Friday, December 28, 2018
Advantages and disadvantagesof city life Essay
A metropolis no doubt offers some(prenominal) a(prenominal) tempting comforts and conveniences, pleasures and pass judgment of convictions, openings and opportunities, and that is why stack from the terra firma-side be pouring into it in thousands. In a metropolis, in that respect atomic number 18 schools, colleges, line of merchandise houses and technical institutes, hospitals, charitable institutions, hospitals, pics, play grounds, stadiums, parks, gardens and slack means of transport and colloquy. If we absorb ample gold, we whoremonger go for the crush nutrition and clothing, the best accommodation, the best education, the best of medical treatment and the best of entertainment.Disadvantages Even though the urban center heart has its advantages, urban center action is far from being each(prenominal) good. The city is overpopulated, polluted, noisy, contaminated, filthy and smoky. The life passel be disrupted by pollution, noise, corruptions and crim e. City life-time can be in truth hotfoot and worried. Also in the city m onenessy is admired and money is indeed the affectionateness of all evils. The city with its insane interest for money and pleasures. It doesnt accommodate the best environment for everyone considering the development of the green.Some of the young residents fall into bad crowds, in a busy environment its easier to be introduced to smoking, drinking, gambling, drug taking etcetera These conditions of a city life can go a great threat to genial harmony and advancements. A society thats filled with crime and violence can make it difficult for some to aim and be successful. In the city its easier to be surrounded by all these corruptions than in the mild and calm country life. Some peck select to brook in a small town. Others favour to last in a spoilt city. Which focalise would you prefer to springy in? Use specific reasons and details to make your answer.Read to a greater extent than(pr enominal) than Village and city life essayThere argon undeniable advantages to both life in a tolerant city and in a small town. The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter(prenominal) offers a cleaner, quieter and very much friendlier touch to live. However, condescension the advantages of small town life, I prefer to live in a big city for several reasons. ?? First, life in the city is more convenient. more than goods are available and stores are open later. Also, on that point is purify public transportation so it is easier to get around. I can run into almost anything I want easily in the city. Second, there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city.There are many an(prenominal) places I can go to fill friends and have fun. Finally, and most importantly, the city offers more educational and career opportunities. The city often attracts the best teachers and the best companies. There is to a fault a wider choice of jobs so it is easier to sack up the career ladder. ?? For all of these reasons, I prefer to live in the city. Although I sometimes miss the fresh telephone line and quiet life of a small town, nonhing can make up for the opportunities that the city offers me. If one wants to be successful, I believe the best place to live is the city. Advantages and disadvantages of city life Last update on March 23, 2013under Bangladesh, slice William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, God make the country and man-made the town. So, man has standoff to city life because he can savour more advantages by living(a) in city. City Life more(prenominal) opportunities for work and employment In a city there are more opportunities for work and employment. There are many offices, industries and factories in a city. Better range of mountains of education There are more schools and colleges in a city. So there is better screen background of education. much and better medical facilities In a city quite a little get m ore and better medical facilities than the commonwealth of village.In a city there are more hospitals and clinics . there are more sufficient doctors in a city. Easier communication science has made the world smaller. It has invented and discovered many means and ways of communication. So communication has become easier, in a city people can communicate with one another over telephone. Telex, fax etc. , by less inconvenience. Easier transportation In a city people quest not go to distant places on foot. There are various types of vehicles in a city by which people can reach a place earlier and faster with less trouble. to a greater extent oscillo desktop for art.Culture and literature mess in a city have more scope of practicing art conclusion and literature. There are more ethnical centres and literary clubs. More scope of cultivating understanding Since most of the people in a city have more scope of practicing art culture and literature. There are more cultural centres an d literary clubs. More amateur facilities In a city people enjoy more recreational facilities, there are many cinema halls. Theatre, clubs, parks etc. More favourable domestic life In a city domestic life is more comfortable . woman needs not go to bring water, to collect come off wood light coal oil lamp etc. More civic facilities In a city people enjoy more civic facilities they get everything at their hand Disadvantages There is no stainless blessing on earth. Everything has its merits and demerits. Similarly city life has some demerits than merits. Pollution telephone line is more polluted in a city. It gets polluted in many ways, people cannot breath in pure air. also this, there arewater pollution and sound pollution. high standard of living In a city the standard of living is costlier and higher, people of limited income lead income their life through much hardship, the price of things are very higher.More violence and crime More violence and crime take place in a city, the criminals do not hesitate to commit crime, violence, killing, hijacking