Australia can help one make a well defined planning of the tourism sector. These two research paper highlights the key strength and weakness of the tourism sector in the two regions that is - in the Adelaide hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island region and the Bega Valley and the Sapphire coast region. It can be understood from the assignment that building a brand image is important for tourism sector by highlighting on strengths so that a strong perceived value in the heart of customers can be created to promote tourism. Reference Carlsen, J. and Boksberger, P., 2015. Enhancing consumer value in wine tourism.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,39(1), pp.132-144. Croce, E. and Perri, G., 2017.Food and wine tourism. Cabi. Hall, C.M., 2013.Wine, food, and tourism marketing. Routledge. Mistilis, N. and Gretzel, U., 2013. Tourism operators' digital uptake benchmark survey 2013. Peris-Ortiz, M., Del Ro, M.D.L.C. and Rueda-Armengot, C. eds., 2015.Wine and Tourism: A Strategic Segment for Sustainable Economic Development. Springer. rdahc.com.au. (2017).TOURISM. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Civil service free essay sample
Today, there is a mad rush to build high-rise buildings and commercial establishments at the expense of destroying the environment. Largely, the beauty and integrity of the environment or nature is threatened. If I were the official concerned on this matter, I would have another group of chemist to inspect and investigate the place to revalidated the previous results conducted by the first chemists to be considered whether it is unsafe for swimming and to make necessary recommendations on its cause depending on the results.If the findings reveal that the water is indeed polluted and unsafe for swimming, then would launch a campaign to halt any activities in the said area which contributed to the problem in order to reduce or lessen the volume of microorganisms present in the beaches for it to be safe again. I would encourage everyone to participate in this campaign for the benefit of the community so that the tourists will continue to visit the island without fear. Its inevitable that some people in the area would resist the proposed campaign since their livelihood and their interests will be affected. In order to make them understand the dangers of high volume of chloroforms in the water in the area, there is a need to conduct and Information and Education Campaign about the effects on these circumstances. Through this, the people will be able to get a better picture about what will happen to them and to heir place if the said problem is left unattended.Furthermore, I will advocate for the enactment of an ordinance or local legislative policy to govern and regulate the operation of all the beaches in the island. The ordinance must specifically provide for the responsibilities of the beach operators in the island in the maintenance of cleanliness and safety of the place and a prescribe penalty for violation thereof. The ordinance must likewise fix allowable fees and charges within the limitations provided by the law to generate local income which may be used by the ALGAL s one of the sources in the implementation its programs and projects.This presupposes the payment of license to operate, as a regulatory fee, in the exercise of police power of the Local Government unit concerned. Establishments must conform to Health and Sanitary requirements and must secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate from the Department Of Environment and Natural Resources (EDEN) before the City/Municipal Building Office permits the construction and the City/Municipal Engineering Office must strictly supervise and inspect the course of construction if all requirements have been followed. Through this initiative, the place will be restored and its income will be augmented as tourist will keep on coming on the island making the place popular Case Study #2 Wanted: Dead Heroes If were Rick, being the person in authority to check all the vehicles, I will do my best to negotiate in a manner not hurting any person even Colonel Alonzo and his men. Informing them that what they have done is illegal and unbecoming of being a public servant. As person in-charge, should implement my duties and responsibilities in order to prevail what is being mandated by law as no person is higher than the laws.Colonel Alonzo should e reminded of his duty to uphold the law more so that he is a military official. The cutting down of trees in the forest has been due to the fact that most of the mountains has already been denuded which lead to the occurrence of natural calamities such as falsehoods and landslides. These natural calamities destroyed many lives and properties of many. It also gives problem to our government in helping the victims of said calamities. Thus, I will not allow Colonel Alonzo to pass because they have no permit and it is illegal.Being a public official, I believe he will understand that Im just performing my duty. Then I will report the incident to the proper authorities who are more knowledgeable on the matter at hand. Case Study #3 What Else Can I Do? I agree with Galenas convictions to report things to Senator Meringue and the Media. Whistle blowing is an act in which a certain person reports an anomaly to the authorities. It has been practiced by people over the years. Most of them are government e employees who repartitioning in their respective offices. Reason for this weightlessness is to ask protection inattention from the people and the media. This weightlessness occurs in both private and government organizations. Weightlessness always face the consequences of their actions such as different lawsuits and termination frothier respective works. Civil servants took an oath that he should report every anomaly in his office. It is part of historical convictions to expose corrupt officials in his office. Non- report of these anomalies can bookbinderies as unethical and most of the time, the civil servants themselves were tagged in ethicalness.There are several processes in the government that are detrimental to the public since it was transacted under the table. Most officials serve as accomplices to these rimes while their subordinates, the civil servants, as instruments. For the sake of Pakistan or fear of retaliation from their bosses, some civil servants are forced to obey whatever their chief aerodromes. In the military, theres a principle of obey first before you complain. However, after the Vietnam War, it was revised on the military philosophy that commands must be reviewed first oversimplifying into action.The same goes on with different organizations. Unfortunately, most complaints by the little guys are disregarded by the society and no actions will be taken while the hostellers gain nothing from reporting such wrongful acts. This made them doubt anything twice before taking actions on the matter. However, it is their duty to do such. One resort made by weightlessness is to go to the media. With media attention, it will also contravention to the populace which pressures the authorities concerned to take an action.While it sister that most media fabricate some parts of the news due to their individual biases and that their main purpose is to earn profit, reporting things to media yield a lot of benefit for disestablishes. The knowledge of the populace itself bout the situation will secure the person. Reporting matters to an elected official is not a very wise decision for any whistlers because the politician itself might be a conspirator on the anomaly which you are about to expose-Another thing is that these politicians will use the scandal to elevate their status and popularization the people to gain votes for the elections.On the other hand, if that elected politician is inadequate or is an authority on that matter, for example in this case, the environment, it is right tor por the anomalies to them because they were the ones who can really take an action. Case Study #4 Pick Me Up This case of Ronnie is a normal incident in most if not all Of the government institution. People oftentimes gave money to the public or government employees as a form of gratitude for a job done or tube accomplished. If I was in Rennins shoes, I will return the money to Ms.Santos because know that being a government employee accepting money is a prohibited act. It is very unethical for a government employee to receive any amount from the people whom served because being a public servant it is my duty and obligation to setup the people to the best of my ability as well as to perform y responsibility with all my heart without expecting any amount in return. I will just explain to Ms. Santos the reason why cannot accept the money. I will explain to her that I know she is just happy and satisfied of my performance but despite that it is not necessary to reward me with money.I bet she will understand. Moreover, will tell her also that it is my responsibility to serve her being a public servant. Furthermore, will thank her for the offer and appreciate her kind act of gratitude. I that instance, I can make her realize that what she had done is prohibited which later on curtail the same act to there government employees. Finally, as mandated by law, public Officials and employees shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value from any person in the course of their official duties.Case Study #5 Bring Home Office Goodies A government property should be utilized properly whether its just a simple office supply. Using government properties in any form for personal is not proper. The government purchased those supplies, which came from public funds sourced from the taxpayer, not for the employees used but official equines only. In the case given, I would take Cynthia side. The act of Emmy was a form of stealing government property because it does not belong to her. Bringing home office supplies to be used for personal interest is obviously unethical and unbecoming.This may gave wrong perceptions of all the government officials or employees. People who have knowledge of an employee doing such thing will make wrong conclusions or generalizations on government employees. As mentioned in R. A 6713 that public officials and employees shall utmost devotion and dedication to the duty. Finally, a overspent employee has the responsibility to take care of every government property and utilize them properly for public interest and not for personal one. Case Study #6 More Than Just Casinos If something is legal it doesnt mean that it is automatically moral.There are things that are legal but are immoral. That is because there is a big difference between legal and moral. When talk of morality, it is based on an internal and possibly external sense of what is right Oregon. Legality simply refers to acts that conform