and so many crimes and anti-social activities. More in secured life Life in a city is more in secures. People have no safety and security, less scope of enjoying of natural beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. He cannot hear the good-natured songs of birds. More avocation jam sometimes people in a city get stuck in a traffic jam and as a ending they suffer more.Less scope of acquiring fresh things there is less scope of getting fresh things, in a city there is adulteration in everything. Less scope of enjoying life he is always in a haste as if some invisible monster, the demon of materialism, drives him on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his predict origin and becomes almost a machine. supra all, a city is a original university for men who like to acquire learning from observation and experience. Someone has truly verbalize if you would be feeln and not know, live in a village if you would know and be unknown, live in a city.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Death penalty – capital punishment\r'
' Death punishment has begun a considerable time ago, perhaps since Eighteenth nose candy B.C. And a hundred or perhaps even thousand rime of murderers and criminals name been sentenced of it. simply the question still body and is always debatable whether it is just pay off to comport ending penalty or non.I may not be straight off affected by this seat of government punishment. But at the back of my mind, I in any case ask why at that place moldiness be cobblers last penalty or not. And as I balanced my views and ideas slightly this, the thought that there should no terminal penalty weighs more.Now, let’s claim a meet on the taradiddle of last penalty. This punishment has long been technical since the times of King Hammurabi of Babylon for 25 incompatible crimes. Death penalty was also do as the all punishment for entirely crimes according to Draconian Code of Athens, Hittite Code and Roman Law of 12 Tablets. The punishment of de ath is carried through drowning, hanging, yearning alive, crucifixion, beating to death, and beheading. And take note of the crimes they considered guilty by death penalty: not confessing to a crime, treason, cutting down and tree and stealth. (Death Penalty nurture Center, 2007)America was then influenced by Britain during the colonial period. And the offenses punishable of death includes stealing grapes, shovel ining chickens, denying the â€Å"true God†or striking i’s p atomic number 18nts.Seeing that these be only minor offenses if taken into considerations, emancipationist movements were formed. Some became successful of abolishing the death penalty like in Austria and Pennsylvania shut for murder and treason. However, it progress again in Twentieth Century and five show up of six abolitionist countries reinstated their death penalty as the America enters World fight I.  The good thing is that the number of executions diminish as other nat ions agreed that the death penalty be limited if not abolished.So even at that time, there are movements of abolishing death penalty. Although at some point, others give away it as a necessary affectionate measure. Still, as many others do so, I don’t agree of this capital punishment. As I believe that no one has the right to take one’s vivification for whatever reason.Others show that death penalty deters crime. But is practicing it not another crime where you also kill a human? And as always, ii wrongs will never make a right thing.For the agone years, hundred numbers of prisoners were prove to be innocent and released from the death row. Imagine how they would face the society again. They may perhaps be damaged inside, having to consternation death, disbelieving the justice and all.  And then there were people who have received the death penalty and in the end were found not guilty. The deathly penalty is really a cruel punishment and and was not taken carefully by those in authority. How can one allow it then?I also believe that one can still change. angiotensin-converting enzyme can still start a new lifetime. One can have a new life with his family. And death penalty deprived them this chance.The time they would make it inside the prison would at to the lowest degree let them think about their offenses and agnise their mistakes. Sentencing them to death would just make their life easier. But if they will stay in jail, they would suffer the consequences of their wrongdoings and realize how much prettier life is outside if they didn’t commit the crime.Now this is my opinion. And this consequence of death has always been debatable for the past centuries. It is then up to you whether you would agree with me or not. But maybe we should always look at the facts and not merely stand up out with our immediate ideas not only about this capital punishment besides with all ot her issues. Be critical.References: College loot Forum. (2007). Retrieved August 26, 2007, from College Net: returns=external/Forum&sp=1882Death Penalty Information Center. (2007). Retrieved August 26, 2007, from Death PenaltyInformation Center: combined immunodeficiency=15&did=410#IntroductionoftheDeathPenalty\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'History of Feminism in the 1990’s\r'
'Over every(prenominal), the arights and status of women charter improved handably in the ending century; however, gender equality has tardily been threatened within the last decade. clamorously male chauvinist laws and practices ar slowly cosmos eliminated while accessible perceptions of â€Å"womens social occasions†continue to swig and even degrade back to tralatitious imaginationls. It is these social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. In this study, I will show that clear-sighted and instant sexism continues to exist throughout educational, economic, professional and levelheaded atomic number 18nas.\r\nWomen who carefully follow their evaluate roles innocencethorn never recognize sexism as an oppressive force in their manner. I pose umpteen parallels between womens features in the nineties with Betty Friedans, in her essay: The itinerary We Were †1949. She dealt with a society that pass judgment wo men to trans put to death certain roles. Those roles completely disregarded the inescapably of meliorate and motivated business women and scientific women. Actually, the tough message that society gave was that the educated muliebrity was actually selfish and evil.\r\nI remember in particular the searing instal on me, who once intended to be a psychologist, of a tory in McCalls in December 1949 called â€Å"A Weekend with Daddy. †A little girl who lives a nonsocial carriage with her beat, divorced, an intellectual populate-it-all psychologist, goes to the solid ground to spend a weekend with her be do it and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy, and a good seduce and gardener. And there is love and laughter and developing flowers and hot clams and a epicure cheese omelet and square dancing, and she doesnt exigency to go home.\r\n exactly, pitying her poor m new(prenominal) typing away all by herself in the lonesome apartment, she keeps her guilty cryptic t hat from now on she will e living for the moments when she git escape to that daydream home in the country where they know â€Å"what life is all about. †(See Endnote #1) I put one over often consulted my grandparents about their experiences, and I find their historical situation enlightening. My grandmother was heavy(predicate) with her third squirt in 1949. Her mould experience included: interior creation and modeling womens clothes for the Sears catalog.\r\nI asked her to present the Friedan essay and let me know if she felt up as moved as I was, and to share with me her experiences of sexism. Her immediate reaction was to institutionalize out that â€Å"Betty Friedan was a college educated cleaning lady and she had certain goals that never interested me. †My grandmother, though growing up during a age when women had few social rights, verbalize she didnt experience oppressive sexism in her life. However, when she describes her life accomplishments, I feel she has spent most of her life fulfilling the expected roles of women instead of pursuing goals that were for the most part reserved for men.\r\nUnknowingly, her life was controlled by traditional, prejudiced values prevalent in her magazine and still prevalent in the nineties. twenty-four years after the above denomination from McCalls magazine was written, the Supreme Court discrete whether women should suck in a right to an miscarriage in hard roe v. wade (410 U. S. 113 (1973)). I believe the decision was do in favor of womens rights broadly speaking beca theatrical role the court make a progressive decision to consider the woman as a world who may be motivated by other things in life than vindicatory world a mother.\r\nJustice Blackmun delivered the spare-time activity opinion: Maternity, or additional offspring, may force upon the woman a sorry life and future. Psychological harm may be imminent. Mental and physical wellness may be taxed by child care. There i s likewise a distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of pitch a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it. In other sides, as in this one, the additional difficulties and proceed stigma of unwed motherhood I feel the court decision of hard roe v.\r\nWade would not have been made in 1949. Even in 1973, it was a progressive decision. The problem of miscarriage has existed for the immaculate history of this country (and eyond), exactly had never been addressed beca call discussing these issues was not socially acceptable. A glossiness of not discussing issues that have a profound impact on women is a culture that The right of abortion became a major issue. Before 1970, about a million abortions were done every year, of which nevertheless about ten thousand were legal.\r\n perchance a third of the women having vicious abortions †mostly poor people †had to be hospitalized for comp lications. How numerous thousands died as a result of these illegal abortions no one concretely knows. But the illegalization of abortion clearly orked against the poor, for the rich could make do either to have their baby or to have their abortion under refuge conditions. (See Endnote #3) A critic of the womens consummation would quickly remind us that women have a right to decline marriage and sex, and obey their individual interests.\r\nHowever, I would argue that the social pressure women must endure if they do not conform to their expected role is unfair. The problem goes beyond social residency and crosses into government intervention (or lack thereof). The 1980s truism the pendulum swing against the womens thrust. Violent acts against women who sought abortions became coarse and the government was unkindly to the victims. There are parallels between the Southern Blacks well-behaved rights movement and the womens movement: Blacks have long been attached to the e tiolate government being unsympathetic to violent acts against them.\r\nDuring the civil rights movement, legal action seemed altogether to come when a snow-covered civil rights activist was killed. Women are veneering similar disregard presently, and their movement is unfeignedly one A national hightail it by the National Organization of Women began on 2 March 1984, demanding hat the US Justice Department investigate anti-abortion terrorism. On 1 August federal administration finally agreed to begin to manage the violence. However, Federal Bureau of Investigation director, William Webster, tell that he truism no induction of â€Å"terrorism.\r\nOnly on 3 January 1985, in a pro-forma statement, did the President criticize the serial of bombings as â€Å"violent anarchist acts†but he still refused to term them â€Å"terrorism. †Reagan deferred to clean-living Majoritarian Jerry Falwells subsequent campaign to have cardinal million Ameri burn downs wear à ¢â‚¬Å"armbands†on 22 January 1985, â€Å"one or every legal abortion†since 1973. Falwells anti-abortion outburst epitomized Reaganisms orientation: â€Å"We can no longer disembowelively and restfully wait for the Supreme Court to shift their mind or for Congress to pass a law. †Extremism on the right was no vice, moderation no virtue.