to the law. And aside from that morality is based on an individuals beliefs and not the law. On the given example, PASTOR, like the Lotto and sweepstakes symbolize gambling. It is legal because it is allowed by the government. And the revenues it remitted to the government help a lot in building schools as well as in othernesss of the government.And aside from that, it has helped lot Of sick people in determination and hospitalizing. It also extends help to victims of calamities. Those are someone the reasons that make it legal and that the government allowed it to operate. But we cannonaded the fact that it symbolizes gambling. And gambling has stroked many lives and housebroken many families. It is a game of chance that people bet even the last money in their hallucinates they believe that if they will win, they will get their money in many folds. Indeed it asocial ill. Yes, lotto and sweepstakes is legal, but since the symbolize gambling, it is immoral.This is a best example that tells us that if some thing is legal, it does not automatically mean its moral. Case Study #7 1 Can Afford Anyway The law states that public officials and employees and their families shall lead modest lepidopterist to their positions and income. They shall not indulge n an extravagant displayed wealth in any form. Guided by this rule, I dont agree with the employees opinion regarding the dress code of SC. Since she is a government employee, it is her obligation to abide with Thelma. Though it is true that she can afford to buy expensive jewelries but still it is not proper tower them in reporting to work.This might create wrong perceptions on the people outsourcing her. People around are very observant Of those who are working in governmentally. They are aware of how much the government employees are receiving every month-And sometimes they do make judgments on the employees based on what they see. Dismantled to public service degradation. So to maintain a good image as a public servant or as government employee, it is proper to follow the dress code as mandated by the SC. The jewelries and other expensive materials can be used in some other occasions anyway.Case Study #8 Gifts Galore Giving of gifts is a sign of gratitude. And refusing a gift offered or given is an insult to the giver . There are reasons why we receive and we give gifts. Giving gifts is a kind act and as a result digestives happiness to the receiver regardless of the amount of the gift given. This is an act that expatriated so much by anybody. Since gift giving is a kind act, there is nothing wrong with this,but if the gift IS given in exchange for a favor that is asked or for a task that was comprehensibilitys if it is given to a government employee is no longer good. It is unethical.Josses is right. Though the gift given to Adele were just nominal but if she has to combine all the gifts serviced ifs a large amount already. Through this act, the people will think that the gifts wrigglier as payment for what she did for them. And next time, if these people will ask oviform her again, she cannot refuse because of the gifts that were given to her. And the postseason why accepting gifts is improper its because the law states that public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept directly or indirectly any gifts, gratuity, favor,entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value.Public employees should do their duties that is to serve the people for free because they are well-paid by the government for that. Case Study #9 For Official Use Also If happen to chance upon a government service vehicle parked in a place here least expect government official may transact business with, the first thing that I will do is to think teammate the government official using the government vehicle just drop by from an efficaciousness transaction near that place.But if I happen to see it twice or more, then will try town the reasons why the vehicle is parked there. Since am aware that government voicelessly be used f or official business transactions only and not for personal business of course Eave to inform the proper authorities of it so that this wrong act of government officials will bestowed. Aside from that, this may serve as warning also to the other government officials where using the government vehicles for personal interest. Government vehicles are sphygmomanometer which is issued to government officials to make and perform their task and to serviette people in a fast manner and not to be used in their personal matters. These should be suedes public interest and not for personal interest. Case Study He Does, I Do* A government official or employee should always possess the spirit Of professionalism anyway. One way of showing it is by reporting to work on mime. A government employee shoulder very conscious of the time; they should utilize the time well.It is not good to see multiprocessing to office for work late, and then once he arrives in the office the people who need hisser-vice are already waiting for him. It is very embarrassing and very disgusting. In the situational, Roy is right when he said that his boss should not be exempted from the policymakers for the late comers since like him his boss always come to work late also. But he growing when he made the distance of his house from his office. As an employee, it s histrionically to report to office on time.
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