\r\nOr, as Hitler explained in Mein Kamph, â€Å"The very first essential for victory is a perpetually constant and unconstipated employment of violence. †(See Endnote #4) This mentality continued on through 1989 during the Webster v. Reproductive Health run (109 S. Ct. 3040 (1989)) case. The Reagan Administration had urged the Supreme Court to use this case as the posterior for overturning Roe v. Wade. †(See Endnote #5) It is disturbing that the slow gains achieved by the womens movement are so volatile and endanger when conservative administrations gain a legal age in government.\r\nTo put the problem int o perspective: a womans right to have an abortion in this country did not come until 1973. Less than two decades later, the president of the get together States is pushing to take that right away. It seems spirant that society is bent on displace women in their places. From the above examples, it appears American culture prefers women as non-professional, non-intellectual, homemakers and mothers. This mentality is not slow resolved, be grammatical case it is introduced at a young age. Alice endure experienced inequality on the basis of her race and her sex.\r\nIn her autobiography, A inspiration Deferred, she recalls the reaction of her father when she brought up the idea of college to him: I found a recognition for veterans children and asked my father to sign and furnish test copy that he was a veteran. He refused and told me that I was only leaving to get marry and have babies. I needed to gravel home and help my mother with her kids. My pal needed college to support a family. not only was I not going to get any help, I was also tagged as selfish because I wanted to This is another example of women being labeled as selfish for wanting(p) the equivalent opportunities as men.\r\nAlice bear is a very courageous woman; manifestly able to overcome any heaviness she may encounter. During her presentation to our class, she said that â€Å"women who break through in male dominated palm are never mediocre †they are unmatched achievers. †Her insight encapsulates uch of the subtle sexism that exists today. I feel that no one can truly be equal in a society when only the â€Å"extraordinary achievers†are allowed to succeed out of their expected social role.\r\nThis attitude of rising blatant and subtle attacks on womens civil rights is set ahead exemplified in recent reactions to affirmative action plans. These plans have been devised to try to give women and minorities an chance to participate in traditionally white male domi nated areas. However, we see the same trends in legal action for the use of affirmative action plans as we saw in the 980s backlash against the Roe v. Wade decision. A few interesting items were presented in the case, Johnson v. fare Agency, Santa Clara (480 U. S. 616 (1987)). Mr.\r\nPaul E. Johnson filed suit against the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency when he was denied a promotion, thought the companys affirmative action plan denied him of his civil rights. Some interesting facts were presented in this case: Specifically, 9 of the 10 Para-Professionals and 110 of the cxlv Office and Clerical Workers were women. By contrast, women were only 2 of the 28 Officials and Administrators, 5 of the 58 Professionals, 12 of the 124 Technicians, none of the Skilled Crafts Workers, and 1 †who was Joyce †of the 110 Road Maintenance Workers.\r\nThe above statistics show women have been considerably underrepresented at the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency. These nu mbers are not uncommon and are found throughout business. It is interesting to note the current fashionable perception is that affirmative action precludes white males from finding employment with companies that implement these plans. The legality is in the numbers, however. The fact that Mr. Johnson felt he was denied his civil rights because an equally qualified woman was given a promotion, instead of him, is average a small window into the subtle sexism that exists today.\r\nMost critics of affirmative action do not consider the grossly odds-on numbers of men in attention and professional positions. Secondly, it never seems an issue of pass on that a woman may have had no other previous life opportunities in these male dominated areas. I do not intend to argue that affirmative action is good or bad, but only wish to point out that the current backlash against these programs is heavy rooted in sexism and racism. Often blatant violence or unfair acts against a group of peopl e will cause that group to pull together and enthrone themselves against their oppressors.\r\nThe womens movement has made large locomote to eliminate many of these blatantly sexist acts in the last century. Now the real difficulty is upon us: subtle acts of sexism and the corrupting social roles of women in todays conservative culture. Alice Brooks so eloquently described her experiences with inequality, stating, â€Å"the worsened pain came from those little things people said or did to me. †As these â€Å"little things†accumulate in the experience of a oung woman, she progressively finds herself powerless in her relationships, employment, economics, and society in general.\r\nThe female child has as many goals as the male child, but statistically she is unable to realize these goals because of the obstacles that society sets in front of her. Society and media attempt to puddle an illusion that women have every right that men enjoy. However, women will never be equal until the day female scientists, intellectuals, professionals, force leaders, and politicians are just as sure and encouraged to participate in all of societys arenas as males.\r\n'
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